All Services in English. Tell friends, "Come and See."
Assumption of the Virgin Mary Orthodox Church
Publish Date: 2022-12-11
Bulletin Contents
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Assumption of the Virgin Mary Orthodox Church

General Information

  • Street Address:

  • 801 Montecito Drive

  • San Angelo, TX 76903

Contact Information

Services Schedule

Alternating Sundays:

9 AM Orthros Prayer Service & 
10 AM Divine Liturgy Communion Service

10 AM Typica Service

The 10 AM Sunday services are followed by Coffee Hour and Fellowship.

Past Bulletins

Calendar & Announcements


The organizers of the Concho Christmas Celebration have asked our parish to be hosts for the Christmas light tour. If you can help, talk to Charis

Date: Friday, December 23 

Time: one-hour shifts, from 6-9 pm

At the start of the light tour, there will be a sign with the name of our church.

We will greet people in their cars at the starting point of the tour, and hand out a little bag holding a survey card, a pencil, and a candy cane.

This will be a good way for people to meet Orthodox Christians and see that we are friendly. We can invite them to visit our parish, too! It will also help spread Christmas cheer.

If you can volunteer, even for a little while, please see Charis Worden or go to the sign-up sheet in the church kitchen. Thank you!



We are still accepting orders for Greek Pastries. Please contact Wilma Dunias, a member of our parish, at or 720-989-7928. 



  • Sunday, December 11, 10am Typica service, followed by Coffee Hour.

  • Sunday, December 18, 9am Orthros, 10am Divine Liturgy, followed by Coffee Hour. 
    Fr. Mark Lichtenstein, celebrant.
  • Friday, December 23, 9am Royal Hours for the Nativity.
    Fr. Mark Lichtenstein, celebrant.

  • Saturday, December 24 (Christmas Eve Morning), 9am Orthros, 10am Divine Liturgy, followed by Coffee Hour. 
    Fr. Mark Lichtenstein, celebrant.

  • Saturday, December 24 (Christmas Eve Night), 6pm Great Vespers for the Nativity. 
    Fr. Mark Lichtenstein, celebrant.

  • Sunday, December 25 (Christmas Day), 9am Orthros, 10am Divine Liturgy, followed by Coffee Hour. 
    Fr. Mark Lichtenstein, celebrant.

  • Sunday, January 1 (New Year's Day, St. Basil's Day, and Commemoration of the Circumcision of Christ) 9am Orthros, 10am Divine Liturgy, followed by Coffee Hour. 
    Fr. Mark Lichtenstein, celebrant.



  • The fasting period before Christmas started on November 15.
    • During this pre-Nativity fasting period, we give up meat for the full extent of the Fast, from November 15 through December 24.

    • If we are able and have no health problems that prevent us, we also fast from these things:
      • Fish is permitted on days that are not Wednesdays and Fridays, up through December 12. In addition, fish is permitted on other Feasts and Days of Commemoration designated on the Church calendar. Note: Shellfish is not considered "fish," so it is always permitted.
      • Oil and Wine are permitted on weekends, up through December 24. They are also permitted on days that are not Wednesdays or Fridays through December 12, and on other Feasts and Days of Commemoration designated. This year, those dates when oil and wine are permitted are November 16, 25, 30 and December 9, 12, 15, 20.
    • It is always wise to talk to your priest before undertaking a fast. He can give you advice about how to make the fast manageable for you. Fasting should always be helpful, never harmful.

    • Fasting is not just about food. Fasting is about drawing closer to God. So, in addition to being more mindful about God as we eat and drink, we Christians also change our leisure time activities: we read more books about God, or listen to podcasts on, or watch documentaries about saints. We also pray more, give alms more, and attend church more.



The Orthodox Church: Our next catechism class will be on Thursday, December 15, at 7:00 pm.

Join us for weekly catechism classes online via Zoom. The reading selection is from The Orthodox Church by Timothy Ware - Chapter 3. 

Previous classes are archived on YouTube at

Zoom link: 

Meeting ID: 929 926 5692

Passcode: Grace22

Questions? Email Fr. Nektarios


Homeschool Mothers' Luncheon

Orthodox Homeschool Mom's Luncheon

Saturday, January 28, 2023 11:00 am - 2:00 pm


  • Tickets will go on sale online, December 1st, 2022. 
  • Early bird pricing will end January 8th. Registration will close January 23rd.


St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church 
(held in the Parish Center/Church Hall)
303 Cullum Drive
Euless, TX 76040 

Ticket Cost:

  • Early Bird Price (ends January 8th):
    • $23 per person includes lunch
    • $12 per person no lunch (you’re welcome to bring your own food)

  • Regular Price (registration closes January 23rd)
    • $28 per person includes lunch
    • $17 per person no lunch (you’re welcome to bring your own food)

More Information:



Currently we are in the pre-Christmas fast, which is described above. When we are in a season of normal fasting, we fast on only Wednesdays and Fridays. 

Question: Why do we fast? 

Answer: Because Christ did. He also said that we need to fast to increase our spiritual strength. “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.” (Mark 9:29)

Question: Why do we fast on Wednesdays and Fridays even when it's not Lent? 

Answer: Because Christ was betrayed on a Wednesday, and crucified on a Friday.



If you know someone who needs meals due to illness, birth, etc., please see Kathy Baughman or Noelle Bartl. Thank you to everyone who volunteers for this ministry. You are being the hands of Christ!



As you know, Joanna Garcia continues to go through a very difficult time with her ongoing illness.  Joe is her faithful caregiver, so he is at home full-time helping her now.  They could really use some extra support from us!  
If you want to give a financial donation to help with medical expenses, etc., please make your check out to our church (Assumption of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church, or AVMGOC for short), and make note that it's for the Garcias.
If you have any questions, please call or text Kathy at 325-277-0274.
The Garcias sure appreciate our prayers and support. Cards or notes of encouragement would brighten their days too.  You can send them to the church, and we will forward them on. The church address is Assumption Orthodox Church, 801 Montecito Dr., San Angelo, TX 76903.
Thank you for helping during this time of great need.



The next meeting will be Sunday, December 18, during Coffee Hour.



We have open slots on the sign up sheet for Coffee Hour, which can be found on the refrigerator in the church kitchen. Can you help host? It's okay to bring something simple, or even just one dish. Encourage others to sign up with you as co-hosts. "Many hands make the burden light." Thank you for your help!


Check out the rest of the bulletin online! See below for news from the world of Orthodoxy, online concerts and lecture series, and more.



Birthdays: Alan Baughman, Chloe Choate, Phil Foley, Gregory Lichtenstein, Presbytera Suzanne Lichtenstein

Anniversaries: Anthony & Noelle Bartl, John & Hilary Choate


  • 12/15 David Garza

  • 12/18 Judy Perkins (Sunday of the Forefathers), Noah Perkins

  • 12/22 Susan Manjai

  • 12/27 Stephen Mouad & Steve Tefas, Jr. (St. Stephen the Apostle, Archdeacon, and First Martyr for Christ) 

Memorials: Johnny Kalaitzes



Please join us for refreshments in the Social Hall.


** As always, see the parish website for any changes and updates. **



Fasting Recipes


When you hear that Lent is coming, do you close your eyes and groan? What if I said there is a secret to not starving when you fast — would that help you fast more cheerfully?

Well, there is. Fasting is about more than just food, of course, but let's face it: It's hard to do those other things when we are low on energy due to not getting good nutrition.

So here it is: The secret to fasting without starving is eating complementary protiens, such as beans + rice.

Proteins are made of amino acids. Meats, seafood, and dairy have all the amino acids our bodies need, so they are called "complete proteins."

Most fasting foods, however, rely on "partial proteins." In a beans-and-rice dish, for example, beans have some of the amino acids our bodies need daily...and rice has the others. They are complementary to each other, meaning that they complete each other by being together.

When we pair partial proteins together, we can create a "complete protein." Instead of feeling like we are starving during Lent, we can feel light and satisfied. We just need to know there are two categories of partial proteins, and we need one from each category to create a complete, satisfying protein.

Category 1: Beans*, seeds, peas, nuts**

Category 2: Rice, potatoes, corn, grains, bread, pasta, tortillas

*See below for tips on how to avoid gassiness from beans.
**It is not recommended to bring nut dishes to public events.

Did you know that fasting foods are supposed to be simple to prepare? This is so we can have more time to spend on praying, reading our Bibles, going to weekday services, studying about saints and Church history, giving alms, and doing good deeds for others, as caring Christ-followers should.

These physical actions of devotion, alms-giving, and doing good deeds are part of fasting. Why? Because we are fasting from some of our worldly activities (such as more-elaborate meal preparation) and devoting our time and attention to Christ.

It's not that elaborate meal preparation is unholy — not at all! Fancier cooking is simply an activity we give up on Wednesdays and Fridays, and all during Lent, so we can devote more of our time and energy to Christ.

Even so, fasting food can be tasty! Here are two examples:

  1. Try this Creamy Pea Pasta dish. The creamy green sauce is made using a blender to puree some of the peas, shallots (onion), and garlic. Frozen petite peas work very well in this sauce, and fresh garden mint and lemon make a delicious, aromatic flavor.

  2. This vegan Louisiana Red Beans and Rice dish uses smoked paprika to give it a deep, delicious taste. Serve it with a crunchy salad or stewed greens on the side.


Worried about gas from beans? Watch this video about proper preparation of beans to make them more digestible.

If you prefer canned beans, we recommend using Eden Organic canned beans. They are prepared with overnight soaking to avoid gassiness.

Actually, soaking is good to do for more than just beans: Soaking any partial protien before cooking improves its digestibility. In other words, soaking before cooking makes it easier for your body to break down the food, and lets you absorb more nutrients from it. For more on this, see the article, "Living with Phytic Acid."



Looking for a fasting cookbook that deals with modern diets like paleo, gluten-free, and nut-free? That isn't ethnic?

  • Try Fasting as a Family by Melissa Naasko, blogger and mother of 11. Available from Ancient Faith and Amazon.

  • Melissa also has a useful Facebook page @FastingFamily.

Article on "Joyful Fasting" © 2022 Presvytera Suzanne Thorpe Lichtenstein, used by permission



Denver Metropolis News

February 2023 College & Young Adult Conference

.February 2023 College & Young Adult Conference

Save the Date: 2023 Camp Emmanuel

Save the Date: 2023 Camp Emmanuel

The Metropolis of Denver's Camp Emmanuel is a week-long summer camp for Orthodox youth, aged 11-18. Camp involves prayer services, fun activities and games, music, and thoughtful conversation on spiritual topics. Our goal is to provide an edifying Orthodox Christian community that has a profound effect on each person's life, helping participants to develop both faith and friendships that will last a lifetime. 
In addition, we invite young adults to apply to become volunteer Camp Emmanuel staff members, to develop their spiritual life, leadership skills, and friendships within our camp setting. 



Archdiocese News

December 22 Vigil for Young Adults for the Forefeast of the Nativity of our Lord

All Young Adults are welcome to participate in a Vigil for the fore feast for the Nativity of our Lord.

2023 Ecclesiastical Wall Calendars Available


Just in time for the New Year! These calendars are an annual resource published by the Department of Communications of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.

St. Nicholas Shrine Holds Services for Feast Day of St. Nicholas


St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine held its first services on Sunday evening, December 5, 2022 and Monday, December 6, 2022 to celebrate the Feast Day of its patron saint St. Nicholas.



On December 7, 2022, after Divine Liturgy at St. Paul Chapel in the headquarters of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, Bishop Athenagoras of Nazianzos humbly prayed a memorial service for Elder Ephraim of Philotheou & Arizona of blessed memory, who departed in the Lord three years ago.

Two English Byzantine Music Books Now Available on Orthodox Marketplace


The first book is Byzantine Music: Theory and Practice Guide. The Archdiocesan School of Byzantine Music currently uses this book as an educational tool in the context of the school's curriculum.



The Divine Liturgy Illustrated (ages 5-10) is a publication from the Department of Religious Education (DRE) of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. It contains the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom in Greek and English, according to the current 2015 translation developed by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, approved by the Eparchial Synod of the Archdiocese, and by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.

Film Screening "Z"


The Department of Greek Education of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, in cooperation with the Hellenic Book club of New York, cordially invites you to participate in a viewing of the Iconic Hellenic movie “Z”.

Centennial Pilgrimage Continues in Jerusalem


GOARCH Centennial Pilgrims made their way to the Holy Land on Thursday after paying respects to the Mother Church at the Phanar last week.

New Class of Archons Inaugurated at Phanar


On the eve of the Feast Day of St. Andrew on Monday, two new Archons were inaugurated at the Phanar. Participants of the Fourth GOARCH Centennial Pilgrimage attended the investiture, sharing in the joyous celebration as a members from their own group took their place among the new Archons.

Archdiocesan School of Byzantine Music: Registration open now through December 15th


The Archdiocesan School of Byzantine Music is delighted to announce the opening of registration for the Spring Term 2023. Registration is open now until December 15th. Classes are scheduled to begin the week of January 1st and end the week of March 19th.

San Francisco Event Commemorates Centennial of Asia Minor Catastrophe


On Saturday, November 12, 2022, Holy Trinity San Francisco and the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco hosted a commemorative event honoring the centennial of the Asia Minor Catastrophe.

Ecumenical Patriarchate News

The 11th Academic Consultation Between Judaism And Orthodox Christianity


The 11th Academic Consultation between Judaism and Orthodox Christianity took place December 4-6, 2022, in Vienna, Austria. The theme was “Jewish-Orthodox Christian Dialogue: Navigating Our Relations to the World and to Each Other.” The Consultation was co-sponsored by the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the International Jewish Committee for Interreligious Consultations (IJCIC).

Gospel and Epistle Readings

Matins Gospel Reading

Fourth Orthros Gospel
The Reading is from Luke 24:1-12

On the first day of the week at early dawn, the women went to the tomb, taking spices, which they had prepared. And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were perplexed about this, behold, two men stood by them in dazzling apparel; and as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, "Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen. Remember how He told you, while He was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and on the third day rise." And they remembered His words and returning from the tomb they told all this to the eleven and to all the rest. Now it was Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary the mother of James and the other women with them who told this to the Apostles; but these words seemed to them an idle tale, and they did not believe them. But Peter rose and ran to the tomb; stooping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths by themselves; and he went home wondering at what had happened.

Epistle Reading

Prokeimenon. 4th Tone. Daniel 3.26,27.
Blessed are you, O Lord, the God of our fathers.
Verse: For you are just in all you have done.

The reading is from St. Paul's Letter to the Colossians 3:4-11.

Brethren, when Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: fornication, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience. In these you once walked, when you lived in them. But now put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and foul talk from your mouth. Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old nature with its practices and have put on the new nature, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator. Here there cannot be Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free man, but Christ is all, and in all.

Gospel Reading

11th Sunday of Luke
The Reading is from Luke 14:16-24

The Lord said this parable: "A man once gave a great banquet, and invited many; and at the time of the banquet he sent his servant to say to those who had been invited, 'Come; for all is now ready.' But they all alike began to make excuses. The first said to him, 'I have bought a field, and I go out and see it; I pray you, have me excused.' And another said, 'I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I must go to examine them; I pray you, have me excused.' And another said, 'I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come.' So the servant came and reported this to his master. Then the householder in anger said to his servant, 'Go out quickly to the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in the poor and maimed and blind and lame.' And the servant said, 'Sir, what you commanded has been done, and there is still room.' And the master said to the servant, 'Go out to the highways and hedges, and compel people to come in, that my house may be filled. For I tell you, none of those men who were invited shall taste my banquet. For many are called, but few are chosen.'"


Hymns of the Day

Resurrectional Apolytikion in the 1st Tone

Although your tomb was sealed with a stone, O Savior, and your most pure body was guarded by the soldiers, you rose on the third day giving life to all the world. Therefore O giver of life, the powers of heaven praise you: Glory to your resurrection, O Christ. Glory to your kingdom. Glory to your saving wisdom. O only lover of mankind.

Apolytikion for 11th Sun. of Luke in the 2nd Tone

By their faith you justified your ancestors, Christ our God, and through them, of old you betrothed to yourself the Church brought together from the nations. Let these saints rejoice in glory, for from their seed has come forth a noble fruit, she who gave you birth without seed. Through their prayers, Christ our God, save our souls.

Apolytikion Hymn of Our Parish: for the Dormition of the Theotokos, in the 1st Tone

In giving birth you remained a virgin.  
And in your dormition, you did not forsake the world, O Theotokos.  
For as the Mother of Life, you have yourself passed into life.  
And by your prayers, you deliver our souls from death.

Seasonal Kontakion in the 3rd Tone

On this day the Virgin cometh to the cave to give birth to * God the Word ineffably, * Who was before all the ages. * Dance for joy, O earth, on hearing * the gladsome tidings; * with the Angels and the shepherds now glorify Him * Who is willing to be gazed on * as a young Child Who * before the ages is God.

Saints and Feasts

December 11

11th Sunday of Luke

On the Sunday that occurs on or immediately after the eleventh of this month, we commemorate Christ's forefathers according to the flesh, both those that came before the Law, and those that lived after the giving of the Law.

Special commemoration is made of the Patriarch Abraham, to whom the promise was first given, when God said to him, "In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed" (Gen. 22:18). This promise was given some two thousand years before Christ, when Abraham was seventy-five years of age. God called him and commanded him to forsake his country, parents, and kinsmen, and to depart to the land of the Canaanites. When he arrived there, God told him, "I will give this land to thy seed" (Gen. 12:7); for this cause, that land was called the "Promised Land," which later became the country of the Hebrew people, and which is also called Palestine by the historians. There, after the passage of twenty-four years, Abraham received God's law concerning circumcision. In the one hundredth year of his life, when Sarah was in her ninetieth year, they became the parents of Isaac. Having lived 175 years altogether, he reposed in peace, a venerable elder full of days.

December 11

Daniel the Stylite of Constantinople

This Saint was from the village of Marutha in the region of Samosata in Mesopotamia. He became a monk at the age of twelve. After visiting Saint Symeon the Stylite (see Sept. 1) and receiving his blessing, he was moved with zeal to follow his marvellous way of life. At the age of forty-two, guided by providence, he came to Anaplus in the environs of Constantinople, in the days of the holy Patriarch Anatolius (see July 3), who was also healed by Saint Daniel of very grave malady and sought to have him live near him. Upon coming to Anaplus, Saint Daniel first lived in the church of the Archangel Michael, but after some nine years, Saint Symeon the Stylite appeared to him in a vision, commanding him to imitate his own ascetical struggle upon a pillar. The remaining thirty-three years of his life he stood for varying periods on three pillars, one after another. He stood immovable in all weather, and once his disciples found him covered with ice after a winter storm. He was a counsellor of emperors; the pious emperor Leo the Great fervently loved him and brought his royal guests to meet him. It was at Saint Daniel's word that the holy relics of Saint Symeon the Stylite were brought to Constantinople from Antioch, and it was in his days that the Emperor Leo had the relics of the Three Holy Children brought from Babylon. Saint Daniel also defended the Church against the error of the Eutychians. Having lived through the reigns of the Emperors Leo, Zeno, and Basiliscus, he reposed in 490, at the age of eighty-four.

December 11

Luke the New Stylite of Chalcedon

December 11

Martyrs Acepsius and Aeithalas

December 11

Holy Martyrs Miracus and Barsabas

December 11

Leontios the Righteous of Monemvasia

December 11

The Glorious King Nikephoros Phokas

December 12

Spyridon the Wonderworker of Trymithous

Spyridon, the God-bearing Father of the Church, the great defender of Corfu and the boast of all the Orthodox, had Cyprus as his homeland. He was simple in manner and humble of heart, and was a shepherd of sheep. When he was joined to a wife, he begat of her a daughter whom they named Irene. After his wife's departure from this life, he was appointed Bishop of Trimythus, and thus he became also a shepherd of rational sheep. When the First Ecumenical Council was assembled in Nicaea, he also was present, and by means of his most simple words stopped the mouths of the Arians who were wise in their own conceit. By the divine grace which dwelt in him, he wrought such great wonders that he received the surname 'Wonderworker." So it is that, having tended his flock piously and in a manner pleasing to God, he reposed in the Lord about the year 350, leaving to his country his sacred relics as a consolation and source of healing for the faithful.

About the middle of the seventh century, because of the incursions made by the barbarians at that time, his sacred relics were taken to Constantinople, where they remained, being honoured by the emperors themselves. But before the fall of Constantinople, which took place on May 29, 1453, a certain priest named George Kalokhairetes, the parish priest of the church where the Saint's sacred relics, as well as those of Saint Theodora the Empress, were kept, took them away on account of the impending peril. Travelling by way of Serbia, he came as far as Arta in Epirus, a region in Western Greece opposite to the isle of Corfu. From there, while the misfortunes of the Christian people were increasing with every day, he passed over to Corfu about the year 1460. The relics of Saint Theodora were given to the people of Corfu; but those of Saint Spyridon remain to this day, according to the rights of inheritance, the most precious treasure of the priest's own descendants, and they continue to be a staff for the faithful in Orthodoxy, and a supernatural wonder for those that behold him; for even after the passage of 1,500 years, they have remained incorrupt, and even the flexibility of his flesh has been preserved. Truly wondrous is God in His Saints! (Ps. 67:3 5)

December 12

Holy New Martyr Peter the Aleut

The holy New Martyr Peter suffered martyrdom in San Francisco at the time that California belonged to Spain. An Aleut from Alaska, he and his companions were captured in California by the Spaniards. When he refused to abandon Orthodoxy to accept Latinism, which they wished to force upon him, the Spaniards submitted him to a martyrdom like that suffered by Saint James the Persian, cutting him apart joint by joint. He died from loss of blood in steadfast confession of the Faith in 1815.

December 13

Martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugene, Mardarius, and Orestes of Greater Armenia

The Five Martyrs were from Greater Armenia. Like their ancestors, they worshipped Christ in secret; during the persecution of Diocletian, they presented themselves before the Forum authorities, and having been tormented in diverse manners, by Lysius the proconsul, three of them ended their lives in torments. As for Saints Eustratius and Orestes, they survived and were sent to Sebastia to Agricolaus, who governed the whole East; by his command these Saints, received their end as martyrs by fire in 296. Saint Auxentius was a priest. Saint Eustratius was educated and an orator; he was the foremost among Lysius' dignitaries and the archivist of the province. In the Synaxarion he is given the Latin title of scriniarius, that is, "keeper of the archives." The prayer, "Magnifying I magnify Thee, O Lord," which is read in the Saturday Midnight Service, is ascribed to him. In the Third Hour and elsewhere there is another prayer, "O Sovereign Master, God the Father Almighty," which is ascribed to Saint Mardarius.

December 13

Lucia the Virgin-martyr

Saint Lucia was from Syracuse in Sicily, a virgin betrothed to a certain pagan. Since her mother suffered from an issue of blood, she went with her to the shrine of Saint Agatha at Catania to seek healing (see Feb. 5). There Saint Agatha appeared to Lucia in a dream, assuring her of her mother's healing, and foretelling Lucia's martyrdom. When her mother had been healed, Lucia gladly distributed her goods to the poor, preparing herself for her coming confession of Christ. Betrayed as a Christian by her betrothed to Paschasius the Governor, she was put in a brothel to be abased, but was preserved in purity by the grace of God. Saint Lucia was beheaded in the year 304, during the reign of Diocletian.

December 13

Herman the Wonderworker of Alaska & First Saint of America

Saint Herman (his name is a variant of Germanus) was born near Moscow in 1756. In his youth he became a monk, first at the Saint Sergius Hermitage near Saint Petersburg on the Gulf of Finland; while he dwelt there, the most holy Mother of God appeared to him, healing him of a grave malady. Afterwards he entered Valaam Monastery on Valiant Island in Lake Ladoga; he often withdrew into the wilderness to pray for days at a time. In 1794, answering a call for missionaries to preach the Gospel to the Aleuts, he came to the New World with the first Orthodox mission to Alaska. He settled on Spruce Island, which he called New Valaam, and here he persevered, even in the face of many grievous afflictions mostly at the hands of his own countrymen in the loving service of God and of his neighbour. Besides his many toils for the sake of the Aleuts, he subdued his flesh with great asceticism, wearing chains, sleeping little, fasting and praying much. He brought many people to Christ by the example of his life, his teaching, and his kindness and sanctity, and was granted the grace of working miracles and of prophetic insight. Since he was not a priest, Angels descended at Theophany to bless the waters in the bay; Saint Herman used this holy water to heal the sick. Because of his unwearying missionary labours, which were crowned by God with the salvation of countless souls, he is called the Enlightener of the Aleuts, and has likewise been renowned as a wonderworker since his repose in 1837.

December 13

Gabriel the Hieromartyr, Archbishop of Serbia

December 14

Thyrsos, Leucius, & Callinicos, Martyrs of Apollonia

Of these, the Martyrs who were from Asia Minor contested for piety's sake during the reign of Decius, in 250. Saint Leucius, seeing the slaughter of the Christians, reproached the Governor Cumbricius, for which he was hung up, harrowed mercilessly on his sides, then beheaded. For boldly professing himself a Christian and rebuking the Governor for worshipping stocks and stones as gods, Saint Thyrsus, after many horrible tortures, was sentenced to be sawn asunder, but the saw would not cut, and became so heavy in the executioners' hands that they could not move it; Saint Thyrsus then gave up his spirit, at Apollonia in the Hellespont. Saint Callinicus a priest of the idols, was converted through the martyrdom and miracles of Saint Thyrsus, and was beheaded.

During the reign of Diocletian (284-305), the Governor of Antinoe in the Thebaid of Upper Egypt was Arian, a fierce persecutor who had sent many Christians to a violent death, among them Saints Timothy and Maura (see May 3) and Saint Sabine (Mar. 16). When he had imprisoned Christians for their confession of faith, one of them, named Apollonius, a reader of the Church, lost his courage at the sight of the instruments of torture, and thought how he might escape torments without denying Christ. He gave money to Philemon a flute-player and a pagan, that he might put on Apollonius' clothes and offer sacrifice before Arian, so that all would think Apollonius to have done the Governor's will, and he might be released. Philemon agreed to this, but when the time came to offer sacrifice, enlightened by divine grace, he declared himself a Christian instead. He and Apollonius, who also confessed Christ when the fraud was exposed, were both beheaded. Before beheading them, Arian had commanded that they be shot with arrows, but while they remained unharmed, Arian himself was wounded by one of the arrows; Saint Philemon foretold that after his martyrdom, Arian would be healed at his tomb. When this came to pass, Arian, the persecutor who had slain so many servants of Christ, himself believed in Christ and was baptized with four of his bodyguards. Diocletian heard of this and had Arian and his body-guards brought to him. For their confession of Christ, they were cast into the sea, and received the crown of life everlasting.

December 15

Eleutherios the Holy Martyr, Bishop Illyria and his mother Anthia

This Saint had Rome as his homeland. Having been orphaned of his father from childhood, he was taken by his mother Anthia to Anicetus, the Bishop of Rome (some call him Anencletus, or Anacletus), by whom he was instructed in the sacred letters (that is, the divine Scriptures). Though still very young in years, he was made Bishop of Illyricum by reason of his surpassing virtue, and by his teachings he converted many unbelievers to Christ. However, during a most harsh persecution that was raised against the Christians under Hadrian (reigned 117-138), the Saint was arrested by the tyrants. Enduring many torments for Christ, he was finally put to death by two soldiers about the year 126. As for his Christ-loving mother Anthia, while embracing the remains of her son and kissing them with maternal affection, she was also beheaded.

December 16

Haggai the Prophet

The Prophet Aggaeus, whose name means "festive," was born in Babylon at the time of the captivity Of the Jews. He began to prophesy in Jerusalem after their return thereto, and to admonish the people to rebuild the Temple, in the days of Zorobabel, the second year of the reign of Darius Hystaspes, King of Persia, about the year 520 before Christ. His prophecy, divided into two chapters, is ranked tenth among the minor Prophets.

December 16

Modestos, Archbishop of Jerusalem

December 16

Our Righeous Mother Blessed Empress Theophania

Saint Theophania, who was born in Constantinople, was of royal lineage. Instructed in letters, and adorned with many virtues, she was united in marriage to Emperor Leo the Wise (reigned 886-912). But counting the glory of the earthly kingdom as nought, she spent her nights and days in serving God with psalms and hymns and prayers, working various good deeds until she surrendered her spirit to God in peace, while still in her youth, being, according to some, about twenty years of age, according to others, twenty-seven. Her holy relics are still preserved in the patriarchal church in Constantinople as a source of healing for those that draw nigh with faith and longing. She was also the builder of the Holy Patriarchal and Stavropigeal Monastery of St. Anastasia the Protector from Potions in Chalke (883).

December 17

Daniel the Prophet & Ananias, Azarias, & Misail, the Three Holy Youths

The Prophet Daniel and the Three Children were all descended from the royal tribe of Judah. In the year 599 before Christ, in the reign of Joachim, who was also called Jechonias (I Chron. 3:16, and II Chron. 36:8), while yet children, these righteous ones were led away as captives into Babylon together with the other Jews by Nabuchodonosor. He singled them out from among the other captives to serve him, and renamed them thus: Daniel was named Baltazar; Ananias, Sedrach: Misail, Misach; and Azarias, Abednago. They were reared in the royal court, and taught the wisdom of the Chaldeans; and after the passage of three years, they surpassed all the Chaldean sages (Dan. 1).

Thereafter, Daniel, being still a lad, interpreted that mysterious image seen by Nabuchodonosor in a dream, an image that was composed of different metals, but was shattered and ground to dust by a certain stone which had been hewn out of a mountain without the hand of man. This vision clearly portrayed through the mountain the height of the Virgin's holiness and the power of the Holy Spirit which overshadowed her. Through the image of the Stone, Christ was portrayed, Who was seedlessly born of her, and Who by His coming as the Godman would shatter and destroy all the kingdoms of the world, which were portrayed through the image; and He would raise them that believe in Him into His Heavenly Kingdom, which is eternal and everlasting (ibid. 2:31-45). Thereupon, he signified in prophecy the time of His appearance in the Jordan, the beginning of His preaching of the Gospel, the time of His saving Passion, and the cessation of the worship according to the Mosaic Law, (ibid. 9:14-27). He portrayed most excellently the majestic and dread image of His second coming, presenting by means of words, as with living colours, the fiery throne which shall be set, the Eternal Judge Who shall sit thereon, the river of fire that shall flow forth before Him, the calling to account before the impartial judgment seat, the opened books of each ones deeds, the thousands upon thousands of them that minister to Him, and the ten thousands of them that stand in His presence (ibid. 7: 9-10). Daniel (whose name means "God is judge") was called "man of desires" by the Angels that appeared (ibid. 9:23), because he courageously disdained every desire of the body, even the very bread that is necessary for nourishment. Furthermore, he received this name because, in his longing for the freedom of those of his tribe, and his desire to know their future condition, he ceased not supplicating God, fasting and bending the knee three times a day. Because of this prayer he was cast into the den of lions, after he had been accused by his enemies as a transgressor of the decree issued through the proclamation of the king, that no one should worship or ask for anything from God or from men for thirty days, but only from the king. But having stopped the mouths of the lions by divine might, and appearing among them as though he were a shepherd of sheep, Daniel showed the impious the might of godliness (ibid. 6:1-23).

As for the Three Children, Ananias ("Yah is gracious"), Misail ("Who is what God is?), and Azarias ("Yah is keeper"), since they refused to offer adoration to Nabuchodonosor's image, they were cast into the furnace of fire. They were preserved unharmed amidst the flames - even their hair was untouched - by the descent of the Angel of the Lord, that is, the Son of God. Walking about in the furnace, as though in the midst of dew, they sang the universal hymn of praise to God, which is found in the Seventh and Eighth Odes of the Holy Psalter. And coming forth therefrom, without even the smell of the fire on their clothes (Dan. 3), they prefigured in themselves the Virgin's incorrupt giving of birth; for she, on receiving the Fire of the Godhead within her womb, was not burned, but remained virgin, even as she was before giving birth.

Therefore the Church celebrates the Three Children and Daniel on this day, on the Sunday of the Forefathers, and on the Sunday before the Nativity of Christ, since they prefigured and proclaimed His Incarnation. Furthermore, they were of the tribe of Judah, wherefrom, Christ sprang forth according to the flesh. The holy Three Children completed their lives full of days; as for the Prophet Daniel, he lived until the reign of Cyrus, King of Persia, whom he also petitioned that his nation be allowed to return to Jerusalem and that the Temple be raised up again, and his request was granted. He reposed in Peace, having lived about eighty-eight years. His prophetical book, which is divided into twelve chapters, is ranked fourth among the greater Prophets.

December 17

Dionysios of Zakynthos

The holy hierarch, Saint Dionysius, who was born and reared on Zakynthos, was the son of pious and wealthy parents, Mocius and Paulina by name. In his youth he entered the ancient monastery of the Strophada Islands, which lie south of Zakynthos, and there he donned the monastic habit. Later, he was appointed Archbishop of Aegina, and adorned its throne for a considerable time. Thereafter he returned to his homeland. One incident in his life especially reveals to what virtue he attained. A man came to him in desperation, witnessing that he had committed a murder, and was being pursued by the slain man's family. He asked Saint Dionysius to give him refuge. The Saint agreed to this, upon learning that it was his own brother whom the man had slain, he said nothing, but concealing the agony of his grief, hid him. When the Saint's kinsmen arrived at the monastery, he told them that the Murderer had gone by such and such a way. When they had departed, he admonished the man concerning the gravity of his sin, instructed him in repentance, and sent him off in peace having forgiven him his brother's murder. According to local tradition, this man later returned and became a monk at this same monastery. Saint Dionysius reposed in peace in 1621, leaving behind his sacred and incorrupt relics as a treasure for his fellow citizens.

December 18

Sebastian the Martyr & his Companions

This Saint, who was from the city of Milan, was a member of the Senate as well as a zealot for the Faith of Christ, and had converted many to the knowledge of God. When Diocletian and Maximian began a Persecution against the Christians, Saint Sebastian was arrested and pierced with sharp arrows, and the bones of his body were shattered with clubs; and being cut into pieces, he gave up his spirit to God in the year 288. Together with him there were others also who died while enduring various tortures. Their names are Marcellinus and Mark the brethren, Tranquillinus their father, Nicostratus and his spouse Zoe, Tiburtius, Claudius, Castulus, and Castor.

December 18

Sunday before Nativity

On the Sunday that occurs on or immediately after the eighteenth of this month, we celebrate all those who from ages past have been well-pleasing to God, beginning from Adam even unto Joseph the Betrothed of the Most Holy Theotokos, according to genealogy, as the Evangelist Luke hath recorded historically (Luke 3:23-38); we also commemorate the Prophets and Prophetesses, and especially the Prophet Daniel and the Holy Three Children.


Wisdom of the Fathers

What was the nature of the invitation? God the Father has prepared in Christ for the inhabitants of earth those gifts which are bestowed upon the world through Him, even the forgiveness of sins, the cleansing away of all defilement, the communion of the Holy Spirit, the glorious adoption of sons, and the kingdom of the heavens.
St. Cyril of Alexandria
Translation courtesy of "The Orthodox New Testament" Volume 1, 4th Century

Come, O faithful, Let us enjoy the Master's hospitality, The banquet of immortality. In the upper chamber with uplifted minds Let us receive the exalted words of the Word Whom we magnify.
Last Ode of the Compline Canon

And yet the calling was of grace; wherefore then doth He take a strict account? Because although to be called and to be cleansed was of grace, yet, when called and clothed in clean garments, to continue keeping them so, this is of the diligence of them that are called.
St. John Chrysostom
Homily 69 on Matthew 22, 4th Century

But not by words only, but also by actions did He bid them, after His ascension by Peter, and those with him. "For He that wrought effectually in Peter," it is said, "to the apostleship of the circumcision, was mighty also in me towards the Gentiles." ...
St. John Chrysostom
Homily 69 on Matthew 22, 4th Century

This parable ... proclaims beforehand both the casting out of the Jews, and the calling of the Gentiles; and it indicates together with this also the strictness of the life required, and how great the punishment appointed for the careless ....
St. John Chrysostom
Homily 69 on Matthew 22, 4th Century

And when were they bidden? By all the prophets; by John again; for unto Christ he would pass all on, saying, "He must increase, I must decrease;" by the Son Himself again, "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will refresh you;" and again, "If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink."
St. John Chrysostom
Homily 69 on Matthew 22, 4th Century