Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
Publish Date: 2022-12-25
Bulletin Contents

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Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

General Information

  • Phone:
  • (540) 362-3601
  • Fax:
  • (540) 362-3638
  • Street Address:

  • 30 Huntington Blvd. N.E.

  • Roanoke, VA 24012

Contact Information

Services Schedule

Sunday Services: Orthros 9:00am / Divine Liturgy 10:00am

Past Bulletins

News & Information

Upcoming Special Feast Days

 Saturday - December 24 - Christmas Eve
Orthros - 6:00pm
Divine Liturgy (St. John Chrysostom) - 7:00pm
Coffee & Christmas Carols in the Hall - 8:00 pm

Sunday - December 25 - Christmas Day
Divine Liturgy (St. Basil) - 7:00am

Fast Free Period Thru January 4

Merry Christmas to Everyone!

Feast of St Basil/Circumcision of the Lord
Sunday - January 1
Cutting of Vasilopita

Feast of Theophany
The Blessing of Water will take place on Sunday, January 8
Following Divine Liturgy
Special Fast Day January 5
Fast Free January 6
No Services on January 5 or 6


Service Time Changes
Orthros:  Sunday Orthros will begin at 8:45am starting January 1.  Divine Liturgy to start at 10am. 

Hellenic Club
The January Hellenic Club outing will be held on Saturday, January 14 at 6:30 p.m. at Billy’s, 102 Market Street, SE, Roanoke. Please RSVP your attendance by Sunday, January 8.  Frances Simopoulos:  434.851.6830 or

Patriarchal Encyclical for Christmas 2022

Christmas Message from the Archbishop

Monthly Parish Online Calendar

Previous Announcements


Contact for Announcements:  Church Office

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Welcome to All Visitors!
Please join us for fellowship in the Church Hall immediately following the Divine Liturgy. For those visiting an Orthodox Church for the first time, please be aware that Holy Communion is a sign of unity of faith, which is only offered to Baptized and Chrismated Orthodox Christians. All present are welcomed to come forward and receive the antidoron (or blessed bread) which is distributed at the end of the service. For those interested in learning more about the Orthodox Christian faith, please feel free to speak with the priest after the service.

Prayers and Offerings
Click this link to download the Prayer Card PDF in PDF format which can be printed and filled in by hand use with the use of 'Fill and Sign'. Use this when offering prosphora, for memorial services, or for prayer requests in general.  

Office Hours:Please contact Fr. Nick directly for all pastoral & sensitive matters via text/phone 540-642-0192 or via email:


Church Website 
Current Monthly Newsletter 
Previous Month’s Newsletter



Gospel and Epistle Readings

Epistle Reading

Prokeimenon. Plagal First Mode. Psalm 65.4,1.
Let all the earth worship you, and sing praises to you.
Verse: Shout with joy to God, all the earth.

The reading is from St. Paul's Letter to the Galatians 4:4-7.

BRETHREN, when the time had fully come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!" So you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son then also an heir of God through Christ.

البروكيمنون. Plagal First Mode. مزمور 65: 4، 1.
جميعُ الأرضِ تسجدُ لكَ. تُرتِّلُ لكَ، تُرتِّلُ لاَسمِكَ
Verse: إهتِفوا للهِ يا جميعَ الأرضِ

فصل من رسالة بولس الاولى الى غلاطية 4: 4-7.

يَُّا إِخْوَة، لَمَّا جَاءَ مِلْءُ الزَّمَانِ، أَرْسَلَ اللهُ ابْنَهُ مَوْلُوداً مِنِ امْرَأَةٍ، مَوْلُوداً تَحْتَ النَّامُوسِ، لِيَفْتَدِيَ الَّذِينَ تَحْتَ النَّامُوسِ، لِنَنَالَ التَّبَنِّيَ. ثُمَّ بِمَا أَنَّكُمْ أَبْنَاءٌ، أَرْسَلَ اللهُ رُوحَ ابْنِهِ إِلَى قُلُوبِكُمْ صَارِخاً: ((يَا أَبَا الآبُ)). إِذاً لَسْتَ بَعْدُ عَبْداً بَلِ ابْناً، وَإِنْ كُنْتَ ابْناً فَوَارِثٌ لِلَّهِ بِالْمَسِيحِ.

Προκείμενον. Plagal First Mode. ΨΑΛΜΟΙ 65.4,1.
Πᾶσα ἡ γῆ προσκυνησάτωσάν σοι καὶ ψαλάτωσάν σοι.
Στίχ. Ἀλαλάξατε τῷ Κυρίῳ πᾶσα ἡ γῆ.

τὸ Ἀνάγνωσμα Πρὸς Γαλάτας 4:4-7.

Ἀδελφοί, ὅτε δὲ ἦλθεν τὸ πλήρωμα τοῦ χρόνου, ἐξαπέστειλεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν υἱὸν αὐτοῦ, γενόμενον ἐκ γυναικός, γενόμενον ὑπὸ νόμον, ἵνα τοὺς ὑπὸ νόμον ἐξαγοράσῃ, ἵνα τὴν υἱοθεσίαν ἀπολάβωμεν. Ὅτι δέ ἐστε υἱοί, ἐξαπέστειλεν ὁ θεὸς τὸ πνεῦμα τοῦ υἱοῦ αὐτοῦ εἰς τὰς καρδίας ὑμῶν, κρᾶζον, Ἀββᾶ, ὁ πατήρ. Ὥστε οὐκέτι εἶ δοῦλος, ἀλλʼ υἱός· εἰ δὲ υἱός, καὶ κληρονόμος θεοῦ διὰ Χριστοῦ.

Gospel Reading

The Nativity of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
The Reading is from Matthew 2:1-12

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying, "Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the East, and have come to worship him." When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him; and assembling all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born. They told him, "In Bethlehem of Judea; for so it is written by the prophet: 'And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who will govern my people Israel.'"

Then Herod summoned the wise men secretly and ascertained from them what time the star appeared; and he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, "Go and search diligently for the child, and when you have found him bring me word, that I too may come and worship him." When they had heard the king they went their way; and lo the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came to rest over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy; and going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way.

The Nativity of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
متى 2: 1-12

1 وَلَمَّا وُلِدَ يَسُوعُ فِي بَيْتِ لَحْمِ الْيَهُودِيَّةِ ، فِي أَيَّامِ هِيرُودُسَ الْمَلِكِ ،إِذَا مَجُوسٌ مِنَ الْمَشْرِقِ قَدْ جَاءُوا إِلَى أُورُشَلِيمَ 2قَائِلِينَ: ((أَيْنَ هُوَ الْمَوْلُودُ مَلِكُ الْيَهُودِ؟ فَإِنَّنَا رَأَيْنَا نَجْمَهُ فِي الْمَشْرِقِ وَأَتَيْنَا لِنَسْجُدَ لَهُ)). 3فَلَمَّا سَمِعَ هِيرُودُسُ الْمَلِكُ اضْطَرَبَ وَجَمِيعُ أُورُشَلِيمَ مَعَهُ. 4فَجَمَعَ كُلَّ رُؤَسَاءِ الْكَهَنَةِ وَكَتَبَةِ الشَّعْبِ ، وَسَأَلَهُمْ: ((أَيْنَ يُولَدُ الْمَسِيحُ؟)) 5فَقَالُوا لَهُ: ((فِي بَيْتِ لَحْمِ الْيَهُودِيَّةِ . لأَنَّهُ هَكَذَا مَكْتُوبٌ بِالنَّبِيِّ: 6وَأَنْتِ يَا بَيْتَ لَحْمٍ ،أَرْضَ يَهُوذَا لَسْتِ الصُّغْرَى بَيْنَ رُؤَسَاءِ يَهُوذَا ، لأَنْ مِنْكِ يَخْرُجُ مُدَبِّرٌ يَرْعَى شَعْبِي إِسْرَائِيلَ)). 7حِينَئِذٍ دَعَا هِيرُودُسُ الْمَجُوسَ سِرّاً ، وَتَحَقَّقَ مِنْهُمْ زَمَانَ النَّجْمِ الَّذِي ظَهَرَ. 8ثُمَّ أَرْسَلَهُمْ إِلَى بَيْتِ لَحْمٍ ، وَقَالَ: ((اذْهَبُوا وَافْحَصُوا بِالتَّدْقِيقِ عَنِ الصَّبِيِّ . وَمَتَى وَجَدْتُمُوهُ فَأَخْبِرُونِي ،لِكَيْ آتِيَ أَنَا أَيْضاً وَأَسْجُدَ لَهُ)). 9فَلَمَّا سَمِعُوا مِنَ الْمَلِكِ ذَهَبُوا. وَإِذَا النَّجْمُ الَّذِي رَأَوْهُ فِي الْمَشْرِقِ يَتَقَدَّمُهُمْ حَتَّى جَاءَ وَوَقَفَ فَوْقُ ، حَيْثُ كَانَ الصَّبِيُّ. 10فَلَمَّا رَأَوُا النَّجْمَ فَرِحُوا فَرَحاً عَظِيماً جِدّاً . 11وَأَتَوْا إِلَى الْبَيْتِ ، وَرَأَوْا الصَّبِيَّ مَعَ مَرْيَمَ أُمِّهِ . فَخَرُّوا وَسَجَدُوا لَهُ . ثُمَّ فَتَحُوا كُنُوزَهُمْ وَقَدَّمُوا لَهُ هَدَايَا: ذَهَباً وَلُبَاناً وَمُرّاً. 12ثُمَّ إِذْ أُوحِيَ إِلَيْهِمْ فِي حُلْمٍ أَنْ لاَ يَرْجِعُوا إِلَى هِيرُودُسَ ، انْصَرَفُوا فِي طَرِيقٍ أُخْرَى إِلَى كُورَتِهِمْ. 



The Nativity of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
Κατὰ Ματθαῖον 2:1-12

Τοῦ δὲ ᾿Ιησοῦ γεννηθέντος ἐν Βηθλεὲμ τῆς ᾿Ιουδαίας ἐν ἡμέραις ῾Ηρῴδου τοῦ βασιλέως, ἰδοὺ μάγοι ἀπὸ ἀνατολῶν παρεγένοντο εἰς ῾Ιεροσόλυμα λέγοντες· ποῦ ἐστιν ὁ τεχθεὶς βασιλεὺς τῶν ᾿Ιουδαίων; εἴδομεν γὰρ αὐτοῦ τὸν ἀστέρα ἐν τῇ ἀνατολῇ καὶ ἤλθομεν προσκυνῆσαι αὐτῷ. ᾿Ακούσας δὲ ῾Ηρῴδης ὁ βασιλεὺς ἐταράχθη καὶ πᾶσα ῾Ιεροσόλυμα μετ᾿ αὐτοῦ, καὶ συναγαγὼν πάντας τοὺς ἀρχιερεῖς καὶ γραμματεῖς τοῦ λαοῦ ἐπυνθάνετο παρ᾿ αὐτῶν ποῦ ὁ Χριστὸς γεννᾶται. οἱ δὲ εἶπον αὐτῷ· ἐν Βηθλεὲμ τῆς ᾿Ιουδαίας· οὕτω γὰρ γέγραπται διὰ τοῦ προφήτου· καὶ σὺ Βηθλεέμ, γῆ ᾿Ιούδα, οὐδαμῶς ἐλαχίστη εἶ ἐν τοῖς ἡγεμόσιν ᾿Ιούδα· ἐκ σοῦ γὰρ ἐξελεύσεται ἡγούμενος, ὅστις ποιμανεῖ τὸν λαόν μου τὸν ᾿Ισραήλ. Τότε ῾Ηρῴδης λάθρα καλέσας τοὺς μάγους ἠκρίβωσε παρ᾿ αὐτῶν τὸν χρόνον τοῦ φαινομένου ἀστέρος, καὶ πέμψας αὐτοὺς εἰς Βηθλεὲμ εἶπε· πορευθέντες ἀκριβῶς ἐξετάσατε περὶ τοῦ παιδίου, ἐπὰν δὲ εὕρητε, ἀπαγγείλατέ μοι, ὅπως κἀγὼ ἐλθὼν προσκυνήσω αὐτῷ. οἱ δὲ ἀκούσαντες τοῦ βασιλέως ἐπορεύθησαν· καὶ ἰδοὺ ὁ ἀστὴρ ὃν εἶδον ἐν τῇ ἀνατολῇ προῆγεν αὐτούς, ἕως ἐλθὼν ἔστη ἐπάνω οὗ ἦν τὸ παιδίον· ἰδόντες δὲ τὸν ἀστέρα ἐχάρησαν χαρὰν μεγάλην σφόδρα, καὶ ἐλθόντες εἰς τὴν οἰκίαν εἶδον τὸ παιδίον μετὰ Μαρίας τῆς μητρὸς αὐτοῦ, καὶ πεσόντες προσεκύνησαν αὐτῷ, καὶ ἀνοίξαντες τοὺς θησαυροὺς αὐτῶν προσήνεγκαν αὐτῷ δῶρα, χρυσὸν καὶ λίβανον καὶ σμύρναν· καὶ χρηματισθέντες κατ᾿ ὄναρ μὴ ἀνακάμψαι πρὸς ῾Ηρῴδην, δι᾿ ἄλλης ὁδοῦ ἀνεχώρησαν εἰς τὴν χώραν αὐτῶν.


Wisdom of the Fathers

The Lord has given us a sign 'as deep as Sheol and as high as heaven', such as we should not have dared to hope for. How could we have expected to see a Virgin with Child, and to see in this Child a 'God with us' (Isaiah 7: 11 & 14) Who would descend into the depths of the earth to seek for the lost sheep, meaning the creature He had fashioned, and then ascend again to present to His Father humanity thus regained?
Irenaeus of Lyons
Against Heresies, III, 19.3 (SC 211, p. 380), 130-208

His love for me brought low His greatness. He made Himself like me so that I might receive Him. He made Himself like me so that I might be clothed in Him. I had no fear when I saw Him, for He is mercy for me. He took my nature so that I might understand Him, my face, so that I should not turn away from Him.
42 hymns discovered in 1905 in a Syriac Manuscript.
Odes of Solomon 7 (The Odes and Psalms of Solomon R. Harris adn A. Mingana II, pp. 240-1). Written in Greek for the Christian communities of Syria., Early 2nd Century


Hymns of the Day

Apolytikion for Holy Nativity in the Fourth Mode

Thy Nativity, O Christ our God, hath shined the light of knowledge upon the world; for thereby they that worshipped the stars were instructed by a star to worship Thee, the Sun of Righteousness, and to know Thee, the Dayspring from on high. O Lord, glory be to Thee.
Ἡ γέννησίς σου Χριστὲ ὁ Θεὸς ἡμῶν, ἀνέτειλε τῶ κόσμω, τὸ φῶς τὸ τῆς γνώσεως, ἐν αὐτῇ γὰρ οἱ τοὶς ἄστροις λατρεύοντες, ὑπὸ ἀστέρος ἐδιδάσκοντο, σὲ προσκυνεῖν, τὸν Ἥλιον τῆς δικαιοσύνης, καὶ σὲ γινώσκειν ἐξ ὕψους ἀνατολήν, Κύριε δόξα σοί.

ميلادك أيها المسيح إلهنا قد أطلع نور المعرفة في العالم لأن الساجدين للكواكب به تعلموا من الكوكب السجود لك يا شمس العدل وأن يعرفوا أنك من مشارق العلو أتيت يا رب المجد لك.

Seasonal Kontakion in the Third Mode

On this day the Virgin beareth the Transcendent in essence; * to the Unapproachable, * the earth doth offer a small cave; * Angels join in choir with shepherds * in giving glory; * with a star the Magi travel upon their journey; * for our sakes is born a young Child, * He that existed * before the ages as God.
Ἡ Παρθένος σήμερον, τὸν ὑπερούσιον τίκτει, καὶ ἡ γῆ τὸ Σπήλαιον, τῶ ἀπροσίτω προσάγει. Ἄγγελοι μετὰ Ποιμένων δοξολογοῦσι. Μάγοι δὲ μετὰ ἀστέρος ὁδοιποροῦσι. δι' ἡμᾶς γὰρ ἐγεννήθη, Παιδίον νέον, ὁ πρὸ αἰώνων Θεός.