
Bulletin Settings - Publishing

On this page, you can select publishing preferences for your bulletin. Check each box next to the publishing format you wish to use for your bulletin. To access your Bulletin's Publishing Settings:

  1. Roll your mouse over "Settings" in the Top Navigation bar.
  2. Click Bulletin Settings
  3. Click Publishing

Publishing Formats: Print/PDF

This option generates a PDF document suitable for printing.

  • Enter an email address that the PDF document will be sent to. The PDF that is generated will be sent to this email address. When the user receives the email, the bulletin is included as an attachment, which can then be opened and printed.
  • You can also select the page size for your bulletin.

Publishing Formats: Web

This option generates your bulletin as a web page.

  • Choose a theme to be used for your bulletin websites.

Note: You will need to create the link on your organization's web site to the bulletin's web page.

Publishing Formats: Listserv

This options sends an HTML Email version of the bulletin to your organization's mailing list for automatic distribution.

  • Enter a your organization's listerv email address.
  • Enter the email address for the person who is authorized to post messages.
  • Choose a theme for your listserv emails.

NOTE: For this option, you will need a listserv already established.

Publishing Formats: Email

This option sends an HTML Email version of the bulletin to a specific email address.

  • Enter an email that will receive the bulletin
  • Choose a theme for your email.

Publishing Formats: RTF/Word Doc

This option sends an RTF (Rich Text Format) version of the document to the specified email address. (RTF is a format that can be used by most word processors.)

  • Enter an email address that the RTF/Word document will be sent to.

Auto Publishing

Check the "Use auto publish?" box if you would like Bulletin Builder to auto publish your bulletins for you every week.

Note: If auto publish is selected, then all formats selected above will be auto-distributed, as well. For example, emails will be sent and website will be published to URL.

Click "Save" to save your changes.

Return to Your Bulletin

Return to the bulletin you were working on or the most recently created bulletin.

Publishing Preview

View the publishing page for the bulletin you were working on or the most recently created bulletin.
