All Services in English. Tell friends, "Come and See."
Assumption of the Virgin Mary Orthodox Church
Publish Date: 2022-12-25
Bulletin Contents
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Assumption of the Virgin Mary Orthodox Church

General Information

  • Street Address:

  • 801 Montecito Drive

  • San Angelo, TX 76903

Contact Information

Services Schedule

Alternating Sundays:

9 AM Orthros Prayer Service & 
10 AM Divine Liturgy Communion Service

10 AM Typica Service

The 10 AM Sunday services are followed by Coffee Hour and Fellowship.

Past Bulletins

Calendar & Announcements


Merry Christmas! 







We are still accepting orders for Greek Pastries. Please contact Wilma Dunias, a member of our parish, at or 720-989-7928. 



  • Saturday, December 24 (Christmas Eve)
    • 9am Orthros, 10am Divine Liturgy, followed by Coffee Hour. 
    • 6pm Great Vespers for the Nativity. 

Fr. Mark Lichtenstein, celebrant.

  • Sunday, December 25 (Christmas Day), 9am Orthros, 10am Divine Liturgy, followed by Coffee Hour. 
    Fr. Mark Lichtenstein, celebrant.

  • Sunday, January 1 (New Year's Day, St. Basil's Day, and Commemoration of the Circumcision of Christ) 9am Orthros, 10am Divine Liturgy, followed by Coffee Hour. 
    Fr. Mark Lichtenstein, celebrant.



  • The fasting period before Christmas started on November 15.
    • During this pre-Nativity fasting period, we give up meat for the full extent of the Fast, from November 15 through December 24.

    • If we are able and have no health problems that prevent us, we also fast from these things:
      • Fish is permitted on days that are not Wednesdays and Fridays, up through December 12. In addition, fish is permitted on other Feasts and Days of Commemoration designated on the Church calendar. Note: Shellfish is not considered "fish," so it is always permitted.
      • Oil and Wine are permitted on weekends, up through December 24. They are also permitted on days that are not Wednesdays or Fridays through December 12, and on other Feasts and Days of Commemoration designated. This year, those dates when oil and wine are permitted are November 16, 25, 30 and December 9, 12, 15, 20.
    • It is always wise to talk to your priest before undertaking a fast. He can give you advice about how to make the fast manageable for you. Fasting should always be helpful, never harmful.

    • Fasting is not just about food. Fasting is about drawing closer to God. So, in addition to being more mindful about God as we eat and drink, we Christians also change our leisure time activities: we read more books about God, or listen to podcasts on, or watch documentaries about saints. We also pray more, give alms more, and attend church more.



The Orthodox Church: Our next catechism class will be on Thursday, January 5, at 7:00 pm. There will be no class on December 29.

Join us for weekly catechism classes online via Zoom. This week's topic - Monasticism and Hesychasm - Background reading: The Orthodox Church by Timothy Ware, Chapter 3, pp. 59-69.  

Previous classes are archived on YouTube at

Zoom link: 

Meeting ID: 929 926 5692

Passcode: Grace22

Questions? Email Fr. Nektarios


Homeschool Mothers' Luncheon

Orthodox Homeschool Mom's Luncheon

Saturday, January 28, 2023 11:00 am - 2:00 pm


  • Tickets will go on sale online, December 1st, 2022. 
  • Early bird pricing will end January 8th. Registration will close January 23rd.


St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church 
(held in the Parish Center/Church Hall)
303 Cullum Drive
Euless, TX 76040 

Ticket Cost:

  • Early Bird Price (ends January 8th):
    • $23 per person includes lunch
    • $12 per person no lunch (you’re welcome to bring your own food)

  • Regular Price (registration closes January 23rd)
    • $28 per person includes lunch
    • $17 per person no lunch (you’re welcome to bring your own food)

More Information:



Currently we are in the pre-Christmas fast, which is described above. When we are in a season of normal fasting, we fast on only Wednesdays and Fridays. 

Question: Why do we fast? 

Answer: Because Christ did. He also said that we need to fast to increase our spiritual strength. “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.” (Mark 9:29)

Question: Why do we fast on Wednesdays and Fridays even when it's not Lent? 

Answer: Because Christ was betrayed on a Wednesday, and crucified on a Friday.



If you know someone who needs meals due to illness, birth, etc., please see Kathy Baughman or Noelle Bartl. Thank you to everyone who volunteers for this ministry. You are being the hands of Christ!



As you know, Joanna Garcia continues to go through a very difficult time with her ongoing illness.  Joe is her faithful caregiver, so he is at home full-time helping her now.  They could really use some extra support from us!  
If you want to give a financial donation to help with medical expenses, etc., please make your check out to our church (Assumption of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church, or AVMGOC for short), and make note that it's for the Garcias.
If you have any questions, please call or text Kathy at 325-277-0274.
The Garcias sure appreciate our prayers and support. Cards or notes of encouragement would brighten their days too.  You can send them to the church, and we will forward them on. The church address is Assumption Orthodox Church, 801 Montecito Dr., San Angelo, TX 76903.
Thank you for helping during this time of great need.



The next meeting will be Sunday, December 18, during Coffee Hour.



We have open slots on the sign up sheet for Coffee Hour, which can be found on the refrigerator in the church kitchen. Can you help host? It's okay to bring something simple, or even just one dish. Encourage others to sign up with you as co-hosts. "Many hands make the burden light." Thank you for your help!


Check out the rest of the bulletin online! See below for news from the world of Orthodoxy, online concerts and lecture series, and more.



Birthdays: Alan Baughman, Chloe Choate, Phil Foley, Gregory Lichtenstein, Presbytera Suzanne Lichtenstein

Anniversaries: Anthony & Noelle Bartl, John & Hilary Choate


  • 12/15 David Garza

  • 12/18 Judy Perkins (Sunday of the Forefathers), Noah Perkins

  • 12/22 Susan Manjai

  • 12/27 Stephen Mouad & Steve Tefas, Jr. (St. Stephen the Apostle, Archdeacon, and First Martyr for Christ) 

Memorials: Theresa (baptismal name Theodora) Alexander, Johnny Kalaitzes



Please join us for refreshments in the Social Hall.


** As always, see the parish website for any changes and updates. **



Fasting Recipes


When you hear that Lent is coming, do you close your eyes and groan? What if I said there is a secret to not starving when you fast — would that help you fast more cheerfully?

Well, there is. Fasting is about more than just food, of course, but let's face it: It's hard to do those other things when we are low on energy due to not getting good nutrition.

So here it is: The secret to fasting without starving is eating complementary protiens, such as beans + rice.

Proteins are made of amino acids. Meats, seafood, and dairy have all the amino acids our bodies need, so they are called "complete proteins."

Most fasting foods, however, rely on "partial proteins." In a beans-and-rice dish, for example, beans have some of the amino acids our bodies need daily...and rice has the others. They are complementary to each other, meaning that they complete each other by being together.

When we pair partial proteins together, we can create a "complete protein." Instead of feeling like we are starving during Lent, we can feel light and satisfied. We just need to know there are two categories of partial proteins, and we need one from each category to create a complete, satisfying protein.

Category 1: Beans*, seeds, peas, nuts**

Category 2: Rice, potatoes, corn, grains, bread, pasta, tortillas

*See below for tips on how to avoid gassiness from beans.
**It is not recommended to bring nut dishes to public events.

Did you know that fasting foods are supposed to be simple to prepare? This is so we can have more time to spend on praying, reading our Bibles, going to weekday services, studying about saints and Church history, giving alms, and doing good deeds for others, as caring Christ-followers should.

These physical actions of devotion, alms-giving, and doing good deeds are part of fasting. Why? Because we are fasting from some of our worldly activities (such as more-elaborate meal preparation) and devoting our time and attention to Christ.

It's not that elaborate meal preparation is unholy — not at all! Fancier cooking is simply an activity we give up on Wednesdays and Fridays, and all during Lent, so we can devote more of our time and energy to Christ.

Even so, fasting food can be tasty! Here are two examples:

  1. Try this Creamy Pea Pasta dish. The creamy green sauce is made using a blender to puree some of the peas, shallots (onion), and garlic. Frozen petite peas work very well in this sauce, and fresh garden mint and lemon make a delicious, aromatic flavor.

  2. This vegan Louisiana Red Beans and Rice dish uses smoked paprika to give it a deep, delicious taste. Serve it with a crunchy salad or stewed greens on the side.


Worried about gas from beans? Watch this video about proper preparation of beans to make them more digestible.

If you prefer canned beans, we recommend using Eden Organic canned beans. They are prepared with overnight soaking to avoid gassiness.

Actually, soaking is good to do for more than just beans: Soaking any partial protien before cooking improves its digestibility. In other words, soaking before cooking makes it easier for your body to break down the food, and lets you absorb more nutrients from it. For more on this, see the article, "Living with Phytic Acid."



Looking for a fasting cookbook that deals with modern diets like paleo, gluten-free, and nut-free? That isn't ethnic?

  • Try Fasting as a Family by Melissa Naasko, blogger and mother of 11. Available from Ancient Faith and Amazon.

  • Melissa also has a useful Facebook page @FastingFamily.

Article on "Joyful Fasting" © 2022 Presvytera Suzanne Thorpe Lichtenstein, used by permission



Denver Metropolis News

2022 Christmas Letter from Metropolitan Isaiah

Metropolitan Isaiah's Christmas Letter for 2022, Page 1

Page 2 of Christmas Letter from Metropolitan Isaiah

February 2023 College & Young Adult Conference

.February 2023 College & Young Adult Conference

Save the Date: 2023 Camp Emmanuel

Save the Date: 2023 Camp Emmanuel

The Metropolis of Denver's Camp Emmanuel is a week-long summer camp for Orthodox youth, aged 11-18. Camp involves prayer services, fun activities and games, music, and thoughtful conversation on spiritual topics. Our goal is to provide an edifying Orthodox Christian community that has a profound effect on each person's life, helping participants to develop both faith and friendships that will last a lifetime. 
In addition, we invite young adults to apply to become volunteer Camp Emmanuel staff members, to develop their spiritual life, leadership skills, and friendships within our camp setting. 



Archdiocese News

Archbishop Elpidophoros - Greek Christmas Message 2022


Tώρα που είστε όλοι στα σπίτια σας και ετοιμάζεστε να εορτάσετε τα Χριστούγεννα με τις οικογένειες και τους φίλους σας, θα ήθελα να σας ζητήσω να αφιερώσετε λίγο από τον χρόνο σας και να στρέψετε τη σκέψη σας προς όλους εκείνους, των οποίων οι ζωές καταστράφηκαν από τη βία και τον πόλεμο.

Christmas Message of Archbishop Elpidophoros of America 2022


My beloved Sisters and Brothers in Christ, As you settle into your homes and prepare to enjoy this Holy Feast of Christmas with family and friends, I ask that all of you take a moment to remember those whose lives have been shattered by violence and war.

SUNDAY SERMON SERIES The Nativity Of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ December 25


This week, find insights about the upcoming Gospel reading, where we read about Jesus’ Incarnation and Birth.

Rev. Deacon Petros Gomez Assigned Deacon to the Archbishop


His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America welcomed Rev. Deacon Petros Gomez to the Archdiocese, who will serve as Deacon to the Archbishop succeeding the V. Rev Archimandrite Michael Giavris, effective immediately. Also present at the meeting was Chancellor of the Archdiocesan District Protopresbyter of the Ecumenical Throne Fr. Elias Villis.

Fr. Milan Sturgis Assigned to Dormition of the Theotokos Church in Virginia


His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America today welcomed Rev. Protopresbyter Milan Sturgis to the Archdiocese Headquarters.



Begin the 2023 new year with the cherished vasilopita tradition with a beautiful gold-plated coin from Orthodox Marketplace. Vasilopita is the traditional Greek cake or pita served for New Year to celebrate the life of Saint Basil the Great.

Ecumenical Patriarchate News

The 11th Academic Consultation Between Judaism And Orthodox Christianity


The 11th Academic Consultation between Judaism and Orthodox Christianity took place December 4-6, 2022, in Vienna, Austria. The theme was “Jewish-Orthodox Christian Dialogue: Navigating Our Relations to the World and to Each Other.” The Consultation was co-sponsored by the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the International Jewish Committee for Interreligious Consultations (IJCIC).

Gospel and Epistle Readings

Matins Gospel Reading

The Nativity of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
The Reading is from Matthew 1:18-25

The birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child of the Holy Spirit; and her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly. But as he considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, "Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit; she will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins." All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet: "Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel" (which means, God with us). When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took his wife, but knew her not until she had borne a son; and he called his name Jesus.

Epistle Reading

Prokeimenon. 5th Tone. Psalm 65.4,1.
Let all the earth worship you, and sing praises to you.
Verse: Shout with joy to God, all the earth.

The reading is from St. Paul's Letter to the Galatians 4:4-7.

BRETHREN, when the time had fully come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!" So you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son then also an heir of God through Christ.

Gospel Reading

The Nativity of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
The Reading is from Matthew 2:1-12

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying, "Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the East, and have come to worship him." When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him; and assembling all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born. They told him, "In Bethlehem of Judea; for so it is written by the prophet: 'And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who will govern my people Israel.'"

Then Herod summoned the wise men secretly and ascertained from them what time the star appeared; and he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, "Go and search diligently for the child, and when you have found him bring me word, that I too may come and worship him." When they had heard the king they went their way; and lo the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came to rest over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy; and going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way.


Hymns of the Day

Apolytikion for Holy Nativity in the 4th Tone

Your birth, O Christ our God, shines forth on all the world with the light of knowledge. For at your birth, those who had adored the stars were taught by a star to worship you, to worship you, the Sun of Justice, and to know you, the Dawn from on high. O Lord, glory to you.

Seasonal Kontakion in the 3rd Tone

Today the Virgin gives birth to the Transcendent One, and the earth presents a cave to the Unapproachable One. Angels with shepherds give him glory; wise men follow a star as they journey to him who is God from all ages, yet for our sake is born as a little child.

Saints and Feasts

December 25

The Nativity of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ

The incomprehensible and inexplicable Nativity of Christ came to pass when Herod the Great was reigning in Judea; the latter was an Ascalonite on his fathers's side and an Idumean on his mother's. He was in every way foreign to the royal line of David; rather, he had received his authority from the Roman emperors, and had ruled tyrannically over the Jewish people for some thirty-three years. The tribe of Judah, which had reigned of old, was deprived of its rights and stripped of all rule and authority. Such was the condition of the Jews when the awaited Messiah was born, and truly thus was fulfilled the prophecy which the Patriarch Jacob had spoken 1,807 years before: "A ruler shall not fail from Judah, nor a prince from his loins, until there come the things stored up for him; and he is the expectation of the nations" (Gen.49:10).

Thus, our Saviour was born in Bethlehem, a city of Judea, whither Joseph had come from Nazareth of Galilee, taking Mary his betrothed, who was great with child, that, according to the decree issued in those days by the Emperor Augustus, they might be registered in the census of those subject to Rome. Therefore, when the time came for the Virgin to give birth, and since because of the great multitude there was no place in the inn, the Virgin's circumstance constrained them to enter a cave which was near Bethlehem. Having as shelter a stable of irrational beasts, she gave birth there, and swaddled the Infant and laid Him in the manger (Luke 2:1-7). From this, the tradition has come down to us that when Christ was born He lay between two animals, an ox and an ass, that the words of the Prophets might be fulfilled: "Between two living creatures shalt Thou be known" (Abbacum 3:2), and "The ox knoweth his owner and the ass his master's crib" (Esaias 1: 3).

But while the earth gave the new-born Saviour such a humble reception, Heaven on high celebrated majestically His world-saving coming. A wondrous star, shining with uncommon brightness and following a strange course, led Magi from the East to Bethlehem to worship the new-born King. Certain shepherds who were in the area of Bethlehem, who kept watch while tending their sheep, were suddenly surrounded by an extraordinary light, and they saw before them an Angel who proclaimed to them the good tidings of the Lord's joyous Nativity. And straightway, together with this Angel, they beheld and heard a whole host of the Heavenly Powers praising God and saying: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men" (Luke 2:8-14).

December 25

The Adoration of the Magi: Melchior, Gaspar, & Balthasar

December 25

The Commemoration of the Shepherds in Bethlehem who were watching their flocks and came to see the Lord

December 26

Synaxis of the Holy Theotokos

This Synaxis - which is to say, our coming together to glorify the Theotokos - is celebrated especially in her honour because she gave birth supernaturally to the Son and Word Of God, and thus became the instrument of the salvation of mankind.

December 26

Synaxis of the Holy Theotokos

This Synaxis - which is to say, our coming together to glorify the Theotokos - is celebrated especially in her honour because she gave birth supernaturally to the Son and Word Of God, and thus became the instrument of the salvation of mankind.

December 26

Afterfeast of the Nativity

December 26

Euthemios the Confessor, Bishop of Sardis

December 26

Barlaam the Righteous of Valaam

December 26

Constantius the Holy Martyr

December 26

Holy New Hieromartyr Constantine of Russia, Who Struggled in Constantinople (1743)

December 27

Stephen, Archdeacon & First Martyr

Saint Stephen was a Jew, by race, and, as some say, a disciple of Gamaliel, the teacher of the Law mentioned in Acts 5:34 and 22:3. He was the first of the seven deacons whom the Apostles established in Jerusalem to care for the poor, and to distribute alms to them. Being a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, he performed great signs and wonders among the people. While disputing with the Jews concerning Jesus, and wisely refuting their every contradiction, so that no one was able to withstand the wisdom and the spirit whereby he spake, he was slandered as a blasphemer and was dragged off to the Sanhedrin of the elders. There with boldness he proved from the divine Scriptures the coming of the Just One (Jesus), of Whom they had become the betrayers and murderers, and he reproved their faithless and hardheartedness. And finally, gazing into Heaven and beholding the divine glory, he said: "Lo, I see the Heavens opened and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God." But when they heard this, they stopped up their ears, and with anger cast him out of the city and stoned him, while he was calling out and saying, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." Then, imitating the long-suffering of the Master, he bent his knees and prayed in a loud voice for them that were stoning him, and he said, "Lord, lay not this sin to their charge," And saying this, he fell asleep (Acts 6, 7), thus becoming the first among the Martyrs of the Church of Christ.

December 27

Theodore the Confessor, brother of Saint Theophanes the Poet

Saint Theophanes, the brother of Saint Theodore the Branded, was a Palestinian by race. Both were monks at the Monastery of Saint Sabbas. They were called "the Branded" because Theophilus, the last of the Iconoclast emperors, had twelve iambic verses branded by hot irons on their foreheads and then sent them into exile, where Theodore died in the year 838. After the death of Theophilus in 842, Theophanes was elected Bishop of Nicaea. Both brothers composed many canons and hymns, thereby adorning the services of the Church.

December 28

20,000 Martyrs burned in Nicomedia

All these Saints, some 20,000 in number, were burned alive in the year 303, while they were gathered in church. This came to pass during the reign of Diocletian and Maximian. According to the Synaxarion, this took place on the day of Christ's Nativity. Eusebius (Eccl. Hist. VIII, 6) says that, of the Christians then living in Nicomedia, all were slain by imperial decree - some by the sword, and others by fire, and that, because of their divine and inexpressible ardour, both men and women cast themselves into the fire. Besides those burned in church. the following, who were slain in the same Persecution, are commemorated today. Indus, Gorgonius, and Peter were cast into the sea; Glycerius the Presbyter and Mardonius were burned; Dorotheus the Prefect and Zeno were beheaded; Theophilus the Deacon was stoned; Mygdonius was buried alive; and Domna, who had been a priestess of the idols, believed in Christ, and was baptized, was beheaded and cast into the fire. See also the account of Saint Anthimus on September 3.

December 28

Simon the Myrrhbearer, Founder of Simonopetra, Monastery of Mount Athos

December 29

14,000 infants (Holy Innocents) slain by Herod in Bethlehem

The infant-slaying Herod mentioned here is the same one that ruled at the time of Christ's Nativity. In those days, certain Magi, who were wise and noble men, perhaps even kings, set forth from the East, and came to Jerusalem, seeking the King of the Jews, Who had been born; and they said that in the East, where their homeland was, an unusual and strange star had appeared two years before, which, according to an ancient oracle (Num 24:17), was to signify the birth of some great king of the Jews. "For we have seen His star in the east," they said, "and have come to worship Him" (Matt. 2:2). Hearing these things, Herod was troubled, and the whole city together with him. Then, having inquired and been informed by the high priests and scribes of the people that, according to the prophecies, Christ was to be born in Bethlehem, he sent the Magi thither and ordered them that, when they would find the Child, to inform him, so that he also - as he affirmed - might go and worship Him. But the Magi, after they had worshipped, departed by another way to their own country by a divine command. Then Herod was wroth and sent men to slay all the infants of Bethlehem and the parts round about, from two years old and under, thinking that with them he would also certainly slay the King Who had been born. But this vain man who fought against God was mocked, since Jesus the Child, with Mary His Mother, under the protection of Joseph the Betrothed, fled into Egypt at the command of an Angel. As for those innocent infants, they became the first Martyrs slain in behalf of Christ. But their blood-thirsty executioner, the persecutor of Christ, came down with dropsy after a short time, with his members rotting and being eaten by worms, and he ended his life in a most wretched manner.

December 29

Our Righteous Father Marcellus, Abbot of the Monastery of the Unsleeping Ones

Saint Marcellus, who was from the city of Apamea in Syria, was born of renowned parents. Adorned with virtue and learning, he succeeded Saint Alexander to the abbacy of the Monastery of the Unsleeping about the year 460. This monastery was so named because the monks there were divided into three ranks, and took turns in succession for the execution of the sacred services both day and night, and thus ceaselessly sent up praise to God, without any lapse. The author of this practice was the aforementioned Alexander. As the biographer of both these Saints writes: "Later, a venerable monastery was established near the mouth of Pontus - that is, the place where the Black Sea tracts into the Bosphorus - and he introduced a rule that, though new, was superior to any found elsewhere; that is, that henceforth they should never be any cessation in the hymnody offered to God, but that through an unbroken succession of those that served in turn, there should be achieved this continuous and unceasing glorification of our Master."

December 30

Anysia the Virgin-martyr of Thessaloniki

This Saint, who was from Thessalonica, was the daughter of pious and wealthy parents, After their death, she passed her life in virginity, serving God by means of good deeds. One day, as she was on her way to church, a pagan soldier approached her and asked her to accompany him to the temple of the idols, but she refused. When he began to drag her with him, she spit in his face and confessed Christ. Filled with anger, he thrust his sword into her side and slew her, in the year 299, during the reign of Maximian.

Because of the Apodosis of the Feast of the Nativity on the 31st of this month, the hymns of Saint Melania the Younger are transferred to this day.

December 30

Gideon the New Martyr of Mount Athos

December 31

Apodosis of the Nativity of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ

December 31

Melania the Younger, Nun of Rome

Saint Melania the Younger, who was born in 388, was the grand-daughter of Saint Melania the Elder (see June 8). Her father Publicola was an Eparch of Rome. She was joined in wedlock to a husband and became the mother of two children, both of which she lost shortly thereafter. Thus, having agreed with her husband to pass the rest of their lives in abstinence and chastity, and taking her mother Albina with her, she went off to Africa. They ransomed 8,000 captives; furthermore, they built two monasteries - one for men and one for women - in the city of Tagaste, which was in the district of Tunis. After seven years they moved to Jerusalem. Thereafter Melania shut herself up in a small and narrow hermitage by the Mount of Olives, and wearing away her body with fasting and vigil, she reposed in 434.

Because of the Apodosis of the Feast of the Nativity on the 31st of this month, the hymns of Saint Melania the Younger are transferred to December 30th along with the Martyr Anysia.

January 01

Circumcision of our Lord

Since the Mosaic Law commands that if a woman give birth to a male child, he should be circumcised in the foreskin of his flesh on the eighth day (Lev. 12:2-3), on this, the eighth day from His Nativity, our Saviour accepted the circumcision commanded by the Law. According to the command of the Angel, He received the Name which is above every name: JESUS, which means "Saviour" (Matt. 1:21; Luke 1:31 and 2:21).

January 01

Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesaria in Cappadocia

Saint Basil the Great was born about the end of the year 329 in Caesarea of Cappadocia, to a family renowned for their learning and holiness. His parents' names were Basil and Emily. His mother Emily (commemorated July 19) and his grandmother Macrina (Jan. 14) are Saints of the Church, together with all his brothers and sisters: Macrina, his elder sister (July 19), Gregory of Nyssa (Jan. 10), Peter of Sebastia (Jan. 9), and Naucratius. Basil studied in Constantnople under the sophist Libanius, then in Athens, where also he formed a friendship with the young Gregory, a fellow Cappadocian, later called "the Theologian." Through the good influence of his sister Macrina (see July 19), he chose to embrace the ascetical life, abandoning his worldly career. He visited the monks in Egypt, in Palestine, in Syria, and in Mesopotamia, and upon returning to Caesarea, he departed to a hermitage on the Iris River in Pontus, not far from Annesi, where his mother and his sister Macrina were already treading the path of the ascetical life; here he also wrote his ascetical homilies.

About the year 370, when the bishop of his country reposed, he was elected to succeed to his throne and was entrusted with the Church of Christ, which he tended for eight years, living in voluntary poverty and strict asceticism, having no other care than to defend holy Orthodoxy as a worthy successor of the Apostles. The Emperor Valens, and Modestus, the Eparch of the East, who were of one mind with the Arians, tried with threats of exile and of torments to bend the Saint to their own confession, because he was the bastion of Orthodoxy in all Cappadocia, and preserved it from heresy when Arianism was at its strongest. But he set all their malice at nought, and in his willingness to give himself up to every suffering for the sake of the Faith, showed himself to be a martyr by volition. Modestus, amazed at Basil's fearlessness in his presence, said that no one had ever so spoken to him. "Perhaps," answered the Saint, "you have never met a bishop before." The Emperor Valens himself was almost won over by Basil's dignity and wisdom. When Valens' son fell gravely sick, he asked Saint Basil to pray for him. The Saint promised that his son would be restated if Valens agreed to have him baptized by the Orthodox; Valens agreed, Basil prayed, and the son was restored. But afterwards the Emperor had him baptized by Arians, and the child died soon after. Later, Valens, persuaded by his counsellors, decided to send the Saint into exile because he would not accept the Arians into communion; but his pen broke when he was signing the edict of banishment. He tried a second time and a third, but the same thing happened, so that the Emperor was filled with dread, and tore up the document, and Basil was not banished. The truly great Basil, spent with extreme ascetical practices and continual labours, at the helm of the church, departed to the Lord on the 1st of January, in 379. at the age of forty-nine.

His writings are replete with wisdom and erudition, and rich are these gifts he set forth the doctrines concerning the mysteries both of the creation (see his Hexaemeron) and of the Holy Trinity (see On the Holy Spirit). Because of the majesty and keenness of his eloquence, he is honoured as "the revealer of heavenly things" and "the Great."

Saint Basil is also celebrated on January 30th with Saint Gregory the Theologian and Saint John Chrysostom.

Rest from labour.


Wisdom of the Fathers

The Lord has given us a sign 'as deep as Sheol and as high as heaven', such as we should not have dared to hope for. How could we have expected to see a Virgin with Child, and to see in this Child a 'God with us' (Isaiah 7: 11 & 14) Who would descend into the depths of the earth to seek for the lost sheep, meaning the creature He had fashioned, and then ascend again to present to His Father humanity thus regained?
Irenaeus of Lyons
Against Heresies, III, 19.3 (SC 211, p. 380), 130-208

His love for me brought low His greatness. He made Himself like me so that I might receive Him. He made Himself like me so that I might be clothed in Him. I had no fear when I saw Him, for He is mercy for me. He took my nature so that I might understand Him, my face, so that I should not turn away from Him.
42 hymns discovered in 1905 in a Syriac Manuscript.
Odes of Solomon 7 (The Odes and Psalms of Solomon R. Harris adn A. Mingana II, pp. 240-1). Written in Greek for the Christian communities of Syria., Early 2nd Century

How could the human race go to God if God had not come to us? How should we free ourselves from our birth into death if we had not been born again according to faith by a new birth generously given by God, thanks to that which came about from the Virgin's womb?
Irenaeus of Lyons, Against Heresies, IV, 33,4
Sources Chretiennes, Cerf, Paris found in The Roots of Christian Mysticism by Olivier Clement, p. 37., 130-208

Yet for all that, God, for the salvation of those who are in error, endured to be served by these things whereby those without were used to serve devils (astrology); only He slightly altered them; that He might draw them off by degrees from their customs, and lead them towards the higher wisdom.
St. John Chrysostom
Homily VI on Matthew II, 1,4., 4th Century

It requires of us to remember and hold in sacred honor the fact that we are born of God; and if we have sullied and trampled upon this birthright with our sins, we must restore it by washing it with tears of repentance; we must restore and renew within us the image of God which has fallen and the union with God and blessedness, truth and holiness which has been destroyed. 'Now God became man, that He may make Adam a god.' (Stichera for lauds of Annunciation.)
St. John of Kronstadt
My Life in Christ, transl. by E. E. Goulaeff, Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, NY 1977, 19th Century

And so, my brothers, the feast of the Nativity of Christ reminds us that we are born of God, that we are sons of God (I John 3:1), that we have been saved from sin (Matt. 1:21) and that we must live for God and not sin; not for flesh and blood, not for the world which lies in evil (I John 5:19)
St. John of Kronstadt
My Life in Christ, transl. by E. E. Goulaeff, Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, NY 1977, 19th Century

This is the reason why the Word of God was made flesh, and the Son of God became Son of Man: so that we might enter into communion with the Word of God, and by receiving adoption might become Sons of God. Indeed we should not be able to share in immortality without a close union with the Immortal. How could we have united ourselves with immortality if Immortality had not become what we are, in such a way that we should not be absorbed by it, and thus we should be adopted as Sons of God?
Irenaeus of Lyons, Against Heresies, III. 19,1
Sources Chretiennes, Cerf, Paris, as found in The Roots of Christian Mysticism by Olivier Clement, p. 38, 130-208

That God should have clothed Himself with our nature is a fact that should not seem strange or extravagant to minds that do not form too paltry an idea of reality. Who, looking at the universe, would be so feeble-minded as not to believe that God is all in all; that He clothes Himself with the universe, and at the same time contains it and dwells in it? What exists depends on Him Who exists, and nothing can exist except in the bosom of Him Who is. If then all is in Him and He is in all, . . .Indeed, if the presence of God in us does not take the same form now as it did then, we can at least agree in recognizing that He is in us today no less tha He was then. Today, He is involved with us in as much as He maintains creation in existence. Then He mingled Himself with our being to deify it by contact with Him, after He had snatched it from death. . . For His resurrection becomes for mortals the promise of their return to immortal life.
St. Gregory of Nyssa, Catechetical Orations, 25 (Patrologia Graeca, Migne.)
Found in The Roots of Christian Mysticism by Olivier Clement, New City Press, NY, pp. 37-38, 330-395

And even if they knew Him to be a king, for what intent did they come? ... What had astrology to do with Him? ... What reason induced them to worship one who was king so far off ... not yet grown to manhood?
St. John Chrysostom
Homily VI on Matthew II, 1,4., 4th Century

Why do they set forth on so long a journey and offer gifts and this when dangers were sure to beset their whole proceedings? ... God called them by the things that are familiar ... and He shows a large and extraordinary star, so as to astonish them...
St. John Chrysostom
Homily VI on Matthew II, 1,4., 4th Century

What do the wise men learn from the star? ... That He was King of the Jews? And yet He was not king of this kingdom, even as He also said to Pilate, 'My kingdom is not of this world' ...
St. John Chrysostom
Homily VI on Matthew II, 1,4., 4th Century

I too will proclaim the greatness of this day: the Immaterial become incarnate, the Word is made flesh, the invisible makes itself seen, the intangible can be touched, the timeless has a beginning, the Son of God becomes the Son of Man, Jesus Christ, always the same, yesterday, today and forever. . . This is the solemnity we are celebrating today: the arrival of God among us, so that we might go to God, or more precisely, return to Him. . . Revere the nativity which releases you from the chains of evil. Honor this tiny Bethlehem which restores Paradise to you. Venerate this crib; because of it you who were deprived of meaning (logos) are fed by the divine Meaning, the divine Logos Himself.
St. Gregory the Theologian
Oration 38, For Christmas (Patrologia Graeca, 36, 664-5) found in The Roots of Christian Mysticism by Olivier Clement, New City Press, NY, p. 41, 330-390