Saint Catherine Greek Orthodox Church
Publish Date: 2020-10-04
Bulletin Contents
Organization Icon
Saint Catherine Greek Orthodox Church

General Information

  • Phone:
  • (561) 833-6387
  • Fax:
  • (561) 833-6391
  • Street Address:

  • 110 Southern Blvd.

  • West Palm Beach, FL 33405

Contact Information

Services Schedule

Sunday Services:

  8:45 am     Orthros

10:00 am     Divine Liturgy


Past Bulletins

This Week and Upcoming Events

Christ is in our midst!  He is and ever shall be! 

 Our services are streamed live on the internet.
at our Saint Catherine website -

Join us for Orthodox Divine Liturgy every Sunday at 10:00 a.m.


Light a candle and offer a prayer at Saint Catherine (click above).  The online form sends the names of your family and friends direct to Father Andrew at the altar; prayers are offered during at the Proskomidi in preparation for the Divine Liturgy!


Click above to place a Saint in a Pew at Saint Catherine


This Sunday is second Sunday in the series of gospel readings from Saint Luke.

Among those we remember today is Hierotheus, Bishop of Athens. According to some, Hierotheus, like Saint Dionysius, was a member of the court of Mars Hill.  Having first been instructed in the Faith of Christ by Paul, he became Bishop of Athens.  He, in turn, initiated the divine Dionysius more perfectly into the mysteries of Christ; the latter, on his part, elaborated more clearly and distinctly Hierotheus' concise and summary teachings concerning the Faith.  He too was brought miraculously by the power of the Holy Spirit to be present at the Dormition of the Theotokos, when, together with the sacred Apostles, he became a leader of the divine hymnody.  "He was wholly transported, wholly outside himself and was so deeply absorbed in communion with the sacred things he celebrated in hymnology, that to all who heard him and saw him and knew him, and yet knew him not, he seemed to be inspired of God, a divine hymnographer," as Dionysius says (On the Divine Names, 3:2).  Having lived in a manner pleasing to God, he reposed in the Lord.


COVID-19 has had a major impact on the lives of our faithful.  It has severely affected the operations of our parish.  Though we may now meet for church worship, we so so with restrictions on attendance numbers and with distancing requirements.  By abiding with these we express our love for one another in every sense of the word.  Indeed it is a reflection of the message in today's gospel to "Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful." We look forward to slowly resuming some of our youth activities in-person with limited small groups.  Our church finances are suffering also.  We are thankful for all our parishioners who have continued to offer their financial support.  Stewards thank you!  Please join our 2020 stewards in supporting our parish ministries.  The Donate buttons here and on our website lead to our online giving site. Again, thank you for your support!

We continue to safely accomodate the number of parishioners who attend while maintaining the six foot 'social distancing' requirement.  Should our attendees exceed the capacity which we can accomodate, the church will remain open for a brief time following the Divine Liturgy to commune the faithful who were not able to be present in the church proper.

Holy Communion is offered in the traditional manner at the conclusion of the Liturgy.  Everyone is to approach by the center aisle pew-by-pew, maintaining your distance in the line using the designated social distancing X's that have been placed in the center aisle.  You may remove your masks momentarily to receive Holy Communion.  Please do not touch the red communion cloth; it will be held underneath your chin by the assigned adult helper.  Those not receiving Holy Communion are in the same line and will not stop for Holy Communion but continue to the Antidoron by the side exit door.

Our church sanctuary is sanitized between services.  Note that there is an increase in coronavirus cases in Palm Beach County and observe all precautions.



CDC Website for current Coronavirus updates:


This Week at Saint Catherine

Sunday, October 4 ~ The 2nd Sunday of Luke

       8:45 am   Orthros - Link to the Orthros Service text
     10:00 am   Divine Liturgy - Link to the Divine Liturgy text

     11:00 am   Sunday School by Zoom 

     12:00 pm   GOYA by Zoom


Monday, October 5

     8:00 to 9:00 pm   Bible Study by Zoom Video.  

The video link will be on the Home Page of our website on Monday.  This October Bible Study will focus on Saint Paul's letters to Timothy and his letter to Titus.


Tuesday, October 6

     6:30 to 7:30 pm   Discover Orthodoxy by Zoom Video.  

The video link will be on the Home Page of our website on Tuesday. Discover Orthodoxy is for those who are seeking the Orthodox Church and for those who wish to learn more about their Church.


Wednesday, October 7

     7:00 pm   Parish Council Meeting by Zoom.


Parish Financial Summary

Parish Financial Summary for Eight (8) Mos. Ended August 31, 2020:
Income:                    $ 365,742
Expenses:                 $ 427,861
Net Income (Loss):   ($  62,118)


2020 Stewardship  We thank those who have fulfilled - or are continuing to fulfill - their financial pledge for this year.   We respectfully ask that those who have yet to begin their financial support to please do so.  

Youth Safety Resources
We’re committed to connecting young people with Jesus Christ. To do that, we need to create ministry environments that are safe and health. For more on how you can help, please visit our new Youth Safety website:


YouTube Logo  Many of our Divine Liturgies have been recorded and can be viewed at  Subscribe to our new YouTube channel for 2020:

Saint Catherine Greek Orthodox Church (2020 services)

Saint Catherine Greek Orthodox Church (2015-2019 services)


Shop with Amazon, donate to Saint Catherine

Amazon Smile is a program that allows for 0.5% of your eligible Amazon purchase to be donated to our Saint Catherine Church (No Added Cost To You). To sign-up visit Sign up for Amazon Smile and press "Select" next to our church name.  Then remember to log in to "" when you shop.


Event Flyers

    Policies for the Safety of Children and Youth

    Policies for the Safety of Children and Youth

    Creating healthy, Christ-centered ministry environments. ------------ As an Archdiocese, we're ready to take the next step in youth safety. ------------ The new Policies for the Safety of Children and Youth is how we'll do it. ------------ Ministry heads check this out! We must prepare and follow all the steps for the safety of our children. Our Archdiocese requires this in order to participate in any youth events !!!

    A Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven

    A Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven

    The Stewardship of Time. Our 2020 Stewardship Campaign.

    New Website for our Diakonia Retreat Center

    New Website for our Diakonia Retreat Center

    The Metropolis is pleased to announce a new and updated website for our beloved Diakonia Retreat Center: Truly, it is only appropriate that such a place, which has seen much growth over the past few years, receive a brand new website that shall include even more information about the activities of the jewel of our Metropolis. The DRC is the home of Saint Stephen's Camp, the annual weekend for special needs families, our fruitful candle ministry, retreats for clergy and laity, and much more!

    Cyber Security Bulletin !

    Cyber Security Bulletin !

    CYBER CRIME HAS BEEN INFILTRATING OUR LIVES FOR YEARS. More recently, parishes and religious communities around us are being targeted by a phishing scam . . .

    Southern Blvd Bridge Replacement Project

    Southern Blvd Bridge Replacement Project

    Flagler Drive by the church will be closed through next summer. The bridge is scheduled to be completed after Pascha 2021.


Gospel and Epistle Readings

Matins Gospel Reading

Sixth Orthros Gospel
The Reading is from Luke 24:36-53

At that time, Jesus, having risen from the dead, stood in the midst of his disciples and said to them, "Peace to you." But they were startled and frightened, and supposed that they saw a spirit. And he said to them, "Why are you troubled, and why do questionings rise in your hearts? See my hands and feet, that it is I myself; handle me, and see; for a spirit has not flesh and bones as you see that I have." And when he said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. And while they still disbelieved for joy, and wondered, he said to them, "Have you anything here to eat?" They gave him a piece of broiled fish, and he took it and ate before them.

Then he said to them, "These are my words which I spoke to you, while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the psalms must be fulfilled. Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures, and said to them, "Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things. And behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you; but stay in the city, until you are clothed with power from on high."

Then he led them out as far as Bethany, and lifting up his hands, he blessed them. While he blessed them, he parted from them, and was carried up into heaven. And they worshiped him, and they returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and were continually in the temple blessing God.

Epistle Reading

Prokeimenon. Plagal Fourth Tone. Psalm 75.11,1.
Make your vows to the Lord our God and perform them.
Verse: God is known in Judah; his name is great in Israel.

The reading is from St. Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians 6:16-18; 7:1.

Brethren, you are the temple of the living God; as God said, "I will live in them and move among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Therefore come out from them, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch nothing unclean; then I will welcome you, and I will be a father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."

Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, and make holiness perfect in the fear of God.

Gospel Reading

2nd Sunday of Luke
The Reading is from Luke 6:31-36

The Lord said, "As you wish that men would do to you, do so to them. If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, to receive as much again. But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for he is kind to the ungrateful and the selfish. Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful."


Wisdom of the Fathers

'But I say to you,' the Lord says, 'love your enemies; do good to those who hate you, pray for those who persecute you.' Why did he command these things? So that he might free you from hatred, sadness, anger and grudges, and might grant you the greatest possession of all, perfect love, which is impossible to possess except by the one you loves all equally in imitation of God.
St. Maximos the Confessor
Unknown, 7th century

The sign that thou lovest God, is this, that thou lovest thy fellow; and if thou hatest thy fellow, thy hatred is towards God. For it is blasphemy if thou prayest before God while thou art wroth. For thy heart also convicts thee, that in vain thou multipliest words: thy conscience rightly judges that in thy prayers thou profitest nought.
St. Ephraim the Syrian

Let us then, bearing in mind all the things which have been said, show forth great love even towards our enemies; and let us ease away that ridiculous custom, to which many of the more thoughtless give way, waiting for those that meet them to address them first.
St. John Chrysostom
Homily 18 on Matthew 5, 4th Century


Saints and Feasts

October 04

2nd Sunday of Luke

October 04

Hierotheus, Bishop of Athens

According to some, Hierotheus, like Saint Dionysius, was a member of the court of Mars Hill. Having first been instructed in the Faith of Christ by Paul, he became Bishop of Athens. He, in turn, initiated the divine Dionysius more perfectly into the mysteries of Christ; the latter, on his part, elaborated more clearly and distinctly Hierotheus' concise and summary teachings concerning the Faith. He too was brought miraculously by the power of the Holy Spirit to be present at the Dormition of the Theotokos, when, together with the sacred Apostles, he became a leader of the divine hymnody. "He was wholly transported, wholly outside himself and was so deeply absorbed in communion with the sacred things he celebrated in hymnology, that to all who heard him and saw him and knew him, and yet knew him not, he seemed to be inspired of God, a divine hymnographer," as Dionysius says (On the Divine Names, 3:2). Having lived in a manner pleasing to God, he reposed in the Lord.

October 04

John the Hermit

October 05

Charitina the Martyr

Saint Charitina contested for Christ during the reign of Diocletian, in the year 290. The handmaid of a certain Claudius, she was betrayed as a Christian to Dometian, the Count, before whom she fearlessly confessed Christ. After suffering the most terrible tortures, including the uprooting of her teeth and nails, she gave up her soul into the hands of the Lord.

October 05

Peter, Alexis, Jonah, Hermogenes & Tikhon, Metropolitans of Moscow

The feast of the Hierarchs of Moscow was established during the reign of Tsar Theodore Ioannovich and Patriarch Job in the year 1596. Their individual feasts are: Saint Peter (+1326), December 21, and August 24, translation of holy relics; Saint Alexis (+14th cent.), February 12, and May 20, recovery of holy relics; Saint Jonah (+1461), March 31 and June 15, with the recovery of his holy relics celebrated on May 27. In 1875, at the proposal of Metropolitan Innocent of Moscow, to this feast was joined the commemoration of Saint Philip of Moscow (+1569), whose feast is kept on January 9, and the recovery of his holy relics on July 3. In more recent times, the holy Patriarchs Hermogenes (+1612) and Tikhon (+1925) have been added to the Synaxis. Saint Hermogenes, who was starved to death by the Poles, is also celebrated on February 17 and May 12, and Saint Tikhon, a confessor under the atheist yoke, on March 25. the Menaion service itself makes reference only to Saints Peter, Alexis, Jonah, and Philip.

October 06

The Holy and Glorious Apostle Thomas

The name Thomas means, "twin." He was one of the Twelve, a Galilean by birth. Sophroneus (not the famous Patriarch of Jerusalem [7th Century, celebrated March 11], but a friend of Jerome's), quoted also by Jerome, says that Saint Thomas preached to the Parthians, Pesians, Medes, Hyrcanians, Bactrians, and neighbouring nations. According to Heracleon, the Apostle died a natural death; according to other accounts, he was martyred at Meliapur His tomb was known by Saint John Chrysostom to be at Edessa in Syria, to which city his holy relics may have been translated from India in the fourth century.

October 07

Sergius & Bacchus the Great Martyrs of Syria

These holy Martyrs were Romans of high rank in the service of the Emperor Maximian, to whom it was reported that they did not take part in the festivals of the idols. When he called them into his presence, they confessed their Faith in the one God. He had them arrayed in women's clothes and paraded through the streets in mockery. They were afterwards scourged, from which Saint Bacchus died. This was about the year 296. Saint Sergius was then taken to Resapha in Syria, where he was tortured and beheaded. His tomb in Resapha became a very famous shrine, to which pilgrims came from as far away as Western Europe; Resapha was later renamed Sergiopolis in his honour.

October 07

Jonah of Manchuria

October 08

Pelagia the Righteous

This Saint was a prominent actress of the city of Antioch, and a pagan, who lived a life of unrestrained prodigality and led many to perdition. Instructed and baptized by a certain bishop named Nonnus (Saint Nonnus is commemorated Nov. 10), she departed for the Mount of Olives near Jerusalem, where she lived as a recluse, feigning to be a eunuch called Pelagia. She lived in such holiness and repentance that within three or four years she was deemed worthy to repose in an odour of sanctity, in the middle of the fifth century. Her tomb on the Mount of Olives has been a place of pilgrimage ever since.

October 09

James the Apostle, son of Alphaeus

The holy Apostle James was one of the Twelve, and preached Christ to many nations, and finally suffered death by crucifixion.

October 09

Andronicus & his wife Athanasia of Egypt

Saints Andronicus and Athanasia were from Antioch, and finished their lives in asceticism about the year 500.

October 09

The Righteous Patriarch Abraham and his nephew Lot

The holy Patriarch Abraham, born a pagan, ten generations after Noah, when the knowledge of God had perished from among men, became the beginning of God's dispensation for the universal renewal and salvation of man. He was called out of his country--the land of the Chaldees, that is, Mesopotamia--to the land of Canaan, and received the promise that through his seed all the nations of the earth should be blessed; through his singular faith in the promises of God, he was justified before the giving of the Law and the coming of Grace; through his willingness to sacrifice Isaac, he portrayed the love wherewith God loved the world in sacrificing His only-begotten Son. The greatness of Abraham, and the trials that he and his righteous nephew Lot underwent, are set forth in the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament, chapters twelve through twenty-five. See also the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers, December 11-17.

October 10

Eulampius & Eulampia the Martyrs

The Martyrs Eulampius and Eulampia were from Nicomedia, and contested for Christ during the reign of Maximian, in the year 296.

October 10

The 14 Holy Elders of Optina Monastery

On this day we also celebrate the Synaxis of the Righteous Fathers of Optina Hermitage in Russia, who struggled valiantly in the monastic life in prayer, humility, obedience, and love, and whom God deemed worthy of the lofty gifts of discernment, prophecy, clairvoyance, and eldership, that is, the grace to guide souls on the unerring path of salvation. They are Leo (who reposed in 1841), Macarius (1860), Moses (1862), Anthony (1865), Hilarion (1873), Ambrose (1891), Anatolius (1894), Isaacius (1894), Joseph (1911), Barsanuphius (1913), Anatolius (1922), Nectarius (1928), Nicon (1931), and Isaacius (1936).


Metropolis of Atlanta

 Message from Metropolitan Alexios

My Beloved Ones,

Beginning October’s Clergy Appreciation Month, I am reminded of a beautiful testimonial provided to the Retired Clergy Association, by one of the children of our Metropolis, Evan Scurtis, daughter of Fr. Demosthenes Mekras, who served all his life as the Dean of St. Sophia Cathedral in Miami, Florida.

In the words of Mrs. Scurtis, “My parents were young, 21 and 22 years old and "grew up" with the parish.  My Dad taught Greek School and my Mother, Sunday School…  As a young Presbytera my Mother sewed altar boy vestments and choir robes...

“What I learned through my parents was to help those in need.  Our door was always open…  As an adult I look back on my childhood as a [Priest’s Kid] (my generation was referred to as "tou Papa ta paidia") my brothers and I had wonderful experiences meeting persons from all over our great country.  Miami was a "winter wonderland" for the "snowbirds" during the 40's and 50's into the 60's before it became a big city.  Not that there were not bumps in the road, as all priests experience, but those were small compared to the goodness we shared.

“What I appreciate the most is that when my Dad came home and the front door closed, he was just our Dad. We were a family and did not feel "on call" to our parish.  Whether a priest and presbytera or not, my parents would have expected their children to attend church services, attend Sunday School, Greek School and be part of GOYA.  So, for my brothers and me, we do not look at these efforts as an obligation as PK's.  It was just part of being Greek Orthodox…”

I have shared these words because I hope and pray that we ourselves… “do not look at these efforts as an obligation…”  May we take our inspiration from the hundreds of clergy families in our Archdiocese, who commune with our Lord, and are spiritually uplifted when they serve Him.

I hope that we are all reminded of the sacrifices our clergy families make every single day for us.  Living in the world, it can be easy to forget that, though the Priest serves the people, that does not mean he has no life outside his calling.  When he celebrates a baptism, a marriage, or commends the souls of the departed to the Lord, often, he is also asking his family to make a sacrifice, whether they realize it, or are gracious enough to accept.

This Clergy Appreciation Month, may we remember to thank our Priests, our Presvyteres, and who give up the “ordinary life” the laity experience, to instead live an extraordinary life, full of devotion to our Lord and His Church.  In this way, a clergy family is magnified, including not only a father, mother, and children, but all the parishioners who love them, and look to their spiritual father to guide them to salvation.

Metropolitan of Atlanta


Diakonia Retreat Center October Matching Campaign 


Dear Metropolis of Atlanta Family, 

We need your help! 

Due to the pandemic shutdown the last 8 months, we have had no income which has made our budget very tight. However, we are so grateful for a generous donation of $25,000 with a matching challenge. Would you please donate to support the DRC? All donations will be put in a restricted account to cover monthly expense shortfalls. 

Although the DRC has been temporarily closed, we have been extremely busy ensuring the campus is in great condition for re-opening. The following are just a few our accomplishments: 

We are in unique times. A season of constant change. What hasn’t changed is our purpose at the Diakonia Retreat Center - to be a place of life Transformation which enables growth in faith, family and friendships. 

  • Cleaned up tornado damage and replanted trees where appropriate 
  • Remodeled 3 cabins including new bathrooms and flooring 
  • Upgraded and fixed our outdoor low ropes course 
  • Replanted grass and leveled our soccer field 
  • Continued work on our beautiful Panagia Chapel 
  • Refinanced our mortgage 
  • Began developing our long-term plan for space utilization & design 
  • Updated our website to include e-commerce capabilities for our Candle Ministry 

We have done all of this with anticipation of re-opening the retreat center for you. Starting in October, we will be able to host 4 families safely at any one time. We will be strictly following CDC and local SC guidelines. If interested in relaxing and reconnecting with God and your family in a retreat setting, going to Church services - please email to reserve your spot. 

In addition to making a donation, we would like to also request that you and your family remember the DRC Staff, Board, and all the ministries in your prayers. If you have kids that have gone to St. Stephens Camp, it would be great to ask them to light a candle and say a prayer for all of us as we get ready to have camp again next year. 

Donate Today

Thank you for your constant expression of love toward our wonderful DRC. 

With a grateful heart,

Mark G. Moraitakis
DRC Board Co-Chair 


COVID-19 Resources

How to Survive With 2020 Vision

2020 has been a very tough year!

~ a once in a lifetime deadly COVID-19 pandemic
~ forced isolation and separation from each other
~ a shutdown of our churches and businesses
~ the closure of schools
~ unprecedented health and financial difficulties
~ a very divided country
~ contentious elections and political climate
~ significant civil unrest
~ a polarizing press and media
~ negative and divisive social media attacks
~ disruptive mobs
~ higher depression, suicide and murder rates
~ increased despair
~ and the list goes on and on...

No one has escaped this unprecedented combination of horribly disruptive crises. Some believe that, from now on, "2020" will be used to describe something messed up or bad (e.g., "sorry you're experiencing a 2020").

However, this year has also allowed us to have 2020 “perfect” vision about many things. 2020 vision is the gold standard of absolute clarity of what is both near and far.

So, how can we make it through the rest of this difficult year and have a better life and attitude? When the COVID-19 pandemic is just the story that you tell, what will be the story that you tell?

We will discuss 3 practical, proven, and theologically supported things you can do right now in your life to make it better. We will also RESPECTFULLY discuss some of the "challenges" we are experiencing and must overcome with a "mistake maestro," someone who has done so many goofy things and made so many mistakes that his expertise is undeniable.

On Wednesday, October 7th, please join Stewardship Calling Live on Ancient Faith Radio by logging into: starting at 8:00 p.m. Eastern (7 Central – 6 Mountain – 5 pacific). These 3 answers on how to survive and thrive for the rest of this year as we acquire 2020 vision for a better tomorrow and 2021 are inspired by the Holy Gospel and have been validated by science and in real life.

You can also let your voice be heard by calling: 1-855-AFRADIO (1-855-237-2346) or by joining the chat room at:

Please share the following flyer for this program with your family, friends, community or anyone who may need some help getting through these troubled times: 2020 VISION FLYER

Have a blessed day.

Bill Marianes


Parish Council Elections in the Time of COVID-19

September 18, 2020

To the Reverend Clergy, the Parish Council Presidents, and Parish Council Officers of the Metropolis of Atlanta:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

I pray that this message finds you well. Out of pastoral love and guidance, His Eminence has made the decision, in concert with the 2020 Clergy-Laity Congress, to forego Parish Council nominations and elections for the coming year (unless otherwise deemed necessary by the Metropolis of Atlanta). This, the Metropolis feels, will allow the current leadership, including officers, to guide their communities through the quickly evolving circumstances of the COVID-19 era. In this way, irrespective of the remainder of the term length, every Parish Council member will serve for an additional year to ensure a smooth transitional process. Current officers will serve an additional year, and clergy will administer the Oath of Office for all Parish Council members in early January.

For the time being, Parish boards of auditors may be nominated and elected during General Parish Assemblies as usual. Additionally, provided the safety precautions are maintained, the number of parishioners needed to convene General Parishes Assemblies may be constituted by both those faithful who have chosen to attend church in person, as well as those parishioners who wish to participate from their homes over video-conferencing.

Thank you for your understanding, your willingness to adapt, and your continued service to our parish communities,

Faithfully yours,

+ Very Rev. Fr. George Tsahakis


New OCAMPR website and COVID-19 Resources

Christ is in our midst! In response to the challenges we are facing in our communities, country, and worldwide, OCAMPR is reaching out to provide assistance to care professionals at this time.  Please visit the new OCAMPR website and our COVID-19 Resources page: It contains links to the best resources for healthcare professionals as we serve our clients, patients, and parishes. Consider contributing useful information that you have found or developed. We are in the process of developing additional resources that might be useful.

We’re particularly interested in supporting the professionals on the frontlines, many of whom are carrying additional risks and burdens. It is easy to be overworked and isolated specifically as the stresses and complexities of care-providing increase.  

Visit our Support for Frontline Professionals page: Here you may sign up for prayer support, receive a daily quote and reflection, or share your work experiences. Please share these resources with anyone whom you think might benefit.

We know that these are unique times for all of us, and we also know that we have been invited to provide important care at this time. OCAMPR seeks to support each healthcare professional because we do not need to respond alone. If you have any questions, comments, or specific needs that OCAMPR can assist you with at this time, do not hesitate to reach out to us at We seek to bear one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2) at this time as we offer our skills and services in faith and in love.

May our God of mercy, compassion, and love, through the prayers of His Most Holy Mother, Sts. Kosmas and Damian, St. Luke the Physician, and all the Saints be with all of you in the Lenten Season.

in Christ,

OCAMPR Executive Board


Youth, Education and Hellenic Culture

For information on Policies for the Safety of Youth and Children, please click!  Please remember that all parishes must comply and sign their parish contracts by December 1 to host any youth ministry programs or events on the parish level (Sunday School) or to participate on a District or Metropolis Level Events (Retreats, WYR & HDF).


September 9, 2020

My Brothers in the Lord,

I greet you with love and joy in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! I pray that we all experienced a blessed and joyous feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos.

As we enter this period of the new Ecclesiastical Year, the Metropolis turns its attention to those beautiful events: the Winter Youth Rally & Hellenic Dance Festival. Both WYR and HDF remain committed to safe environments for our Metropolis faithful to come together in fellowship, worship, and dance. Indeed, the Metropolis continues to closely monitor the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, in accordance with CDC, State and Federal Guidelines. 

Therefore it is with a heavy but clear heart that I write to inform you, based on the recommendation from both the WYR Committee & the HDF Executive Committee(in consultation with our Metropolis Administration, and the Clergy Syndesmos) we feel the safest and most prudent decision is to cancel this year’s Winter Youth Rally, and the Hellenic Dance Festival for 2021.

While this news must surely come as a disappointment, please know that your WYR and HDF teams are working diligently, in coordination with the Metropolis Youth Office, to prepare a few educational events, webinars and opportunities, which will allow us to celebrate our Hellenic Culture and Faith, while observing proper safety measures. 

Thanking all the Metropolis faithful--grandparents, parents, and children--for theircontinued patience, and encouraging our continued prayerful intercessions to our Most-Holy Mother, I remain,
Paternally yours with love and blessings in the Lord,
+ A L E X I O S
Metropolitan of Atlanta


 Family Life Ministry

A growing branch of Family Life Ministry and generously powered by Leadership 100, Engage Orthodoxy is a place for anyone to find Orthodox Christian Content curated by a thoughtful and intentional administrative team.

“Engage Orthodoxy” is not only the name of this new site, but it is also the name of a movement away from division and towards unity. Engage Orthodoxy is a movement towards community, involvement, Orthodox friendships, and relationships. EO seeks to bring the the faithful, the curious, the lost, and the searching TOWARDS their faith and Christ and in turn, towards each other. Engage Orthodoxy is a movement forward into the future of the faith. Join us as we move toward Christ, toward each other, and toward the church.

For more information, or to order “Woven: An Interactive Book for the Modern Teenage Girl on Orthodox Christianity” please visit,

We also share with you helpful links from the OCN and the Family Life Ministry of the Metropolis of Atlanta.


Journey of Marriage (Pre-Marital Seminar)

All couples marrying in the Metropolis must attend a Metropolis-sponsored Journey of Marriage seminar prior to their wedding. The couple will present their certificate of completion to their parish priest after the seminar.

To see the full list of seminars in Florida and in our entire Metropolis for 2020 and beyond, and to register, please visit:

Registration is online.  Materials costs are included in the registration.  The seminars are currently being conducted by Zoom meeting.


 The Strategic Plan

 Updates to  

 Have you gone to the website to find completed materials covering Stewardship or Outreach, Best Educational Materials or Youth Worker Training?

Now you can watch videos in each of these 4 areas to learn from the experts!

Workshops at the 2019 Metropolis Clergy-Laity Assembly in Jacksonville, Florida on these topics were videotaped to provide additional materials to help parishes in these areas.

The Stewardship Training video can be found here:

 The Best Education Materials Training video can be found here:

The Outreach, Evangelism, and Philanthropy Training video can be found here:

The Youth Worker Program Training Video can be found here:


Take a look at the online portal.

Vist to view a list of the completed goals.



Greek Orthodox Archdiocese News

Fr. Romanos Karanos Receives Highest Church Music Award


During the virtual Annual Meeting of the National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians, Rev. Romanos Karanos received the prestigious Medallion of St. Romanos the Melodist for Exemplary Archdiocesan Church Music Accomplishments.

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Petitions UN Experts to Hold Turkey Accountable for Violating Cultural and Religious Rights


The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America announced today that it is petitioning the United Nations Experts to hold the Republic of Turkey accountable for its deliberate policies to erase the cultural heritage of Orthodox Christians.

Fall Meeting of the Holy Eparchial Synod


On September 28th, 2020, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America convened a regularly scheduled Holy Eparchial Synod meeting via a teleconference in order to review the up-to-date matters of the Agenda.

More Than 1,200 Delegates and Observers Participate in Virtual 45th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress


The theme of the Congress, “…the greatest of these is love” exemplified the words and the spirit of the apresenters as the Covid-19 pandemic forced the Congress to be held “virtually.”

Assembly of Bishops News

Statement of the Chairman of the Assembly of Bishops On the Tragic Explosions in Beirut, Lebanon


We express our deep sorrow at the devastation created by the explosions in Beirut. We mourn for the people of Lebanon, who now face an additional challenge in this time of great crisis.

Statement on the Tragic Conversion of Hagia Sophia from Museum to Mosque


We, the Executive Committee of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, protest the decision of the civil courts in Turkey, as well as the clear direction of their government, to re-convert Hagia Sophia into a mosque. As citizens of the United States of America, we implore our government to intervene for the reversal of this decision. Furthermore, we urge the Turkish government to return to the status quo whereby Hagia Sophia remains a museum, respecting both its origins and history.

Assembly of Bishops Releases Guidelines and Considerations for Safer Orthodox Church Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic


As parishes open their doors, and faithful around the country return to church, the Assembly of Bishops' COVID-19 Task Force - comprised of priests, public health professionals, risk management experts, and lawyers - has produced updated Guidelines and Considerations for Safer Orthodox Church Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA Continues to Minister to the Incarcerated through Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry During Covid-19


Despite the unprecedented challenges caused by the global coronavirus pandemic, Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM), an agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA, has maintained its ministerial connection to Orthodox men and women in jails and prisons across the United States.

Assembly of Bishops’ Executive Committee Calls All to Prayer for Justice and Peace during Nationwide Civil Unrest


We stand in unequivocal solidarity and peaceful protest with all those who condemn racism and inequality, which betray the spirit of democracy in our nation, i.e. “one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”. At the same time, we denounce all expressions of violence and revenge, including those despoiling and detracting from peaceful demonstrations.

Learn About the Assembly of Bishops Live on Ancient Faith Radio


Tune in to a live interview with the current Secretary, Metropolitan Gregory, the initial Secretary, Mary Arey, and the Director of Operations, Nicholas Anton, to learn about the past, present, and future of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America.

A Nationwide Approach of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA for the Staged Reopening of Churches during the COVID-19 Pandemic


We have heard the pained cry of the Faithful who, although faithful in their devotion, as witnessed by virtual participation in broadcast services and their continuing stewardship support of the Church, have felt an intense separation from Holy Eucharist and their Communities.

A Video Compilation of Pascha (Easter) from Home During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic


During a painful time of forced separation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Orthodox Christians united as the one Body of Christ worshiping from home. This short compilation highlights creative ways the faithful celebrated Holy Week and Pascha (Easter) in 2020!

ACOB-USA Releases a Video Message of Solidarity During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Unable to gather in person for Holy Week, the heads of jurisdictions joined together to send you a message of solidarity from their homes to yours!

Statement of the ACOB-USA Executive Committee Concerning Holy Week and Pascha (Easter)


After consultation with public health officials, law enforcement, theologians, and pastoral care professionals, we, members of the Executive Committee, have reached a consensus concerning Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Pascha (Easter) and strongly encourage all Bishops of the Assembly to implement the following recommendations

Assembly of Bishops USA Announces COVID-19 Resource Center for Orthodox Christians


The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA announces a resource center for clergy and faithful during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Statement to the Faithful On Church Attendance and Best Practices during the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic


Responding to the rapid spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), and as your Bishops and Spiritual Fathers, we must be very clear and emphatic about one thing: it is not a sin to refrain from church services or sacraments during this time of pandemic.

Encyclical for the Sunday of Orthodoxy


While we process with the icons in our churches, our celebration should not be merely a remembrance of a past event with significance only for those who inherited it as a cultural tradition. We must remember that the valiant martyrs and confessors that struggled in defense of the icons did not do so to defend an esoteric theological formula but to proclaim the Faith that 'established the universe.'

Mission Sunday 2020


Sunday, March 1st, has been designated Mission Sunday by the Hierarchs of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States. Missions lies at the very core of our Orthodox tradition. The Church was founded on a spirit of sharing the Good News of Christ’s Resurrection with the world so that all people, in every nation, may partake of salvation and restoration through Him.

Executive Committee of the Assembly of Bishops Recommits to Orthodox Unity in the USA


The Executive Committee of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America met today, under the chairmanship of Archbishop Elpidophoros, to discuss the state of Orthodox Christian unity in the USA. Recognizing the challenges in global Orthodoxy, the jurisdictional representatives reiterated their commitment to the local faithful of America and rededicated themselves to fulfilling the call for canonical normalcy and pastoral unity on contemporary issues.

The North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation Releases New Agreed Statement on the Vocation and Mission of the People of God


More than five years in the making, this new text takes a different approach to ecumenical dialogue: instead of addressing together an issue that has prevented full communion between the churches, here the Catholic and Orthodox theologians examine together challenges that affect both churches, in this case the role of the laity in the two traditions and the problem of clericalism.

North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation Convenes for 96th Meeting


The North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation commenced its 96th meeting today at the St. Methodios Faith and Heritage Center. The high-level consultation is the oldest and longest-running in the world and meets biannually to discuss theological differences and commonalities between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches. The agenda will address vocation and ministry, inter-Christian marriage, Synodality, and respective Church updates.

Fast Questions and Fast Answers about American Orthodox Christian Monasteries


There are eighty Orthodox Christian monasteries in the USA which represent great variety of ethnic and liturgical traditions. In fact, America is, probably, the only place in the world where - within the same country - one can visit Greek, Russian, Romanian, Serbian Orthodox monasteries and experience their different 'ethnic' liturgical styles, worship practices, church architecture, musicology and iconography.

Statement on the Sanctity of Life


The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America affirms the sanctity of life based on the firm conviction that life begins at the moment of conception. The Assembly remains steadfast in its conviction that any interference in the development of life is a serious issue, and therefore it regularly participates in a variety of relevant events and also releases pertinent statements on the topic.

Fast Questions and Fast Answers about the Geography of Orthodoxy in America


Fast Questions and Fast Answers about the Geography of Orthodoxy in America is the second essay in a group of mini-reports about Orthodox Church life in America. Surprising, stimulating, and, at the same time, important facts about the geographic distribution of Orthodox parishes and church members in America are discussed in this essay.

Fast Questions and Fast Answers about American Orthodox Bishops


Based on questions that American Orthodox hierarchs often receive from clergy and parishioners, this essay offers readers plenty of interesting facts about their lives as Bishops, as well as who they are as people.

New Map of Bishops and Parishes Available on the Assembly Website


A new map, Orthodox Bishops and Parishes in the United States, is now available on the Assembly's website. The updated map shows: a) locations, names and jurisdictions of all active Orthodox bishops in the United States and b) the total number of Orthodox parishes in each county.

Orthodox Christian Churches in 21st Century America: A Parish Life Study


The study 'Orthodox Christian Churches in 21st Century America' offers a comprehensive picture of the lives of local American Orthodox parishes, including such aspects as membership, worship, programs, religious education, youth, usage of electronic technologies, and much more. In addition, the study also addressed the crucial question: 'How are Orthodox Christian parishes faring today among the many other American local religious communities?'