Assumption Greek Orthodox Church
Publish Date: 2021-02-14
Bulletin Contents
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Assumption Greek Orthodox Church

General Information

  • Phone:
  • (773) 626-3114
  • Fax:
  • (773) 626-3141
  • Street Address:

  • 601 South Central Avenue

  • Chicago, IL 60644-5089

Contact Information

Services Schedule

Sunday Services
8:30 am - Orthros
10:00 am - Divine Liturgy

Sunday School after Communion


Weekday Services in Chapel of St. Catherine
9:00 am - Orthros
10:00 am - Divine Liturgy


The Mission of the Assumption Greek Orthodox Church

Is to lead the faithful into the Kingdom of God by:

Proclaiming and teaching the Gospel in accordance with the Orthodox Faith;

Sanctifying the faithful through God’s grace in worship, the Divine Liturgy and the sacraments;

Enhancing the spiritual life of the faithful;

Adding to the numbers of the faithful by receiving persons into the church through instruction, baptism and/or chrismation.

Past Bulletins

Saints and Feasts

February 14

Sunday of the Canaanite

February 14

Holy Father Auxentius of the Mountain

This Saint, who was from the East, lived during the reign of Saint Theodosius the Younger. In 442 he enlisted in the Fourth Military Company of the Scholarii, that is, the Imperial Guard. Afterwards, he became a monk on a certain mountain in Bithynia (which later took his name), not far from Chalcedon. On becoming the archimandrite of the monastics gathered there, and proving himself to be most enduring in asceticism and most Orthodox in his faith, he reposed during the reign of the Emperor Leo the Great of Thrace, who reigned from 457 to 474.

February 14

Cyril, Equal-to-the-Apostles & Teacher of the Slavs

Saint Cyril was born in Thessaloniki in the early 9th century to pious parents. His family was one of only a few Byzantines in Thessaloniki at that time since it was largely populated by Slavs. Growing up in this situation, Cyril learned the Slavonic language, which later in life would serve him and the Church at large. He continued his education in Constantinople with his brother Methodios (see May 11th), each taking to their particular interests: Methodios in politics, and Cyril in philosophy and teaching.

The two brothers were approached in 850 by Saint Photios the Great (see February 6th) to lead a diplomatic mission to the Khazars, the people who inhabited the western shore of the Caspian Sea. Cyril and Methodios accepted this mission and departed to the North. After the success of this trip, the brothers lived for a time in a monastery on Mount Olympus where Methodios became a monk. At this time the brothers utilized their childhood Slavonic education to develop a written alphabet for the Slavonic language, which to this time had never existed. This alphabet became known as the Glagolithic Alphabet. On their own instigation, the brothers began translating the Gospels and liturgical service books into Slavonic.

Providentially, Cyril and Methodios were again called upon for a mission, this time to travel to Moravia to spread the Christian faith to King Rostislav (see May 11th) and his people. The brothers departed in 862, bringing with them their Slavonic alphabet and service books. After five years of service, the brothers made their way to Rome in 867 to have members of their company ordained to the priesthood to aid in the missionary journey. The group of missionaries celebrated the Divine Liturgy in Rome in the Slavonic language for the very first time with members of their party being ordained as they intended. While in Rome, Cyril fell deathly ill. He was tonsured a monk and died. His brother Methodios continued their missionary work, utilizing the Glagolthic Alphabet. Cyril and his brother Methodios are commemorated together on May 11th.


Gospel and Epistle Readings

Epistle Reading

Sunday of the Canaanite
The Reading is from St. Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians 6:16-18; 7:1

Brethren, you are the temple of the living God; as God said, "I will live in them and move among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Therefore come out from them, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch nothing unclean; then I will welcome you, and I will be a father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."

Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, and make holiness perfect in the fear of God.

Gospel Reading

Sunday of the Canaanite
The Reading is from Matthew 15:21-28

At that time, Jesus went to the district of Tyre and Sidon. And behold, a Canaanite woman from that region came out and cried, "Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is severely possessed by a demon." But he did not answer her a word. And his disciples came and begged him, saying, "Send her away, for she is crying after us." He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." But she came and knelt before him, saying, "Lord, help me." And he answered, "It is not fair to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs." She said, "Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table." Then Jesus answered her, "O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire." And her daughter was healed instantly.


Wisdom of the Fathers

She had a great perfection of faith. She had no uncertainty about His divine majesty. She had no small measure of the virtue of patience. Yet the pitying Physician of the pitiful disdained her petitions. He kept her waiting for answer in order to demonstrate to us the perseverence of this woman that we can always imitate. She had the characteristics of constancy and humility. She willingly embraced the indignity she received, and even confirmed the Lord`s statement. This woman rightly signifies the faith and devotion of the Church gathered from the nations
Saint Bede
Hom. I. 22, In Lent, Homilies on the Gospels, Bk. One, 216, 217.

He kept her waiting for an answer in order to declare that the minds of His disciples should also be merciful. As human beings they were ashamed of the clamor of the woman as she pursued them publicly, but He Himself knew the character of His mercy.
St. Bede
Hom. I. 22, In Lent, Homilies on the Gospels, Bk. One, 216


Parish News and Events

Sunday - February 14 2021  

 8:30 a.m. Orthros followed by Divine Liturgy



 40-Day: Constantine Thalassinos

5 Years: Stamatia (Toula) Kokolis

9 Years: Evangelos Glotsos

May Their Memory Be Eternal.


  * * * * * GIFT OF LIGHT * * * * *

 This Week's Gift of Light (Febuary 14, 2021)

For the Health & Well-Being of the

  Peter J. Vlahos Family

* * *  * * *  * * *


Reservations  for Church services are available.   Please go to to register.

Live Streaming begins at 9:00 a.m. on Sundays and 9:30 a.m. on Weekdays and Saturday.

Church Order Please come into the church prior to the start of the sermon, but remain in the back if the sermon has started. Please follow the direction of our Parish Council for the new procedure for receiving Holy Communion.


From  Father Apostolos ....

  • In the Church all work together, all con-celebrate...The Liturgy is not just a ser­mon. It is not something to be listened to or watched. We should not go to church in the same way we go to the theater, but we should go in order to pray with the whole body of the Church and to be transfigured.
  • When we hear the priest say “let us bow our heads unto the Lord,” we should bow reverently  thus giving more meaning to the words and getting into more active participation in the Liturgy.



LET’S STAY CONNECTED - Help us to update our mailing lists. If you have moved, changed telephone numbers, or are not receiving our Church mailings, please call the Church Office. Also, our Church’s Listserv provides information and events related to the church, the weekly bulletins etc. Simply subscribe your email address through our Church’s website under General Church Information link. Thank You!! 

HOW TO RECEIVE HOLY COMMUNION—Orthodox Christians in good standing are encouraged to receive Holy Communion frequently, provided they have prepared themselves spiritually, mentally and physically. They must be on time for the Divine Liturgy, and be in a Christ-like, calm state of mind. They should be in a confession relationship with their priest or spiritual father, and they should have self -examined their conscience. On the day of receiving Holy Communion, it is not proper to eat or drink anything before coming to church. When you approach to receive Holy Communion, state your Christian (baptismal) name clearly, remove your mask and open wide. Do not hold or touch the red communion cloth and do not blot your lips. Please wait about 10 – 15 seconds before placing your mask on your face as to allow your lips to dry. 

WORSHIPPING FROM HOME AT THIS TIME? Come to church when you feel comfortable doing so.  We will be here for you. Thank you for your prayers during this trial and trying time.  We will continue to pray for those suffering and those who help the suffering




 Please give the “Gift of Light” to Assumption Panagia’s Church. We need a family or an individual, to sponsor, per week, the lighting of our vigil lamps and candles in both of our holy Altars of Panagia and Saint Catherine. This includes the daily lighting of both of our holy Altars throughout the week. Suggested donation for this ministry is $100.00. Reservations, with your donation to Assumption Church, can be made through the church office. Simply, ask for the week you desire and remember to offer the names of your loved ones, both the living and those who have fallen asleep, so that they may be commemorated at the Prothesis Table of Oblation) during the Sunday Orthros of that week.

An acknowledgement in the weekly bulletin will be printed. Please specify if you would like your donation posted either in memory of… or for the health and wellbeing of…. Our Church is blessed to have two consecrated Altars. During the Consecration service, and forever after, the Lord entrusts to the angelic powers to keep the holy Altar pure and holy. As Saint Symeon of Thessaloniki reminds us, the Holy Altar is the border between heaven and earth, it is the throne of glory and the dwelling place of God and the workshop of the gifts of the Holy SpiritWe all need prayers, and your “Gift of Light” will help.  -Father Apostolos


A Few More Announcements.... 


Welcome Guests and Visitors

We are delighted to have you join us at our service today as we continue in our worship of the Savior.

 Sunday School 

Our church school classes for the youth of the parish are going strong in this time of public health crisis. Making a connection with other kids, teachers, and clergy seems especially important for our children during this long time of “stay-at-home” orders. Church school is held Sunday afternoons at 4:30 p.m. Zooming with Jesus is this year's theme! To learn more about Sunday Church School at Assumption, please visit our new family web site: Thank you for helping your kids get connected with each other and the Church of Christ! 


2021 Stewardship Cards and letter have been mailed. If you have not received a Stewardship Packet, please contact the church office at or 773-626-3114. It may be that we do not have you in our records as a Steward, or do not have your current address on file. If you are moving, or have moved recently, please contact the church office with your new address.

Stewardship Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, accept our offerings as You have accepted the gifts of Your people throughout the ages. We offer these gifts to Your glory, for the support of the ministries of Your holy Church, for the alleviation of suffering and hunger, and for the proclamation of Your Gospel to the whole world. Grant us Your blessing, Lord our Savior, that we may always be faithful stewards, continuing to share the gifts you have given us, by the power of Your grace, mercy, and love. May Your name be glorified forever. Amen.


Please contact our church office in advance if you wish to have a memorial for a loved one. We will do our best to accommodate you, but please be aware that sometimes it is difficult to reserve for large groups due to space limitations. If desired, you may inquire with the office about the alternative option of Father offering the memorial at the gravesite.

Weekly Offering

Please remember to make an offering this week to support the work of our parish in serving the needs of our many faithful! You may do this in person at the end of the Divine Liturgy (there will be an acrylic box on a stand in the narthex of the church), or if you are watching from home you may use the following link: Every little bit helps, and no gift is too small. We appreciate your support!

Church Services

In order to give more worshippers the chance to attend the Divine Liturgy, we ask that for the time being you sign up for a maximum of two Sundays per month. We will be sure to update you with any revisions to this guideline. We encourage you to also take advantage of our weekday services if your schedule permits. You may visit our website for information and for the link to reserve a spot for church. Schedule of upcoming services and sign up to attend a service can be made through our Church’s website: Please be aware that on-line signups will not be available on the day before the service; the list will be closed for administrative purposes.

Other Notes 

* Who May Receive Holy Communion? Because receiving Holy Communion or any other Sacrament is an expression of our acceptance of the dogmatic and moral teachings of the Orthodox Faith, only Orthodox Christians (by baptism or chrismation) in good standing may participate. For this reason, persons who do not agree with these teachings, or who are not in good standing (for example, married outside the church, or civilly divorced but not ecclesiastically divorced, etc.), must return to good standing in order to participate in Orthodox Sacraments such as Holy Communion and Unction; this also applies to those who have been asked to be a Godparent for a Baptism or a Sponsor for a Wedding. If you or another person(s) have fallen into any of these (or other) predicaments, please contact Father Apostolos and he will direct you with information needed to attain complete restoration in the Church. 

The Gift of Light - The oil lamps on both Altar Tables are lit daily through the weekly donations ($100) made by our Stewards and friends. This includes the oil lamps lit during church services and candles in the Altar. Sign up can be made through our platform. Through our Church’s Website simply click on the big green GIVE button, request your week and make your donation.

Donations and Stewardship may be sent via US mail or electronically through our platform. Through our Church’s Website simply click on the big green GIVE button and scroll down to where you wish to give. You also have the option to set up recurring payments for your Stewardship through this page.

* People Helping People  -   A number of parishioners have made known their desire to help people who need assistance. The church office is keeping a list of volunteers. Call the office if you would like your name added to the list of volunteers. There can’t be too many.

    If you know of anyone who needs any sort of help call the church office 773-626-3114 to make the connection. Remember, many people are ashamed/afraid to ask for help. Keep your eyes and ears open and ask about needs with kind concern.

May God be with you and your families!



COMMUNITY PRAYER LIST (put this in your prayer corner at home)

O Lord our God, Who by word alone did heal all diseases, Who cured the mother in law of Peter, You Who chastise with pity and heal according to Your goodness; grant aid to these Your servants (Names) and heal them of every sickness of which they are grieved; lift them up from their pain, and send down upon them Your great mercy. For to you we send up Glory: to Father, and to Son, and to Holy Spirit, both now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

PRAYERS FOR: Evangelos, Jenna, William, Momcilo, Jill, Panagiotis, Vasiliki, Elizabeth, Panagiota, Betty, Dimitri, Alexander, Vasiliki, Eleni, Panagiotis, George, Thomas, Nicholas, Sophia, Susan, Mary Lou, Mehmet.  (Contact Assumption Business Office to add names at  or call office at 773.626.3114



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