Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
Publish Date: 2021-02-14
Bulletin Contents
Organization Icon
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

General Information

  • Phone:
  • (412)366-8700
  • Fax:
  • (412)366-8710
  • Street Address:

  • 985 Providence Blvd.

  • Pittsburgh, PA 15237-5951

Contact Information

Services Schedule

Worship Schedule

8:15 a.m. Orthros

9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy

Worship Locations:

Sunday worship location: Holy Trinity Church, 985 Providence Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA 15237

Weekday/Feast Day worship location: St. George Chapel, 8941 Ringeisen Rd., Allison Park, PA

Past Bulletins

Hymns of the Day

Resurrectional Apolytikion in the Third Tone

Let the heavens rejoice and the earth be glad, for the Lord has shown the power of His reign; He has conquered death by death, and become the first born of the dead. He has delivered us from the depths of Hades; and has granted to the world great mercy. (Page 52)

Apolytikion for Auxentios of the Mountain in the First Tone

As a citizen of the desert and an angel incarnate * and a wonder-worker you shone forth, O Afxentios, our God-bearing father. * Since you received the spiritual gifts * by fasting and vigilance and prayer, * you can cure those who are ailing and heal the souls * of those who run to you with faith. * Glory to Him who gave His might to you, * glory to Him who placed a crown on you; * glory to Him who operates through you, providing cures to all.

Seasonal Kontakion in the Second Tone

A protection of Christians unshameable, Intercessor to our Holy Maker, unwavering; reject not the prayerful cries of those who are in sin. Instead, come to us for you are good; your loving help bring unto us who are crying in faith to you: Hasten to intercede and speed now to supplicate, as a protection for all time, Theotokos, for those who honor you. (Page 54)

Saints and Feasts

February 14

Sunday of the Canaanite

February 14

Abraham, Bishop of Carrhes in Mesopotamia

Saint Abraham, Bishop of Carrhes, lived during the mid-fourth and early fifth centuries, and was born in the city of Cyrrhus. In his youth he entered a monastery. Later he became a hermit in Lebanon, a place where many pagans lived. Saint Abraham suffered much vexation from the pagans, who wanted to expel him from their area. He once saw tax-collectors beating those who were unable to pay. Moved to pity, he paid the taxes for them, and those people later accepted Christ. The Christian inhabitants of this village built a church and they fervently besought Saint Abraham to accept the priesthood and become their pastor. The monk fulfilled their wish. Having encouraged his flock in the faith, he left them in place of himself another priest, and he again retired to a monastery. For his deep piety he was made bishop of Carrhes. The emperor Theodosius the Younger wanted to meet the bishop and made him an invitation. After he arrived in Constantinople, Saint Abraham soon died. His remains were solemnly transferred to the city of Carrhes and there given over to burial.

February 14

Holy Father Afxentios of the Mountain

This Saint, who was from the East, lived during the reign of Saint Theodosius the Younger. In 442 he enlisted in the Fourth Military Company of the Scholarii, that is, the Imperial Guard. Afterwards, he became a monk on a certain mountain in Bithynia (which later took his name), not far from Chalcedon. On becoming the archimandrite of the monastics gathered there, and proving himself to be most enduring in asceticism and most Orthodox in his faith, he reposed during the reign of the Emperor Leo the Great of Thrace, who reigned from 457 to 474.

February 14

Cyril, Equal-to-the-Apostles & Teacher of the Slavs

Saint Cyril was born in Thessaloniki in the early 9th century to pious parents. His family was one of only a few Byzantines in Thessaloniki at that time since it was largely populated by Slavs. Growing up in this situation, Cyril learned the Slavonic language, which later in life would serve him and the Church at large. He continued his education in Constantinople with his brother Methodios (see May 11th), each taking to their particular interests: Methodios in politics, and Cyril in philosophy and teaching.

The two brothers were approached in 850 by Saint Photios the Great (see February 6th) to lead a diplomatic mission to the Khazars, the people who inhabited the western shore of the Caspian Sea. Cyril and Methodios accepted this mission and departed to the North. After the success of this trip, the brothers lived for a time in a monastery on Mount Olympus where Methodios became a monk. At this time the brothers utilized their childhood Slavonic education to develop a written alphabet for the Slavonic language, which to this time had never existed. This alphabet became known as the Glagolithic Alphabet. On their own instigation, the brothers began translating the Gospels and liturgical service books into Slavonic.

Providentially, Cyril and Methodios were again called upon for a mission, this time to travel to Moravia to spread the Christian faith to King Rostislav (see May 11th) and his people. The brothers departed in 862, bringing with them their Slavonic alphabet and service books. After five years of service, the brothers made their way to Rome in 867 to have members of their company ordained to the priesthood to aid in the missionary journey. The group of missionaries celebrated the Divine Liturgy in Rome in the Slavonic language for the very first time with members of their party being ordained as they intended. While in Rome, Cyril fell deathly ill. He was tonsured a monk and died. His brother Methodios continued their missionary work, utilizing the Glagolthic Alphabet. Cyril and his brother Methodios are commemorated together on May 11th.

February 14

Nicholas the New Martyr of Corinth

Saint Nicholas was born in 1520 in the mountain village Psari of Corinth. At the age of 12, he was orphaned from both parents and like many of his fellow villagers, he moved to Sylivria in eastern Thrace. He worked as an itinerant grocer, married a Christian and had children. The poverty he had experienced during his childhood and his impeccable character led him to give charity to all the people, regardless of their religion. His generosity turned his compatriots against him with envy. Sinan, the eparch of Constantinople, one of the cruelest persecutors of Christians, arrested him and tortured him for days trying to persuade him to renounce his faith. Nicholas vigorously kept his strong faith and was executed by beheading in 1554.


Gospel and Epistle Readings

Epistle Reading

Prokeimenon. Third Tone. Psalm 46.6,1.
Sing praises to our God, sing praises.
Verse: Clap your hands, all you nations.

The reading is from St. Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians 6:16-18; 7:1.

Brethren, you are the temple of the living God; as God said, "I will live in them and move among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Therefore come out from them, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch nothing unclean; then I will welcome you, and I will be a father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."

Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, and make holiness perfect in the fear of God.

Gospel Reading

Sunday of the Canaanite
The Reading is from Matthew 15:21-28

At that time, Jesus went to the district of Tyre and Sidon. And behold, a Canaanite woman from that region came out and cried, "Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is severely possessed by a demon." But he did not answer her a word. And his disciples came and begged him, saying, "Send her away, for she is crying after us." He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." But she came and knelt before him, saying, "Lord, help me." And he answered, "It is not fair to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs." She said, "Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table." Then Jesus answered her, "O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire." And her daughter was healed instantly.


Bulletin Inserts

    Weekly Bulletin - Sunday, February 14, 2021

    Weekly Bulletin - Sunday, February 14, 2021

    Weekly Bulletin - Sunday, February 14, 2021

    Holy Trinity E-Giving Guide

    Holy Trinity E-Giving Guide

    We have expanded our opportunities to do so and now have a number of ways. The first way is that you can continue to bring or mail your donations to the church using the offering/capital campaign envelopes. The second way is Give By Web - the online method on the church’s website. Go to, or from the home page click on the Online Giving Tab, then click Give and simply enter your information. The third way is Give By Text, which is as easy as sending a text with the amount you would like to donate to 833-955-2176. You will receive a confirmation link immediately via text. The fourth way is Give By App using the Vanco GivePlus app, found in the App Store and on Google Play. Find information on it and more at


Wisdom of the Fathers

She had a great perfection of faith. She had no uncertainty about His divine majesty. She had no small measure of the virtue of patience. Yet the pitying Physician of the pitiful disdained her petitions. He kept her waiting for answer in order to demonstrate to us the perseverance of this woman that we can always imitate. She had the characteristics of constancy and humility. She willingly embraced the indignity she received, and even confirmed the Lord`s statement. This woman rightly signifies the faith and devotion of the Church gathered from the nations.
Saint Bede
Hom. I. 22, In Lent, Homilies on the Gospels, Bk. One, 216, 217.

He kept her waiting for an answer in order to declare that the minds of His disciples should also be merciful. As human beings they were ashamed of the clamor of the woman as she pursued them publicly, but He Himself knew the character of His mercy.
St. Bede
Hom. I. 22, In Lent, Homilies on the Gospels, Bk. One, 216


Parish News and Events


WORSHIP - All Services Continuing as Previously Announced

  • 50% Capacity. No Reservations Required. No Age Restrictions.
  • Masks and Physical Distance Required. Must be observed by all in attendance.


  • Coffee Hour and In-person Meetings have resumed – with safety precautions in place.


  • Church School classes have resumed – with previously announced safety precautions in place.




Memorial Today

Memorial prayers will be offered at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy today for the repose of the soul of the servant of God, Harriet Navarro (40 days). May her memory be eternal!


GOYA Community Valentine’s Brunch-To-Go Orders - Pickup TODAY

Even though current restrictions prohibit us all sitting down together in the Grand Room, Holy Trinity GOYA has continued its “Find A Way” attitude to still be able to offer its annual Valentine’s Day Community Brunch. Many thanks to those who have placed orders in advance. They will be available TODAY IN THE GALLERY following Divine Liturgy. Net proceeds from this event go to the Metropolitan Maximos Endowment for Youth and Young Adult Ministries. Anyone wishing to make additional donations to the endowment may do so today also. THANK YOU for supporting our youth!


Coffee Hour, In-Person Meetings and Church School Classes Continuing – With Precautions

Reflecting changes in local civil and school guidance regarding recent restrictions, we are glad to announce that Coffee Hour, in-person meetings and Church School classes will continue – with appropriate precautions in place. Physical distancing, masks and capacity limits of 50% remain in place. Please also note that until we resume full Coffee Hours, sponsorships are not available, as the offerings will be limited to coffee and juice. Hopefully this crisis is beginning to end … let’s stay the course and not let down our guard! Thank you for your cooperation, understanding and desire to keep this community and all who participate in its worship and life safe.


Please Follow Parish Council Seating/Spacing Instructions…and THANK YOU for Your Cooperation!

Your Parish Council members are volunteers you have selected to take an important role in the leadership of Holy Trinity parish life. One of the unexpected responsibilities that has entered their list of duties this year is to provide guidance and directions during the COVID pandemic. Therefore, since they are responsible for monitoring capacity, spacing, entrance, dismissals and more in order to have us all maintain best practices in all these areas, thank you for continuing to respect their guidance with your respectful cooperation when it comes to entering the church, where to sit and how to enter, exit for process in lines. Want to go a step farther? Take a moment to thank them for stepping up in these challenging times!




“Faith and Family WEEKDAYS” This Week

  • Daily: Prayer Partners. Have you remembered your prayer partner every day? Especially in these times! Please maintain the prayer partner you received last. When we are all together again, we will distribute new cards.


[Feb 18] Saint Nikodemos Men’s Prayer Fellowship Resuming – 5-Week Series

Men, are you tired of just working on work and are you ready to recharge working on your spiritual life as husbands and fathers? It starts with prayer. The Saint Nikodemos Men’s “Prayer and Panera” Fellowship is resuming its morning prayer and fellowship meetings for the Spring. All men in the parish are invited to participate. The group meets at church promptly at 7:00am for a 15-20-minute morning prayer and scripture. Prior to our current situation, it would then relocate up the hill to Panera for 30-45 minutes of coffee, breakfast and Christian men’s conversation on living as a Christian man in today’s world, but depending on developments we may remain in the Gallery for discussion to start – to be determined at the meeting. Either way – or even if you can’t stay for discussion after - it’s time to return to prayer and fellowship with your brothers in Christ. Change up your morning. Give it a try! Meetings will be held at 7:00am on Feb. 18, Mar. 4, Mar. 18, Apr. 1 and Apr. 15. Brought to you by the “Faith and Family Weekdays Ministries” of Holy Trinity Church.


[Feb 23] Saint Lydia Women’s Study Ministry Resuming – 5-Week Series: “Renewing You”

Ladies, are you ready to share in some good fellowship and spiritual growth with your sisters in Christ? Do you need some time with other women of faith? Do you just want to shake off COVID stagnation and move your spiritual and personal life forward? The Saint Lydia Women’s Study Ministry is one of the longest-running fellowship and study ministries of Holy Trinity Church and is there for you. It is open to women of all ages. It will be offering a 5-week series using a new Orthodox book, “Renewing You” by Father Nicholas and Dr. Roxanne Louh. Topics include “Make Faith Your Foundation”; “Find Victory Over Your Vices”; “Turn Your Trials Into Triumphs”; “Equip Your Children” and more. To address everyone’s needs and preferences, the meetings will be conducted in hybrid mode, with those able and willing to safely gather in the Fireside Room invited to meet in person, and those preferring to remain online participating via Zoom, since our Fireside Room is set up for video conferencing. Advance registration is required for Zoom participating by visiting The book will be available for purchase by contacting Stacy Dickos at Meeting dates are Tuesday from 7:00-8:00pm on Feb. 23, Mar. 9, Mar. 23, April 6 and April 20. Hope to see you there in person or online! Brought to you by the “Faith and Family Weekdays Ministries” of Holy Trinity Church.


[Feb 21] Philoptochos Meeting

The Ladies Philoptochos Meeting will be held next Sunday, February 21 beginning at 6:30pm via Zoom. The Philoptochos hopes that you will attend this meeting. Topics include the budget and other important items related to the essential work of this philanthropic ministry. Thank you!


[Mar 6, 13, 20] Saturdays of Souls        

Preceding the start of Lent and during the first week of Lent, the Church offers the “Saturdays of the Souls” to commemorate those who have fallen sleep in the Lord. These memorial services are traditionally held at our Saint George Chapel located at Holy Trinity Cemetery. However, due to current safety/space requirements, services will be temporarily relocated this year to Holy Trinity Church. Orthros is at 8:30am followed by Divine Liturgy at 9:30am and the Memorial Service. This year, Saturday of the Souls services will be offered on Saturday March 6, 13 and 20. Please see the flyer in the February edition of the Herald or download the form from our website ( to submit names for commemoration and be sure to attend and commemorate your departed loved ones.


Host Ministries/Families Still Needed for Bag Lunches - Please volunteer your family or group to help!

Please see Mike Kritiotis today, or contact him at 412-518-0588, or at to sign up your family/group/ministry for this worthy cause to help the poor and hungry in our region. Sponsored through the Orthodox outreach of the “Neighborhood Resilience Project”, the 2021 weekly schedule of delivering 140 lunch bags to our less fortunate neighbors every Saturday of the year, has many open dates available. Holy Trinity Church’s participation has been critical in fulfilling this goal in the past, and we are grateful for our parishioners’ renewed generosity.


Reminder: Holy Trinity Church Completion and 2023 Consecration Campaign Underway

As was reported previously, at its November 10, 2020 meeting the General Assembly unanimously approved the Church Completion and Consecration proposal.  Plans are now moving forward to complete the necessary items so Holy Trinity Church can be consecrated by the end of 2023. This is historically significant because 2023 also celebrates the 100th Anniversary of the founding of Holy Trinity Church. The plan provides for completing all of the items required for consecration including: completing the remaining iconography in the Church and Narthex; installation of numerous items of handcrafted ecclesiastical wood furnishings, most notably a permanent iconostasis and required new Holy Altar table; Altar furnishings and other liturgically required items for the Consecration; and more appropriate seating to replace the temporary chairs in the Church. A very realistic plan to raise the needed monies for the project over the next 3 years has been developed. It comprises a combination of funds from the Greek Festival and catering income, as well as parishioner donations, and all without incurring loans or bank financing, so we will remain debt-free having now paid off the mortgage.

We are praying that all of our members will pledge what they are able to over the 2021–2023 timeframe to fund the completion of our Church for its Consecration in 2023. We need to get started on this project now so that it is completed on time.  So we ask that you please fill out the center section of the “ONE HOLY TRINITY” Pledge Card with your Church Completion and Consecration Campaign pledge amounts for 2021-2023. Please do your part as a member of the Holy Trinity family on this important project – you’ll be glad you did! We will be publishing a list with the names of those who have pledged for this Campaign in the coming months.

If there are any questions in the meantime, please feel free to speak with Jim Balouris, Charlie Petredis or George Dickos.  May God continue to richly bless His Holy Church!


Stewardship Update

The 2021 Holy Trinity Stewardship Pledge Cards have been distributed and all Holy Trinity Stewards should complete one immediately. If you have not yet received a 2021 pledge card or are new to Holy Trinity, additional pledge cards can be found at the Welcome Table located in the Narthex of the church. And remember, a signed pledge card is required as part of maintaining your membership in good standing at Holy Trinity Church each year. We are grateful for your commitment. Questions? Contact Stewardship Co-chairmen Mike Kritiotis or Ted Stewart or email


Upcoming Lenten and Paschal Dates

Wondering about Lenten and Paschal dates? Here’s a helpful guide to some of the important events coming up. Mark them on your calendar!

-          Meatfare Sunday (Last day of eating meat): March 7

-          Cheesefare/Forgiveness Sunday (Last day of eating dairy): March 14

-          Pure Monday (Lent begins): March 15



Calendar of Events

  • Holy Trinity Parish Calendar

    February 14 to February 28, 2021

    Sunday, February 14

    8:15AM Orthros

    9:30AM Divine Liturgy

    10:45AM + Harriet Navarro Memorial (40 days)

    Wednesday, February 17

    6:30PM "Explore the Word" Bible Study

    Thursday, February 18

    7:00AM Prayer and Panera - Men's Prayer and Breakfast Fellowship

    Sunday, February 21

    8:15AM Orthros

    9:30AM Divine Liturgy

    Tuesday, February 23

    7:00PM Saint Lydia Women's Study Fellowship

    Wednesday, February 24

    6:30PM "Explore the Word" Bible Study

    Sunday, February 28

    8:15AM Orthros

    9:30AM Divine Liturgy