Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
Publish Date: 2019-06-16
Bulletin Contents
Organization Icon
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

General Information

  • Phone:
  • (412)366-8700
  • Fax:
  • (412)366-8710
  • Street Address:

  • 985 Providence Blvd.

  • Pittsburgh, PA 15237-5951

Contact Information

Services Schedule

Worship Schedule

8:15 a.m. Orthros

9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy

Worship Locations:

Sunday worship location: Holy Trinity Church, 985 Providence Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA 15237

Weekday/Feast Day worship location: St. George Chapel, 8941 Ringeisen Rd., Allison Park, PA

Past Bulletins

Hymns of the Day

Apolytikion for Pentecost in the Eighth Tone

English: Blessed are You, O Christ our God, Who has shown forth the fishermen to be most wise by sending down upon them the Holy Spirit. And through them, You drew the world into Your net. O merciful One, glory to You! Greek: Ευλογητός ει Χριστέ, ο Θεός ήμων, ο πανσόφους τους αλιείς αναδείξας, καταπέμψας αυτοίς το Πνεύμα το άγιον, και δι΄αυτών την οικουμένην σαγηνεύσας, φιλάνθρωπε, δόξα σοι. Phoenetics: Ev-lo-yi-tos i Hri-ste o The-os i-mon. O Pan-so-fous tous a-li-is a-na-di-xas ka-ta-pemp-sas af-tis to Pnev-ma to A-yi-on, ke di af-ton tin i-kou-men-in sa-i-nef-sas, fi-lan-thro-pe, do-xa si. (Page 75)

Seasonal Kontakion in the Eighth Tone

When the Most High came down and confused the tongues, He divided the nations; but when He distributed the tongues of fire, He called all people to unity. Wherefore we glorify the Holy Spirit with one accord. (Page 75)

Saints and Feasts

June 16

Holy Pentecost

After the Saviour's Ascension into the Heavens, the eleven Apostles and the rest of His disciples, the God-loving women who followed after Him from the beginning, His Mother, the most holy Virgin Mary, and His brethren-all together about 120 souls returned from the Mount of Olives to Jerusalem. Entering into the house where they gathered, they went into the upper room, and there they persevered in prayer and supplication, awaiting the coming of the Holy Spirit, as their Divine Teacher had promised them. In the meanwhile, they chose Matthias, who was elected to take the place of Judas among the Apostles.

Thus, on this day, the seventh Sunday of Pascha, the tenth day after the Ascension and the fiftieth day after Pascha, at the third hour of the day from the rising of the sun, there suddenly came a sound from Heaven, as when a mighty wind blows, and it filled the whole house where the Apostles and the rest with them were gathered. Immediately after the sound, there appeared tongues of fire that divided and rested upon the head of each one. Filled with the Spirit, all those present began speaking not in their native tongue, but in other tongues and dialects, as the Holy Spirit instructed them.

The multitudes that had come together from various places for the feast, most of whom were Jews by race and religion, were called Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and so forth, according to the places where they dwelt. Though they spoke many different tongues, they were present in Jerusalem by divine dispensation. When they heard that sound that came down from Heaven to the place where the disciples of Christ were gathered, all ran together to learn what had taken place. But they were confounded when they came and heard the Apostles speaking in their own tongues. Marvelling at this, they said one to another, "Behold, are not all these which speak Galileans? And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?" But others, because of their foolishness and excess of evil, mocked the wonder and said that the Apostles were drunken.

Then Peter stood up with the eleven, and raising his voice, spoke to all the people, proving that that which had taken place was not drunkenness, but the fulfilment of God's promise that had been spoken by the Prophet Joel: "And it shall come to pass in the last days, that I shall pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and daughters shall prophesy" (Joel 2:28), and he preached Jesus of Nazareth unto them, proving in many ways that He is Christ the Lord, Whom the Jews crucified but God raised from the dead. On hearing Peter's teaching, many were smitten with compunction and received the word. Thus, they were baptized, and on that day about three thousand souls were added to the Faith of Christ.

Such, therefore, are the reasons for today's feast: the coming of the All-holy Spirit into the world, the completion of the Lord Jesus Christ's promise, and the fulfilment of the hope of the sacred disciples, which we celebrate today. This is the final feast of the great mystery and dispensation of God's incarnation. On this last, and great, and saving day of Pentecost, the Apostles of the Saviour, who were unlearned fishermen, made wise now of a sudden by the Holy Spirit, clearly and with divine authority spoke the heavenly doctrines. They became heralds of the truth and teachers of the whole world. On this day they were ordained and began their apostleship, of which the salvation of those three thousand souls in one day was the comely and marvellous first fruit.

Some erroneously hold that Pentecost is the "birthday of the Church." But this is not true, for the teaching of the holy Fathers is that the Church existed before all other things. In the second vision of The Shepherd of Hermas we read: "Now brethren, a revelation was made unto me in my sleep by a youth of exceeding fair form, who said to me, 'Whom thinkest thou the aged woman, from whom thou receivedst the book, to be?' I say, 'The Sibyl.' 'Thou art wrong,' saith he, 'she is not.' 'Who then is she?' I say. 'The Church,' saith he. I said unto him, 'Wherefore then is she aged?' 'Because,' saith he, 'she was created before all things; therefore is she aged, and for her sake the world was framed."' Saint Gregory the Theologian also speaks of "the Church of Christ ... both before Christ and after Christ" (PG 35:1108-9). Saint Epiphanius of Cyprus writes, "The Catholic Church, which exists from the ages, is revealed most clearly in the incarnate advent of Christ" (PG 42:640). Saint John Damascene observes, "The Holy Catholic Church of God, therefore, is the assembly of the holy Fathers, Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, Evangelists, and Martyrs who have been from the very beginning, to whom were added all the nations who believed with one accord" (PG 96, 1357c). According to Saint Gregory the Theologian, "The Prophets established the Church, the Apostles conjoined it, and the Evangelists set it in order" (PG 35, 589 A). The Church existed from the creation of the Angels, for the Angels came into existence before the creation of the world, and they have always been members of the Church. Saint Clement, Bishop of Rome, says in his second epistle to the Corinthians, the Church "was created before the sun and moon"; and a little further on, "The Church existeth not now for the first time, but hath been from the beginning" (II Cor. 14).

That which came to pass at Pentecost, then, was the ordination of the Apostles, the commencement of the apostolic preaching to the nations, and the inauguration of the priesthood of the new Israel. Saint Cyril of Alexandria says that "Our Lord Jesus Christ herein ordained the instructors and teachers of the world and the stewards of His divine Mysteries ... showing together with the dignity of Apostleship, the incomparable glory of the authority given them ... Revealing them to be splendid with the great dignity of the Apostleship and showing them forth as both stewards and priests of the divine altars . . . they became fit to initiate others through the enlightening guidance of the Holy Spirit" (PG 74, 708-712). Saint Gregory Palamas says, "Now, therefore ... the Holy Spirit descended ... showing the Disciples to be supernal luminaries ... and the distributed grace of the Divine Spirit came through the ordination of the Apostles upon their successors" (Homily 24, 10). And Saint Sophronius, Bishop of Jerusalem, writes, "After the visitation of the Comforter, the Apostles became high priests" (PG 87, 3981B). Therefore, together with the baptism of the Holy Spirit which came upon them who were present in the upper chamber, which the Lord had foretold as recorded in the Acts, "ye shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days hence" (Acts 1:5), the Apostles were also appointed and raised to the high priestly rank, according to Saint John Chrysostom (PG 60, 21). On this day commenced the celebration of the Holy Eucharist by which we become "partakers of the Divine Nature" (II Peter 1:4). For before Pentecost, it is said of the Apostles and disciples only that they abode in "prayer and supplication" (Acts 1:14); it is only after the coming of the Holy Spirit that they persevered in the "breaking of bread,"that is, the communion of the Holy Mysteries-"and in prayer" (Acts 2:42).

The feast of holy Pentecost, therefore, determined the beginning of the priesthood of grace, not the beginning of the Church. Henceforth, the Apostles proclaimed the good tidings "in country and town," preaching and baptizing and appointing shepherds, imparting the priesthood to them whom they judged were worthy to minister, as Saint Clement writes in his first Epistle to the Corinthians (I Cor. 42).

All foods allowed during the week following Pentecost.

June 16

Tychon the Wonderworker

This Saint was born of pious Christian parents and flourished in the fifth century. Because of his piety and purity of life he was ordained deacon by the Bishop of Amathus, and later was made Bishop of Amathus by the great Epiphanius (see May 12). He worked many signs and wonders and turned many from the worship of idols unto Christ. Once he planted a vine in the ground and it wondrously sprouted and brought forth ripe grapes. After his death, on his annual feast-day on June 16, it being yet early in the season, that vine would be laden with unripe grapes, as is natural; but as the Divine Liturgy began, the grapes would begin to darken, and by the end of it, they would be fully ripened. The third of the Vespers stichera in the Menaion service to Saint Tychon alludes to this yearly miracle.

June 16

40 Martyrs of Rome

June 16

Mark the Just of Apollonia


Gospel and Epistle Readings

Epistle Reading

Prokeimenon. Eighth Tone. Psalm 18.4,1.
Their voice has gone out into all the earth.
Verse: The heavens declare the glory of God.

The reading is from Acts of the Apostles 2:1-11.

WHEN THE DAY of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them tongues as of fire, distributed and resting on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men from every nation under heaven. And at this sound the multitude came together, and they were bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. And they were amazed and wondered, saying, "Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us in his own native language? Parthians and Medes and Elamites and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontos and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabians, we hear them telling in our own tongues the mighty works of God."

Gospel Reading

Holy Pentecost
The Reading is from John 7:37-52; 8:12

On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and proclaimed, "If any one thirst, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me, as the scripture has said, 'Out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water.'" Now this he said about the Spirit, which those who believed in him were to receive; for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.

When they heard these words, some of the people said, "This is really the prophet." Others said, "This is the Christ." But some said, "Is the Christ to come from Galilee? Has not the scripture said that the Christ is descended from David, and comes from Bethlehem, the village where David was?" So there was a division among the people over him. Some of them wanted to arrest him, but no one laid hands on him.

The officers then went back to the chief priests and Pharisees, who said to them, "Why did you not bring him?" The officers answered, "No man ever spoke like this man!" The Pharisees answered them, "Are you led astray, you also? Have any of the authorities or of the Pharisees believed in him? But this crowd, who do not know the law, are accursed." Nikodemos, who had gone to him before, and who was one of them, said to them, "Does our law judge a man without first giving him a hearing and learning what he does?" They replied, "Are you from Galilee too? Search and you will see that no prophet is to rise from Galilee." Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."


Bulletin Inserts


Wisdom of the Fathers

For as thirsty men, when they have taken a bowl, eagerly drain it and then desist, so too they who hear the divine oracles if they receive them thirsting, will never be weary until they have drunk them up. For to show that men ought ever to thirst and hunger, "Blessed," It said, "are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness" (Matt.5:6)
St. John Chrysostom
Homily 51 on John 7, 4th Century

For the grace of the Spirit, when it has entered into the mind and has been established, springs up more than any fountain, fails not, becomes not empty, stays not. To signify therefore at once its unfailing supply and unlimited operation, He has called it "a well" and "rivers," not one river but numberless.
St. John Chrysostom
Homily 51 on John 7, 4th Century


Parish News and Events



'Kneeling Vespers' of the Holy Spirit Today 
Immediately following the Divine Liturgy, we will continue our worship today with the celebration of the Great Vespers of the Holy Spirit, also known as the "Kneeling Vespers" because of the special kneeling prayers offered during the service in which we invoke the promised gift of the Holy Spirit given by the Lord prior to His Holy Ascension. Though somewhat lengthy and theological in nature, the prayers offer a tremendously powerful insight into the role and power of the Holy Spirit in our Church and our life. Please remain in place at the conclusion of the Liturgy today for this special blessing. There are service booklets available for all to follow and participate.


Summer Teaching Series Sermons through July 29: The Divine Liturgy

Ever get stumped by a question about the Orthodox Christian Faith you know you should know? So many of those answers are found in the Creed. So, recognizing the need for a “return to basics” in our preaching from time to time to refresh the faithful members of the community on the foundations of the Faith we sometimes take for granted, we will be offering a “Summer Teaching Series” during the Sunday sermons of June and July [excecpt Pentecost Sunday]. This summer the series will focus on one of the central features of the Orthodox Christian Faith: The Divine Liturgy. It’s more than “Come and See” …It’s “Come and Learn”! Pay close attention: there will be a 5-minute question and answer session at the end of each Liturgy, too!


Greek Dance Practice Today

All HOPE and JOY Greek dancers are asked to remain following Liturgy for practice today.




Upcoming Services (HT=Holy Trinity Church; SG=Saint George Chapel)

  • Tomorrow, Monday, June 17, 8:30am Orthros/9:30am Liturgy - Monday of the Holy Spirit (HT)


[Jun 17] Office Closed Tomorrow for Parish Feast Day

The Holy Trinity Church office will be closed on the Monday of the Holy Spirit, June 17, for the observation of our parish Feast Day.


[Jun 17-22] Fast-Free Week Following Pentecost
The holy canons of the Church provide many opportunities for fasting as part of the discipline and self-control of our ascetical life. They also provide a few times each year when we walk in the light and joy of the celebration of a feast without fasting following the Feasts of the Nativity, the Resurrection and – this week – Pentecost! So, rejoice in the feast and enjoy a blessed week of appropriate celebration in the Holy Spirit!


[June 17-22] Holy Trinity Missionaries Head to Houston with IOCC

A team of Holy Trinity missionaries, led by Father John and Presvytera Becky, will be heading to Houston tomorrow to offer help in the on-going clean-up from the devastation of Hurricane Harvey. This project is coordinated by IOCC (International Orthodox Christian Charities) in conjunction with the St. Bernard Project in Houston. Please pray for their safe journeys and good strength in bringing the love and care of the entire Holy Trinity community to those in need.


[June 18-Aug 11] Festival Cooking – IT’S BACK!

IT'S NEVER TOO EARLY to get started on our FESTIVAL COOKING 2019!  Please mark your calendars and plan to come and help on the following days. Bring the kids, bring your husbands, bring your wives, bring your friends!  All are experience necessary. Tons of light and heavy tasks for all. THANK YOU!

  • THIS Tuesday, June 18, 9:00am-9:00pm – Finikia Dipping and Souzoukakia
  • Tuesday, June 25, 9:30am-8:30pm – Diples
  • Wednesday, June 26, 9:30am-8:30pm – Diples
  • Friday, July 12, 9:00am-5:00pm – Souvlaki Cutting and Skewering
  • Saturday, July 13, 9:00am until completed – Souvlaki Cutting and Skewering
  • Friday, August 2, 9:00am-5:00pm - Souvlaki Cutting and Skewering
  • Saturday, August 3, 9:00am until completed – Souvlaki Cutting and Skewering
  • Thursday, August 8, 5:00pm-9:00pm – Moussaka
  • Friday, August 9, 9:00am- 5:00pm - Moussaka
  • Saturday, August 10, 9:00am-5:00pm - Moussaka
  • Sunday, August 11, following Liturgy until completed – Moussaka


Upcoming Greek Dance Practice Schedule - June

Attention parents: Please plan on having your children attend as many of the Greek Dance teaching sessions as possible. The HOPE dance group (kindergarten through second grade) will be taught by Eleni Dedousis (412-953-3699). The GOYA dance group will be taught by Victoria Andromalos-Dale (412-496-9128). The JOY (third through sixth grade) dance group will be taught by both Eleni and Victoria. Please arrive 5 minutes early and wear comfortable athletic attire. No flip flops allowed in class. Please feel free to reach out with any questions.

  • TODAY, Sunday, June 16: HOPE / JOY during Coffee Hour
  • Wednesday, June 19: JOY 6:30-7:15pm / GOYA 7:15-8:00pm
  • Monday, June 24: HOPE 6:45-7:15pm / JOY 7:15-8:00pm
  • Wednesday, June 26: JOY 6:30-7:15pm / GOYA 7:15-8:00pm


[Jul 1] New Bereavement Support Ministry: Monthly Group Sessions - Come & Join Us

Our Bereavement Support Ministry Team provides spiritual care to our parishioners and their extended family & friends in time of grief and loss. If you have questions about grief and want to learn and share conversation, then please attend our next Bereavement Support Group session scheduled for Monday, July 1st in the Fireside Room. Light refreshments and relaxed fellowship begin at 6:30pm for those who choose. Then 7:00-8:30pm is group learning and sharing with our Bereavement facilitators. Feel free to bring a family member and/or friend. Contact Amy Armanious, Visitation Ministry Coordinator with any questions by email at


New Holy Trinity Dance Troupe T-Shirts – Place Your Order!

The HT Dance Troupe has created new T-shirts for this year. The new design reads “Holy Trinity Dance Troupe” on the front and features a Greek flag on the back. These black T-shirts are available in both long sleeve and short sleeve options. Copies of the order form can be found at the church office window. You can also reach out to Eleni ( for any questions or for additional ordering information. The deadline to place your order is July 8,but don’t delay. Place your order today! The shirts will be delivered during a dance practice in late July or early August.


FOCUS-Pittsburgh Bag Lunches - Sign your Family or Group up for a Worthy Cause 

If you’re looking for ways to get your family/friends/group/ministry together for a meaningful day of giving to the poor and hungry in our region, here’s your chance! Sponsored through FOCUS Pittsburgh, the 2019 weekly schedule of delivering 140 lunch bags to our less fortunate neighbors, every Saturday of the year, has many open dates still available. Please see Mike Kritiotis after Liturgy to sign up for a Saturday that fits your schedule or email for available dates. Thank you, good and faithful servants of Christ!


Holy Trinity’s Taste of Greece - Labor Day Weekend – August 28 through September 1

Please mark Wednesday, August 28, through Sunday, September 1 on your calendar for the next “Taste of Greece” festival. The Festival Committee is asking everyone, new members and old hands, young and young at heart, to pledge a donation of their time and talents so that we can continue to grow both the success of the festival and the fellowship with all our Holy Trinity church family members!


Festival Ads Available: Space is Waiting for You!

The Festival Ad Book is back and is looking for your support. Please consider placing a business ad or a personal/family listing. Ads start at $175 for a quarter page and go to $550 for a full page, with premium color pages available at higher prices as well. A patron line is available for only $50. Application Forms were included in the May/June edition of the Herald and can also be found at the church office window. Please be sure to share them with your favorite business establishments and ask them to support our church! For more information, please email


Summer Sermons Reminder - Be Here on Time!

Please remember that during the summer months, when there is no Church School, the sermon is offered at its proper liturgical place following the Gospel (that’s usually about 9:45am!). Much as we are all reminded how important it is to arrive for the start of Divine Liturgy, perhaps there are times of genuine, urgent need that prohibit our personal on-time arrival. If you arrive during the sermon, please remember to enter quietly and wait until the end of the homily to find a seat. Better yet, set your alarm to get you there on time so you don’t miss a single blessing! Thank you.


Note for Summer Travel – Easy Way to Find the Nearest Orthodox Church!

Where we travel, whenever we go, we take our faith with us, for as it says in the Psalms, "God is with us!" Keeping that in mind, please remember to plan ahead and check for the location of the nearest Orthodox Christian Church if you will be staying over a Sunday. There are two great web sites to check: our own Archdiocese ( and Orthodoxy in America (, a multi-jurisdictional listing of all Orthodox parishes. Also, for major trips such as overseas travels, please feel free to stay following antidoron and ask Father John to offer a special blessing to your family for your travels. Remember, "God is with us" always. Let’s not forget to invite Him!


Vacationing or Travelling with No Church Nearby? Watch and Listen Online!

As noted above, we should all try to find a nearby Orthodox Church when we’re travelling or vacationing, but sometimes that’s just not practical or possible. So, for the next best thing, join your church family back here at Holy Trinity by watching or listening online! Find us at Hint: It’s best to watch by clicking the online video broadcast, but it you’re in the car or not on wi-fi and don’t want to exhaust your data plan, try listening to the audio only version instead! There’s an audio-only link on our Live Broadcast page. The audio stream uses minimal data compared to the video stream, so it’s perfect for travelling!


Sunday Coffee Hour Sponsors

Did you know that sponsoring the Sunday Coffee Hour is not just for Memorials? You can sponsor the Coffee Hour in honor of a loved one’s Birthday, Anniversary, Graduation, Baptism, Chrismation or simply out of love for your parish family. Several families can also go in together to sponsor Coffee Hour. Best of all, you will help to support our Ladies Philoptochos who faithfully take care of providing the Coffee Hour on most Sundays. Please contact Marianne Stearns or the church office for more information. Thank you!


In the Hospital? Home-Bound? Please let the Church Office know! 
In today’s age of information privacy, churches are not notified when parishioners are admitted to hospitals, nursing homes or other care facilities. Both those facilities and your church depend on having the church notified by a friend or family member so that pastoral care and outreach can be offered. The same goes for those homebound. If you or any of your loved ones are in any of these situations, please contact the Church Office at 412-366-8700 to request a visit from our priests or our new and wonderful Visitation Ministry. Also, interested in helping reach out to fellow parishioners in those situations? Please contact Amy Armanious at


Visitation Ministry Team Volunteers

The Visitation Ministry is always in need of volunteers to share their talent and time. We need volunteers who may enjoy visiting our homebound family members, designing crafts, baking cookies, transporting individuals to doctor appointments, reading the Bible at the bedside of one who is sick or has poor vision, offering grocery shopping or medication pickup at the local pharmacy, praying for those who are in need, providing a listening ear to those grieving loss, mailing cards to those who need encouragement, and so much more. If you are interested and want to learn more about our Visitation Ministry, please contact Amy Armanious at 412-628-0973 or email


Hospitality Ministry Opportunities

Have you noticed that Hospitality and Outreach are a large part of our Holy Trinity mission? Helping everyone feel welcomed into our Church, whether it is just one visit or returning guests and members....we continue to reach out.

There are currently 3 areas we have identified and are looking for additional folks to help:

  1. Funeral Greeters - This is our newest addition to Hospitality Ministry. We  have found it to be very important and comforting to have a Holy Trinity representative in the Narthex to greet the family and guests during visitations and funerals. The commitment is on an 'as available' basis. You would get a phone call or email describing  the times needed and can volunteer as your schedule allows. Because of  it tends to be a 'last minute' need, we could use several people who are willing to help.
  2. Connect Center Staff- The Connect Center is relatively new, set up outside of the Grand Room during coffee hour,  it provides a place for ALL folks to get information about Holy Trinity and its Ministries. One person per week is needed for at least the first 1/2 hour after Liturgy. This is on a rotating basis, approximately every 4-6 weeks.
  3. Sunday Morning Greeters - This ministry is fairly well staffed. Two greeters Sept-May (one greeter June-August) from 9 am- 10:15 am.  These folks welcome everyone, focusing on new visitors. Greeters rotate approximately once every six weeks. Responsibilities also involve some follow up at coffee hours and beyond.

If you are interested in being a part of any or all of these outreach efforts, please Contact Stacy Dickos at or 412-298-9409


Holy Trinity’s Connect Center
The “Connect Center” is a great resource and contact display prominently located in the Gallery every Sunday and it is for YOU! The purpose is to help EVERYONE in our Holy Trinity community become more informed about the many ministries and opportunities offered here and to make it easier to become involved in all areas of life at Holy Trinity Church. Stop by and check it out or just say hi!


Online Giving Reminder

Holy Trinity Church’s online giving program makes it possible to make contributions of various kinds to Holy Trinity Church online. Our secure system allows you to conveniently make donations online. You can choose to make a one-time contribution or establish a recurring weekly or monthly contribution. Best of all, you don’t need to remember to write a check or bring your offering to church - it’s already taken care of! Payments can be made via checking account, savings account, credit card or debit card. Visit to get started!


Holding a Ministry Activity or Committee Meeting at Church? Reservations Required!

Our community and its ministries are growing! If your ministry or committee is planning a meeting or activity and you are planning to hold it at the church, please note that reservations for rooms and event spaces are required. Please call the Church Office at 412-366-8700 and speak to our Office Administrator, Mary Portellos. There have been times when all the spaces have been filled, so your cooperation helps ensure every group that needs a place has one and helps minimize space conflicts. We have a beautiful facility – let’s work together so everyone who needs it can use it. Thank you!


“God’s House – Our Responsibility”
Attention all Holy Trinity parishioners, parents and youth: We all know the Church is “God’s House.” He expects us, however, to take care of it. That means leaving things the way we found them, cleaning up after ourselves and caring for every part of God’s House even better than we treat our own. Holding an event or meeting? Leave the place the way you found it – or better. Coffee Hour? Please place all your trash in the cans after and be sure not to spill or crush things on the floor. And children? Please help them to understand – kindly – their need to also take care of God’s House. We can all do this together! Thank you!


Welcome, Holy Trinity Guests!

We welcome all our guests to Holy Trinity Church today, whether as visitors from out of town, family members joining others here for worship today or even soon-to-be members here for the first time. No matter what the reason the Holy Spirit brought you here today, we welcome you with open arms and hearts filled with the love of Christ. Please help us welcome you by signing in at the hospitality table in the Narthex, where you will be presented with a yellow lapel Cross to help our Holy Trinity family know you're here. Please fill out an information card so we can contact you with any information you may need concerning life here at Holy Trinity Church. Following Liturgy, we invite you to stop by our Connect Center located in the Gallery and join us for our Fellowship Coffee hour.


About Receiving Holy Communion in the Orthodox Church

As an extension of our hospitality and outreach ministries, we welcome all who have come to worship with us today. Whether you are an Orthodox Christian, an inquirer to the faith or a first-time guest in an Orthodox Church, we are pleased to have you with us and thankful for the opportunity to share and bear witness to this ancient and timeless Faith. In accordance with the holy canons and traditions of the Church, please note that Holy Communion and the other Holy Mysteries (Sacraments) are received only by those who are baptized and chrismated (confirmed) Orthodox Christians who have properly prepared through prayer, fasting and confession. All others are invited receive the antidoron (blessed bread) and a blessing from the priest at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy. The antidoron is not a sacramental offering but is blessing and a reflection of the agape (love) feast that followed worship in the ancient Christian Church. Please join our parish family for hospitality after the holy services and allow us to meet and welcome you. Interested in joining or learning more about the Orthodox Christian Faith? Please see one of our priests or complete a visitor’s card today!

            For those who do receive, please remember the following helpful hints aimed at helping to preserve the solemnity and safety of the Holy Mystery: 1) The Church School Staff only is asked to please proceed first to receive from the left-most chalice so they may depart for their classrooms before their students arrive; 2) All other students, parishioners and Orthodox Christian guests, please remain at your place until you are dismissed by the Parish Council down the center aisle only; 3) We respectfully ask women to remove their lipstick before approaching the Holy Chalice; 4) Please wait in the Holy Communion line reverently, prayerfully and quietly without talking; 5) It is traditional as we approach with awe that we make the sign of the Cross  or bow down with a “metanoia” as an act of humility before the Lord; 5) Be sure to offer your baptismal name to priest before receiving; 6) Please take great care to place the red cloth under your chin and to fully open your mouth so that none of the precious Body and Blood of Christ is accidentally spilled, then to dab your lips on the cloth afterwards so none of the Holy Gifts are left on other objects. Thank you for your cooperation, and may God have mercy on us all!


Upcoming Memorials: June 30: Joann Pappas (1 Year); July 14: S. Sava Macut (1 Year)