Saint Catherine Greek Orthodox Church
Publish Date: 2020-09-27
Bulletin Contents
Organization Icon
Saint Catherine Greek Orthodox Church

General Information

  • Phone:
  • (561) 833-6387
  • Fax:
  • (561) 833-6391
  • Street Address:

  • 110 Southern Blvd.

  • West Palm Beach, FL 33405

Contact Information

Services Schedule

Sunday Services:

  8:45 am     Orthros

10:00 am     Divine Liturgy


Past Bulletins

This Week and Upcoming Events

Christ is in our midst!  He is and ever shall be!


 Our services are streamed live on the internet.
at our Saint Catherine website -



Light a candle and offer a prayer at Saint Catherine (click above).  The online form sends the names of your family and friends direct to Father Andrew at the altar; prayers are offered during at the Proskomidi in preparation for the Divine Liturgy!



Click above to place a Saint in a Pew at Saint Catherine


This Sunday is first Sunday in the series of gospel readings from Saint Luke.

Among those we remember today are Callistratus the Martyr and his 49 companions.  These Martyrs contested for the Faith during the reign of Diocletian, in the year 288.  Saint Callistratus was arrested as a Christian, and after being tormented, was enclosed in a sack and cast into the sea.  The sack burst, and the Saint came to dry land safe and sound.  Forty-nine soldiers, seeing this, also confessed Christ, and with him were cast into prison, then beheaded.


We continue to safely accomodate the number of parishioners who attend while maintaining the six foot 'social distancing' requirement.  Should our attendees exceed the capacity which we can accomodate, the church will remain open for a brief time following the Divine Liturgy to commune the faithful who were not able to be present in the church proper.

Holy Communion continues to be offered in the traditional manner at the conclusion of the Liturgy. Everyone is to approach by the center aisle pew-by-pew, maintaining your distance in the line using the designated social distancing X's that have been placed in the center aisle.  You may remove your masks momentarily to receive Holy Communion.  Please do not touch the red communion cloth; it will be held underneath your chin by the assigned adult helper.  Those not receiving Holy Communion are in the same line and will not stop for Holy Communion but continue to the Antidoron by the side exit door.

Our church sanctuary is sanitized between services.  Note that there is an increase in coronavirus cases in Palm Beach County and observe all precautions.



CDC Website for current Coronavirus updates:


This Week at Saint Catherine

Sunday, September 27 ~ The 1st Sunday of Luke

       8:45 am   Orthros - Link to the Orthros Service text
     10:00 am   Divine Liturgy - Link to the Divine Liturgy text

     11:00 am   Sunday School by Zoom 

     12:30 pm   HDF by Zoom


 Monday, September 28

     11:00 am   South Florida Clergy meet by Zoom


Parish Financial Summary

Parish Financial Summary for Eight (8) Mos. Ended August 31, 2020:
Income:                    $ 365,742
Expenses:                 $ 427,861
Net Income (Loss):   ($  62,118)


2020 Stewardship  We thank those who have fulfilled - or are continuing to fulfill - their financial pledge for this year.   We respectfully ask that those who have yet to begin their financial support to please do so.  

Youth Safety Resources
We’re committed to connecting young people with Jesus Christ. To do that, we need to create ministry environments that are safe and health. For more on how you can help, please visit our new Youth Safety website:


YouTube Logo  Many of our Divine Liturgies have been recorded and can be viewed at  Subscribe to our new YouTube channel for 2020:

Saint Catherine Greek Orthodox Church (2020 services)

Saint Catherine Greek Orthodox Church (2015-2019 services)


Shop with Amazon, donate to Saint Catherine

Amazon Smile is a program that allows for 0.5% of your eligible Amazon purchase to be donated to our Saint Catherine Church (No Added Cost To You). To sign-up visit Sign up for Amazon Smile and press "Select" next to our church name.  Then remember to log in to "" when you shop.


Event Flyers

    Policies for the Safety of Children and Youth

    Policies for the Safety of Children and Youth

    Creating healthy, Christ-centered ministry environments. ------------ As an Archdiocese, we're ready to take the next step in youth safety. ------------ The new Policies for the Safety of Children and Youth is how we'll do it. ------------ Ministry heads check this out! We must prepare and follow all the steps for the safety of our children. Our Archdiocese requires this in order to participate in any youth events !!!

    A Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven

    A Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven

    The Stewardship of Time. Our 2020 Stewardship Campaign.

    New Website for our Diakonia Retreat Center

    New Website for our Diakonia Retreat Center

    The Metropolis is pleased to announce a new and updated website for our beloved Diakonia Retreat Center: Truly, it is only appropriate that such a place, which has seen much growth over the past few years, receive a brand new website that shall include even more information about the activities of the jewel of our Metropolis. The DRC is the home of Saint Stephen's Camp, the annual weekend for special needs families, our fruitful candle ministry, retreats for clergy and laity, and much more!

    Cyber Security Bulletin !

    Cyber Security Bulletin !

    CYBER CRIME HAS BEEN INFILTRATING OUR LIVES FOR YEARS. More recently, parishes and religious communities around us are being targeted by a phishing scam . . .

    Southern Blvd Bridge Replacement Project

    Southern Blvd Bridge Replacement Project

    Flagler Drive by the church will be closed through next summer. The bridge is scheduled to be completed after Pascha 2021.


Gospel and Epistle Readings

Matins Gospel Reading

Fifth Orthros Gospel
The Reading is from Luke 24:13-35

At that time, two of them were going to a village named Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, and talking with each other about all these things that had happened. While they were talking and discussing together, Jesus himself drew near and went with them. But their eyes were kept from recognizing him. And he said to them, "What is this conversation which you are holding with each other as you walk?" And they stood still looking sad. Then one of them, named Cleopas, answered him, "Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?" And he said to them, "What things?" And they said to him, "Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people, and how our chief priests and rulers delivered him up to be condemned to death, and crucified him. But we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel. Yes, and besides all this, it is now the third day since this happened. Moreover, some women of our company amazed us. They were at the tomb early in the morning and did not find his body; and they came back saying that they had even seen a vision of angels, who said that he was alive. Some of those who were with us went to the tomb, and found it just as the women had said; but him they did not see." And he said to them, "O foolish men, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?" And beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.

So they drew near to the village to which they were going. He appeared to be going further, but they constrained him, saying, "Stay with us, for it is toward evening and the day is now far spent." So he went in to stay with them. When he was at table with them, he took the bread and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him; and he vanished out of their sight. They said to each other, "Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the scriptures?" And they rose that same hour and returned to Jerusalem; and they found the eleven gathered together and those who were with them, who said, "The Lord has risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon!" Then they told what had happened on the road, and how he was known to them in the breaking of the bread.

Epistle Reading

Prokeimenon. Grave Tone. Psalm 28.11,1.
The Lord will give strength to his people.
Verse: Bring to the Lord, O sons of God, bring to the Lord honor and glory.

The reading is from St. Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians 6:1-10.

Brethren, working together with him, we entreat you not to accept the grace of God in vain. For he says, "At the acceptable time I have listened to you, and helped you on the day of salvation." Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation. We put no obstacle in any one's way, so that no fault may be found with our ministry, but as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: through great endurance, in afflictions, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonments, tumults, labors, watching, hunger; by purity, knowledge, forbearance, kindness, the Holy Spirit, genuine love, truthful speech, and the power of God; with the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and for the left; in honor and dishonor, in ill repute and good repute. We are treated as impostors, and yet are true; as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold we live; as punished, and yet not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing everything.

Gospel Reading

1st Sunday of Luke
The Reading is from Luke 5:1-11

At that time, as Jesus was standing by the lake of Gennesaret, he saw two boats by the lake; but the fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets. Getting into one of the boats, which was Simon's, he asked him to put out a little from the land. And he sat down and taught the people from the boat. And when he had ceased speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." And Simon answered, "Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets." And when they had done this, they enclosed a great shoal of fish; and as their nets were breaking, they beckoned to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink. But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord." For he was astonished, and all who were with him, at the catch of fish which they had taken; and so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, "Do not be afraid; henceforth you will be catching men." And when they had brought their boats to land, they left everything and followed him.


Wisdom of the Fathers

For many have taken part with the holy apostles in their labors, and still do so, especially those who inquire into the meaning of what is written in the holy Gospels ... For the net is still being drawn, while Christ fills it, and calls to conversion those who, according to the Scripture phrase, are in the depths of the sea, that is to say, those who live in the surge and waves of worldly things.
St. Cyril of Alexandria
Homily XII, Taken from: Cyril of Alexandria. Commentary on the Gospel of St. Luke. Trans. R. Payne Smith. Long Island, N.Y.: Studion Publishers, Inc., 1983, 105., 5th Century

For now they were well instructed beforehand...But mark both their faith and their obedience. For though they were in the midst of their work when they heard His command, they delayed not, they procrastinated not, they said not, "let us return home, and converse with our kinsfolk," but "they forsook all and followed."
St. John Chrysostom
Homily 14 on Matthew 4, 4th Century

There is an old saying: 'Excesses meet.' Too much fasting and too much eating come to the same end. Keeping too long a vigil brings the same disastrous cost as ... sluggishness... Too much self-denial brings weakness and induces the same condition as carelessness. Often I have seen men who would not be snared by gluttony fall, nevertheless, through immoderate fasting and tumble in weakness into the very urge which they had overcome. Unmeasured vigils and foolish denial of rest overcame those whom sleep could not overcome. Therefore, 'fortified to right and to left in the armor of justice,' as the apostle says (2 Cor. 6:7), life must be lived with due measure and, with discernment for a guide, the road must be traveled between the two kinds of excess so that in the end we may not allow ourselves to be diverted from the pathway of restraint which has been laid down for us nor fall through dangerous carelessness into the urgings of gluttony and self-indulgence.
St. John Cassian
Conferences, Conference Two: On Discernment no. 16; Paulist Press pg. 76, 5th century


Saints and Feasts

September 27

1st Sunday of Luke

September 27

Callistratus the Martyr & his 49 Companions

These Martyrs contested for the Faith during the reign of Diocletian, in the year 288. Saint Callistratus was arrested as a Christian, and after being tormented, was enclosed in a sack and cast into the sea. The sack burst, and the Saint came to dry land safe and sound. Forty-nine soldiers, seeing this, also confessed Christ, and with him were cast into prison, then beheaded.

September 28

Chariton the Confessor

Saint Chariton was born in the city of Iconium during the reign of Aurelian, about the year 274. He was arrested, tortured, and condemned to death because of his Christian Faith, but finally set free by imperial edict. He came to Palestine, where he took up the ascetic life. He also brought many Jews and pagans to the Faith. Having dwelt in the desert of Judea for many years, and established several monasteries throughout the region, he reposed in peace.

September 28

Baruch the Prophet

The Prophet Baruch was the son of Nerias, and the disciple of the Prophet Jeremias ( Jer. 39:12; 43:4 LXX). The extant prophetical book that he wrote is divided into five chapters; it was composed in the fifth year of the Babylonian Captivity of the Jews during the years of Sedekias, 583 B.C. The prophetic lection that is read on the eve of the Feast of Christ's Nativity, which bears Jeremias' name, is taken from the prophecy of Baruch (Bar. 3:35-4:4). His name means "blessed."

September 28

Wenceslaus the Martyr, Prince of the Czechs

September 29

Cyriacus the Hermit of Palestine

This Saint was born in Corinth in 448. He went to Palestine to the Lavra of Euthymius the Great, but because of his youth was sent by Saint Euthymius to Saint Gerasimus; after the death of Saint Gerasimus he returned to the Lavra of Saint Euthymius. Later he took on a more rigorous life of asceticism in the wilderness of Natoufa, where there was nothing to eat except the exceedingly bitter wild herb called squills, which, however, through his prayers, God made sweet for him and his disciple. He lived 107 years and reposed in the year 555.

September 30

Gregory the Illuminator, Bishop of Armenia

This Saint, a Parthian by race, was the son of Anak. He was born about the year 240 and was taught the Faith of Christ in Caesarea of Cappadocia. He entered the service of Tiridates, King of Armenia, but when discovered to be a Christian, he was subjected to many horrible torments at the King's hands, then was cast into a pit of mire with poisonous serpents and left to die. By the power of God, however, he abode there unharmed for fourteen years, his needs provided by a certain widow, until he was made known by revelation and set free. He converted to piety innumerable multitudes of Armenians, including Tiridates himself, and was consecrated bishop by Leontius, Archbishop of Caesarea, to shepherd the vast flock he had gained for Christ. He spent the last part of his life in retirement in the ascetical discipline, and reposed in peace about the year 325. Saint Gregory is honoured as the Illuminator of Armenia.

October 01

The Holy Protection of the Theotokos

The Feast of the Protection commemorates the appearance of the most holy Theotokos in the Church of Blachernae in Constantinople in the tenth century, as recorded in the life of Saint Andrew the Fool for Christ's sake. While the multitudes of the faithful were gathered in church, Epiphanius, the friend of Saint Andrew, through the Saint's prayers, beheld the Virgin Mary above the faithful and spreading out her veil over them, signifying her unceasing protection of all Christians. Because of this we keep a yearly feast of gratitude, imploring our Lady never to cease sheltering us in her mighty prayers.

In the Greek tradition, this feast is celebrated on October 28, while in the Slavic tradition, this feast is celebrated on October 1.

October 01

Ananias, Apostle of the 70

Saint Ananias, whose name means "God is gracious," was from Damascus, where by divine revelation he was commanded to baptize the Apostle Paul (Acts 9: 10-17). He completed the course of martyrdom when he was stoned to death during the proconsulate of Lucian.

October 01

Romanos the Melodist

Saint Romanos flourished during the reign of Anastasius (491-518). He was from Emesa of Syria, and apparently was born of Jewish parents, for a hymn written in his honour in Greek says he was "of Hebrew stock," and it has furthermore been noted that he uses many Semitic idioms in his writings. He was baptized an Orthodox Christian, and at some time became a deacon in the Church of Beirut. He was the first composer of the kontakia, the foremost of which is that of the feast of Christ's Nativity, On this day the Virgin .... In composing many of his kontakia. Saint Romanos was inspired by the hymns of Saint Ephraim of Syria.

October 02

The Holy Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Virgin Martyr Justina

Saint Justina who was from Damascus, lived in virginity for the sake of Christ. Saint Cyprian, who was from Antioch, began as an initiate of magic and worshipper of the demons. A certain foolish young man who had been smitten with Justina's beauty hired Cyprian to draw her to love him; when Cyprian had wed every demonic device he knew, and had failed, being repulsed by the power of Christ Whom Justina invoked, he understood the weakness of the demons and came to know the truth. Delivered from demonic delusion, he came to Christ and burned all his books of magic, was baptized, and later ascended the episcopal throne in his country. Later, he and Justina were arrested by the Count of Damascus, and having endured many torments at his hands, they were sent finally to Diocletian in Nicomedia, where they were beheaded about the year 304.

October 03

Dionysios the Areopagite

This Saint was from Athens, a learned man, and a member of the famous judicial court of Mars Hill (in Greek Aeros Pagos, hence the name Areopagite (see Acts 17:19-34). When Saint Paul preached in Athens, he was one of the first there to believe in Christ, and, according to some, became the first bishop of that city. Others say -- and this may be more probable--that he was the second Bishop of Athens, after Saint Hierotheus, whom Dionysios calls his friend and teacher "after Paul" (On the Divine Names, 3:2). With Saint Hierotheus he was also present at the Dormition of the most holy Theotokos; the Doxasticon of the Aposticha for the service of the Dormition is partly taken from a passage in Chapter III of On the Divine Names. According to ancient tradition, he received a martyr's end (according to some, in Athens itself) about the year 96.


Metropolis of Atlanta

 Message from Metropolitan Alexios

My Beloved Ones,

Just as we have begun a new season, we will also commemorate the First Sunday of Luke.  Therefore, it seems appropriate that this Sunday’s Gospel is also about beginnings; specifically, the beginning of Christ calling His Disciples to their ministry.

We are in the small village of Gennesaret, where the size of the multitude makes it necessary for Christ to speak to them from a fishing boat.  Perhaps the fishermen at work are only half listening to Him, but it is to them that Christ wishes to speak most of all.

When He finishes, He turns to Simon, the owner of the boat, and suggests that Simon put down his nets. Simon is tired.  Having worked all night and most of the day, he has caught nothing; but something makes him obey Christ’s command…

The catch is miraculous, and though Simon is a man of little education, when the nets begin to break, and one of the boats starts to sink from the weight, Simon is so overcome with feeling, that his first words to Jesus are “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord” (Luke 5:8).  Jesus does not leave Simon, or Simon’s partners, James and John.  Christ wished to prefigure that which He would later teach them: “…do not seek what you are to eat and what you are to drink, nor be of anxious mind… your Father knows that you need them… seek his kingdom, and these things shall be yours as well” (Luke 12:29-31).  Instead of leaving, He simply tells them, “Do not be afraid; henceforth you will be catching men” (Luke 5:11).

Christ’s words to them are so enticing, that it is easy to forget James and John were leaving their father, Zebedee.  Later in the Gospel, when we read of Christ healing Simon Peter’s mother-in-law, we know what Christ demanded when He commanded His Disciples to leave their homes and follow Him.  When we speak of what it means to be a follower of Christ, we are constantly faced with the notion that we must deny ourselves. However, it is one thing to abandon worldly pleasures, but how many of us would be willing to abandon our homes, families, and friends as the disciples did?  Indeed, when we think of the ascetics of the world, there are only a few who will be able to answer such a call.

Christ will call to each of us in different ways, and as the Disciples understood, often when we are least expecting it.  I pray that as we enter fall, we hold fast to our Lord’s command not to be afraid.  So long as we seek His Kingdom and walk alongside His commandments in truth and love, God will continue to provide us with the comfort and strength to make each day a fruitful new beginning.

Metropolitan of Atlanta


COVID-19 Resources

Supplemental letter for re-opening churches

May 22, 2020

I greet you my beloved with love and joy in the name of our Resurrected Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I pray that this message finds you well, as we prepare to re-open our churches.

This past week we hosted conference calls via Zoom with all the parishes in our God protected Metropolis. I offer my sincere gratitude to all who participated in these meetings as they were very beneficial, not only for those who attended, but for myself as well. In those meetings, we were able to review, assess the regulations of each State and see how we can best celebrate our Church Services in each location. From our discussions, we received valuable information to share with all of you. 

Therefore, in addition to the guidelines stated in the letter dated May 13, 2020, please consider these supplementary guidelines as well.

To read the rest of His Eminence's letter and review the Metropolis protocols, please click here.


New OCAMPR website and COVID-19 Resources

Christ is in our midst! In response to the challenges we are facing in our communities, country, and worldwide, OCAMPR is reaching out to provide assistance to care professionals at this time.  Please visit the new OCAMPR website and our COVID-19 Resources page: It contains links to the best resources for healthcare professionals as we serve our clients, patients, and parishes. Consider contributing useful information that you have found or developed. We are in the process of developing additional resources that might be useful.

We’re particularly interested in supporting the professionals on the frontlines, many of whom are carrying additional risks and burdens. It is easy to be overworked and isolated specifically as the stresses and complexities of care-providing increase.  

Visit our Support for Frontline Professionals page: Here you may sign up for prayer support, receive a daily quote and reflection, or share your work experiences. Please share these resources with anyone whom you think might benefit.

We know that these are unique times for all of us, and we also know that we have been invited to provide important care at this time. OCAMPR seeks to support each healthcare professional because we do not need to respond alone. If you have any questions, comments, or specific needs that OCAMPR can assist you with at this time, do not hesitate to reach out to us at We seek to bear one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2) at this time as we offer our skills and services in faith and in love.

May our God of mercy, compassion, and love, through the prayers of His Most Holy Mother, Sts. Kosmas and Damian, St. Luke the Physician, and all the Saints be with all of you in the Lenten Season.

in Christ,

OCAMPR Executive Board


Stewardship Calling in the era of COVID-19

I just wanted to make available to you a very extensive set of resources I offered on my last AFR podcast with a lot of specific suggestions for parishes to consider in 10 strategic areas as a result of COVID-19 as well as a lot of other online resources they could access.

The podcast was over 2 hours given all of the content and resources, and I have also provided two written transcripts, once of the entire show, and a second one that just featured all of the ideas in the 10 areas and resources. I also encouraged those people who can afford to do so to accept the Coronavirus Contribution Challenge by taking their government check they will receive and contributing it to their local church, ministry or charity.

The podcast is free and can be shared and used with no conditions or restrictions. The specific podcast “Spread The Word Not The Virus” can be accessed here:

The printed resources can be downloaded here, by scrolling down to the April 1, 2020 program notes.

Feel free to use or share what you want on the Metropolis communications or wherever. Thanks again for all you do and stay safe.  

Have a blessed day.

Bill Marianes


Youth, Education and Hellenic Culture

For information on Policies for the Safety of Youth and Children, please click!  Please remember that all parishes must comply and sign their parish contracts by December 1 to host any youth ministry programs or events on the parish level (Sunday School) or to participate on a District or Metropolis Level Events (Retreats, WYR & HDF).


September 9, 2020

My Brothers in the Lord,

I greet you with love and joy in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! I pray that we all experienced a blessed and joyous feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos.

As we enter this period of the new Ecclesiastical Year, the Metropolis turns its attention to those beautiful events: the Winter Youth Rally & Hellenic Dance Festival. Both WYR and HDF remain committed to safe environments for our Metropolis faithful to come together in fellowship, worship, and dance. Indeed, the Metropolis continues to closely monitor the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, in accordance with CDC, State and Federal Guidelines. 

Therefore it is with a heavy but clear heart that I write to inform you, based on the recommendation from both the WYR Committee & the HDF Executive Committee(in consultation with our Metropolis Administration, and the Clergy Syndesmos) we feel the safest and most prudent decision is to cancel this year’s Winter Youth Rally, and the Hellenic Dance Festival for 2021.

While this news must surely come as a disappointment, please know that your WYR and HDF teams are working diligently, in coordination with the Metropolis Youth Office, to prepare a few educational events, webinars and opportunities, which will allow us to celebrate our Hellenic Culture and Faith, while observing proper safety measures. 

Thanking all the Metropolis faithful--grandparents, parents, and children--for theircontinued patience, and encouraging our continued prayerful intercessions to our Most-Holy Mother, I remain,
Paternally yours with love and blessings in the Lord,
+ A L E X I O S
Metropolitan of Atlanta


 Family Life Ministry

A growing branch of Family Life Ministry and generously powered by Leadership 100, Engage Orthodoxy is a place for anyone to find Orthodox Christian Content curated by a thoughtful and intentional administrative team.

“Engage Orthodoxy” is not only the name of this new site, but it is also the name of a movement away from division and towards unity. Engage Orthodoxy is a movement towards community, involvement, Orthodox friendships, and relationships. EO seeks to bring the the faithful, the curious, the lost, and the searching TOWARDS their faith and Christ and in turn, towards each other. Engage Orthodoxy is a movement forward into the future of the faith. Join us as we move toward Christ, toward each other, and toward the church.

For more information, or to order “Woven: An Interactive Book for the Modern Teenage Girl on Orthodox Christianity” please visit,

We also share with you helpful links from the OCN and the Family Life Ministry of the Metropolis of Atlanta.


Journey of Marriage (Pre-Marital Seminar)

All couples marrying in the Metropolis must attend a Metropolis-sponsored Journey of Marriage seminar prior to their wedding. The couple will present their certificate of completion to their parish priest after the seminar.

To see the full list of seminars in Florida and in our entire Metropolis for 2020 and beyond, and to register, please visit:

Registration is online.  Materials costs are included in the registration.  The seminars are currently being conducted by Zoom meeting.


 The Strategic Plan

 Updates to  

 Have you gone to the website to find completed materials covering Stewardship or Outreach, Best Educational Materials or Youth Worker Training?

Now you can watch videos in each of these 4 areas to learn from the experts!

Workshops at the 2019 Metropolis Clergy-Laity Assembly in Jacksonville, Florida on these topics were videotaped to provide additional materials to help parishes in these areas.

The Stewardship Training video can be found here:

 The Best Education Materials Training video can be found here:

The Outreach, Evangelism, and Philanthropy Training video can be found here:

The Youth Worker Program Training Video can be found here:


Take a look at the online portal.

Vist to view a list of the completed goals.



Greek Orthodox Archdiocese News

Archbishop Elpidophoros Meets with Secretary of State Pompeo


Archbishop Elpidophoros of America met with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to discuss a number of issues important to the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Greek-American Community, and to the people of Greece, Cyprus and Turkey.

COVID-19 and Ongoing Challenges in the Ecumenical Community


COVID-19 continues to challenge the world, churches, and ministry. The National Council of Churches USA and the Orthodox Christian Studies Center of Fordham University are pleased to present the first of a series of webinars highlighting some of these ecclesial challenges. The discussion will also highlight how churches is striving to meet these challenges, as well as the opportunity to do this ministry together.

Archbishop Elpidophoros Recognized amongst “Brooklyn’s COVID Heroes”


On September 22, 2020, Archbishop Elpidophoros was recognized by Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams as one of “Brooklyn’s COVID Heroes” for the Archdiocesan COVID-19 Relief Fund. Established in March 2020 under the direction of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros, the fund was an important part of the Archdiocese’s efforts to support those around the country impacted by the coronavirus and who faced hardship.

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Distributes $620,775 to Applicants Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic in the USA


“What you are doing is the work of God!” These words come from Matt of Long Island City, NY the beneficiary of a grant from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Covid-19 Relief Fund. Matt is one of 358 grant recipients who received much needed assistance after being financial impacted by the global pandemic.

The Future of Orthodox-Catholic Relations in the USA - Orthodoxy in America Lecture, Fordham University


Ionian Village Sustains Minimal Damage from Hurricane Ionas


Late last week a rare and powerful hurricane, Ionas, caused tremendous damage in western Greece. The storm has been referred to as a “medicane,” a Mediterranean hurricane, and has created extensive destruction in the Ionian. Heavy rain and 75 m.p.h winds tore up some of the area’s most scenic and popular beaches and islands.

Assembly of Bishops News

Statement of the Chairman of the Assembly of Bishops On the Tragic Explosions in Beirut, Lebanon


We express our deep sorrow at the devastation created by the explosions in Beirut. We mourn for the people of Lebanon, who now face an additional challenge in this time of great crisis.

Statement on the Tragic Conversion of Hagia Sophia from Museum to Mosque


We, the Executive Committee of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, protest the decision of the civil courts in Turkey, as well as the clear direction of their government, to re-convert Hagia Sophia into a mosque. As citizens of the United States of America, we implore our government to intervene for the reversal of this decision. Furthermore, we urge the Turkish government to return to the status quo whereby Hagia Sophia remains a museum, respecting both its origins and history.

Assembly of Bishops Releases Guidelines and Considerations for Safer Orthodox Church Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic


As parishes open their doors, and faithful around the country return to church, the Assembly of Bishops' COVID-19 Task Force - comprised of priests, public health professionals, risk management experts, and lawyers - has produced updated Guidelines and Considerations for Safer Orthodox Church Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA Continues to Minister to the Incarcerated through Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry During Covid-19


Despite the unprecedented challenges caused by the global coronavirus pandemic, Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM), an agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA, has maintained its ministerial connection to Orthodox men and women in jails and prisons across the United States.

Assembly of Bishops’ Executive Committee Calls All to Prayer for Justice and Peace during Nationwide Civil Unrest


We stand in unequivocal solidarity and peaceful protest with all those who condemn racism and inequality, which betray the spirit of democracy in our nation, i.e. “one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”. At the same time, we denounce all expressions of violence and revenge, including those despoiling and detracting from peaceful demonstrations.

Learn About the Assembly of Bishops Live on Ancient Faith Radio


Tune in to a live interview with the current Secretary, Metropolitan Gregory, the initial Secretary, Mary Arey, and the Director of Operations, Nicholas Anton, to learn about the past, present, and future of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America.

A Nationwide Approach of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA for the Staged Reopening of Churches during the COVID-19 Pandemic


We have heard the pained cry of the Faithful who, although faithful in their devotion, as witnessed by virtual participation in broadcast services and their continuing stewardship support of the Church, have felt an intense separation from Holy Eucharist and their Communities.

A Video Compilation of Pascha (Easter) from Home During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic


During a painful time of forced separation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Orthodox Christians united as the one Body of Christ worshiping from home. This short compilation highlights creative ways the faithful celebrated Holy Week and Pascha (Easter) in 2020!

ACOB-USA Releases a Video Message of Solidarity During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Unable to gather in person for Holy Week, the heads of jurisdictions joined together to send you a message of solidarity from their homes to yours!

Statement of the ACOB-USA Executive Committee Concerning Holy Week and Pascha (Easter)


After consultation with public health officials, law enforcement, theologians, and pastoral care professionals, we, members of the Executive Committee, have reached a consensus concerning Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Pascha (Easter) and strongly encourage all Bishops of the Assembly to implement the following recommendations

Assembly of Bishops USA Announces COVID-19 Resource Center for Orthodox Christians


The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA announces a resource center for clergy and faithful during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Statement to the Faithful On Church Attendance and Best Practices during the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic


Responding to the rapid spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), and as your Bishops and Spiritual Fathers, we must be very clear and emphatic about one thing: it is not a sin to refrain from church services or sacraments during this time of pandemic.

Encyclical for the Sunday of Orthodoxy


While we process with the icons in our churches, our celebration should not be merely a remembrance of a past event with significance only for those who inherited it as a cultural tradition. We must remember that the valiant martyrs and confessors that struggled in defense of the icons did not do so to defend an esoteric theological formula but to proclaim the Faith that 'established the universe.'

Mission Sunday 2020


Sunday, March 1st, has been designated Mission Sunday by the Hierarchs of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States. Missions lies at the very core of our Orthodox tradition. The Church was founded on a spirit of sharing the Good News of Christ’s Resurrection with the world so that all people, in every nation, may partake of salvation and restoration through Him.

Executive Committee of the Assembly of Bishops Recommits to Orthodox Unity in the USA


The Executive Committee of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America met today, under the chairmanship of Archbishop Elpidophoros, to discuss the state of Orthodox Christian unity in the USA. Recognizing the challenges in global Orthodoxy, the jurisdictional representatives reiterated their commitment to the local faithful of America and rededicated themselves to fulfilling the call for canonical normalcy and pastoral unity on contemporary issues.

The North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation Releases New Agreed Statement on the Vocation and Mission of the People of God


More than five years in the making, this new text takes a different approach to ecumenical dialogue: instead of addressing together an issue that has prevented full communion between the churches, here the Catholic and Orthodox theologians examine together challenges that affect both churches, in this case the role of the laity in the two traditions and the problem of clericalism.

North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation Convenes for 96th Meeting


The North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation commenced its 96th meeting today at the St. Methodios Faith and Heritage Center. The high-level consultation is the oldest and longest-running in the world and meets biannually to discuss theological differences and commonalities between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches. The agenda will address vocation and ministry, inter-Christian marriage, Synodality, and respective Church updates.

Fast Questions and Fast Answers about American Orthodox Christian Monasteries


There are eighty Orthodox Christian monasteries in the USA which represent great variety of ethnic and liturgical traditions. In fact, America is, probably, the only place in the world where - within the same country - one can visit Greek, Russian, Romanian, Serbian Orthodox monasteries and experience their different 'ethnic' liturgical styles, worship practices, church architecture, musicology and iconography.

Statement on the Sanctity of Life


The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America affirms the sanctity of life based on the firm conviction that life begins at the moment of conception. The Assembly remains steadfast in its conviction that any interference in the development of life is a serious issue, and therefore it regularly participates in a variety of relevant events and also releases pertinent statements on the topic.

Fast Questions and Fast Answers about the Geography of Orthodoxy in America


Fast Questions and Fast Answers about the Geography of Orthodoxy in America is the second essay in a group of mini-reports about Orthodox Church life in America. Surprising, stimulating, and, at the same time, important facts about the geographic distribution of Orthodox parishes and church members in America are discussed in this essay.

Fast Questions and Fast Answers about American Orthodox Bishops


Based on questions that American Orthodox hierarchs often receive from clergy and parishioners, this essay offers readers plenty of interesting facts about their lives as Bishops, as well as who they are as people.

New Map of Bishops and Parishes Available on the Assembly Website


A new map, Orthodox Bishops and Parishes in the United States, is now available on the Assembly's website. The updated map shows: a) locations, names and jurisdictions of all active Orthodox bishops in the United States and b) the total number of Orthodox parishes in each county.

Orthodox Christian Churches in 21st Century America: A Parish Life Study


The study 'Orthodox Christian Churches in 21st Century America' offers a comprehensive picture of the lives of local American Orthodox parishes, including such aspects as membership, worship, programs, religious education, youth, usage of electronic technologies, and much more. In addition, the study also addressed the crucial question: 'How are Orthodox Christian parishes faring today among the many other American local religious communities?'